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I know its too easy, but I adore this game so much. The incredible atmosphere, silky smooth combat and platforming, the fantastic spritework and little details make it so timeless and easy to just pick up and enjoy.
Didn't really find it easier than the others, if anything it has some trickier platforming
feel the music takes a downgrade compared to 1/3. the graphics are good for the time but something about the art style makes it a lot less appealing to me than the nes games. having a directional whip sure it nice though
Play holiness update, brother.

>feel the music takes a downgrade compared to 1/3
True. The weird muffled MIDI jazz is extremely unappealing and knocks the whole game down several pegs.
Imagine your entire life consisting of making /vr/ threads about Nintendo games where you integrate "subtle" bashes in the OP and then samefagging the entire day
Nah. The music Is fantastic for the more moody/atmospheric vibe the game is going for. If the entire soundtrack was like the NES games it wouldn't fit at all. And the audiovisual presentation is really what carries the experience since the gameplay is weaker than usual.
>since the gameplay is weaker than usual.
It's not which is why it was as popular as it was

Keep rotting on your dead board and autistically integrating sneak disses in your posts though
The art style and fidelity are incredible, esp when you get to the castle. The rolling storm clouds, the wood bridge that moves as you walk on it, the swinging chandelier with candles that animate in the proper direction it swings in, the old man weeping over his dog, the waterfalls that splash when simon walks through them, just astounding for a game from 91.
Literally better than Chrono Trigger
Schizo post.
It was that popular because it was an early SNES title and it was more of a platformer and easy enough for anyone to beat. Just look at the reception of a much better classicvania like Dracula X, which came too late and was way too hard and conservative in its gameplay design for most SNES owners.
>Just look at the reception of a much better classicvania like Dracula X
ok now i know youre baiting
Skill issue.
It will never work.
This is a remarkably shit poll. Not a single vote for the original Castlevania, or even Bloodlines, Aria that low etc.
Rondo, IV and SOTN always are on the top anyway.
Anti-IV propaganda is funny though. Futile, but funny.
Yeah, weird meme list, and why so much love for chronicles :D
The new generation on PAL Super NES?
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>Super Mario World is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>A Link to the Past is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>MegaMan X is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>Super Metroid is much easier than its predecessor
No one gives a fuck
>Final Fantasy IV is much easier than its predecessors
No one gives a fuck
>Super Castlevania IV is much easier than its predecessors
Everyone loses their minds
or the games a forced revamp/soft remake
I don’t know how you guys can call this easy. I only made it to Dracula back in the day and that took a while. On the SNES mini I couldn’t beat it without abusing save states.
I almost found Dracula X easier but I’ve never beaten it, even with save states.
Retarded post. The issue with CV4 isn't just being easier, Rondo is much easier than the old games but people love it. Now Imagine if in Mega Man X you could shoot in 8 directions, shoot while crouching, and also your buster worked as a shield. That's closer to how CV4 undermines the core gameplay of Castlevania with its dumbass overpowered whip.
Good points. If anything Castlevania is known to be hard because of trolling enemy placement and archaic knock back mechanics. CIV mitigated some of that and people lost their god damned minds. God forbid you have fun playing a game. Funny thing is that SotN is by far the easiest Castlevania game up to that point and I’d say to a fault but it’s still lauded as the best. There is no winning with these people.
>now imagine if Super Mario World featured a cape, Yoshi...
>Just look at the reception of a much better classicvania like Dracula X
I really hate contrarianism has become the only way to engage conversation in this god-forsaken website.
Dracula X on SNES was fucked because most of the work done on it became lost after the 1995 Kobe Earthquake destroyed hardwafe for various Konami projects including that. The release-date wasn't changed and the final game was stitched together quickly under several hours of crunch and does not resemble whatever they originally intended for it.
>Shoot while crouching
Dash Shoot is that and it's even more powerful than regular shooting
>8 directions
Sting Chameleon does that, that weapon is aimable.
>Buster as Shield
You mean the charged Rolling Shield which trivializes segments such as the starting point of Sigma's Palace?
>Literally better than muffled MIDI orchestra and echo trumpets
Couldn't have set a lower bar if you tried. And, that doesn't make it good.
>console war fagging
>Castlevania IV makes subweapons almost useless
>Symphony makes them actually useless
Rondo is better. Fight me.
What pisses me off, is that we never got a sequal that plays as well as 4 does.
The knockback from flying enemies with totally erratic flying patterns in this game is absolutely maddening and borderline unfair. It's bullshit, not even a fair challenge like IV is, where every time you die it's YOUR fault.

I know people defend the stiff controls in games like Rondo, but when you are actually trying to platform they are god awful. I could never go back if after the smooth platforming of IV.
>boss weapons
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, right?
Boss weapons from bosses who die with little to no difficulty. Mega Man X is an extremely easy game compared to the 8bit games that came before but somehow people have an issue with CV4 for the whip, despite CV4 still being harder than Mega Man X by a fair bit. But people gotta regurgitate Arin Hanson's shit opinions I guess.
Again, it's not about difficulty. The point is that the idea behind the core gameplay of both Castlevania and Mega Man is remarkably similar. Your default weapon, being it the whip or the buster, is severely limited: you can only attack right in front of you and not above, below or at an angle, the whip has limited range and the buster can't hit enemies on the ground, etc. That's where subweapons and robot masters weapons fit into the equation, allowing you to make up for your default weapon's shortcomings. By powering up the whip excessively you make the subweapons useless, destroying the balance of the game, not unlike if in MM you could shoot in all directions. And it's not just about making subweapons useless, the whip in CV4 often completely invalidates the challenge. In many, many occasions you can just whip an enemy to death from a position where he cannot possibly hit you back. Without any kind of risk & reward that's just busywork, non-gameplay used to pad time. How often in Mega Man you're confronted with an enemy that literally cannot hit you?
>Funny thing is that SotN is by far the easiest Castlevania game up to that point and I’d say to a fault but it’s still lauded as the best.
1. people constantly complain about symphony being too easy
>symphony is amazing but...
2. symphony uses an entirely different format, people intuitively understand comparisons with the original castlevanias would be pointless.
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>where every time you die it's YOUR fault.
yes, I'm a little mixed on it in the context of the IV overall but the 8 way whipping absolutely deserved another game built from the ground up around it. I've always wondered about an igivania with an eightway whip done more in the style of super metroid's 8 way blaster.
>And it's not just about making subweapons useless, the whip in CV4 often completely invalidates the challenge
Most of the challenge in IV is focused on the platforming itself and not fighting both enemies and stiff controls. Idk why people can't appreciate this approach, it doesn't "undermine" the "point" of Castlevania as much as Igavania's but nobody cares in that situation.

It also depends on what you enjoyed out of the series and specifically those NES games. A lot of that, like the stiff movement, was unintentional I'd argue and fans just rallied around it anyways. Most purist "fans" aren't game critics either, and most of the difficulty of the NESvania isn't a fair challenge.
>Idk why people can't appreciate this approach
cviv is not a pure platforming game. when large swathes of a game are inneffectual people will be like huh yeah that was kind of weirdly designed.
>IV easy
More than 1 and 3? Yeah, not sure if more than 1 overall (holy water stunlock) but yeah you could say.
Easier than Rondo? Eh, I don't think so. Rondo is fairly easy, with a level design that emphasizes exploration rather than platforming. Stages 3 and 5 have some interesting platforming but only briefly. Bosses are in general the more difficult part of Rondo but that's only if you don't use the Bible.
I found IV harder overall, harder to beat in 1 credit for sure.
People still rank IV very high, same as Rondo, anyway, as both are great games.
The "people" you see online parroting anti-IV memes are just pseuds and posers, and youtubers who use "popular game actually bad" clickbait.
SMB3 already had zero difficulty.
ALttP is indeed a babby game, but that's the series new baseline.
MMX replaces that oldschool difficulty with cool and complicated manouvers.
Super Metroid is a different genre with different expectations of difficulty.
FF4 is known as a babby game, but people don't play FF to be challenged.
Castlevania 4 is the lone babby game in its series, and its fans have a huge chip on their shoulder about it.
>Castlevania 4 is the lone babby game in its series
ah yes SOTN that spectacularly difficult game, as well as other IGAvanias
Explain the anticipated port like Valis IV?
>and its fans have a huge chip on their shoulder about it.
Castlevania fans like the series in general.
The IV shitposting is mostly console warriors
>when large swathes of a game are inneffectual
such as....
For a game that was so praised in the 90s/00s its still weird to me that everyone went hard contrarian with it in the 10s to today.
It's more like a vocal minority. And to je fair, you have contrarians for every single popular/acclaimed thing nowadays. It's just the way the internet evolved.
Ban auster troon already, faggots
SC4 being a retelling of the first game is kinda weird. Simon's Quest ended with Dracula's hand popping out of his grave, and then SC4 opens with his gravestone bursting apart. It doesn't take that much to make it a Simon's Quest sequel.
>I know its too easy
You don't need to prostrate yourself for the approval of anonymous seething incel zoomer retards. You're allowed to just like a thing without qualifications.
CV1 has been remade like a bajillion times, it aint that weird. It's just weird they felt the need to call it IV rather than just "Super Castlevania."
In the original Akamatsu lore, Simon gets cursed at the end of CV1, which is why Drac's body gets split in 8 parts which Simon has to find in CV2 to unlift the curse.
IV is a sort of alternate retelling of the Simon story with a good ending, Drac dies and Simon doesn't get cursed, which is why Curse of Man doesn't appear (unless you count Gaibon as a sort of reference). Which makes sense since the IV team was the only CV team that was in direct contact with Akamatsu before he disappeared
The X68k and it's remake are both retellings as well.
And Castlevania Rebirth.
CV1 has been redone able half a dozen times.
Also CV has no consistent lore other then the Belmonts and Dracula existing. Whatever they want for that particular game is canon for that game.
Castlevania rebirth is a remake of Adventure.
another Treasurevania fan
Yes, I love Gunstar Heroes, Mischief Makers, Bangai-Oh and Sin and Punishment.
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Don't really care about whatever behind the scene rumor you have. Dracula X is simply better designed. It's tight NESvania level design + all the QoL features and revamped combat of Rondo rolled into one.
>The incredible atmosphere, silky smooth combat and platforming, the fantastic spritework
Lmao at all of these. I was shocked this bargain bin Vania is still considered a "classic". The graphics are mediocre at best next to Dracula X. The gameplay is similarly meh, though at least it goes down easy. All of 16 bit Vanias are really whatever, at least Dracula X / Rondo/ Bloodlines are closer to the roots. Fuck Treasure
>Rondo/ Bloodlines are closer to the roots.
lmao, not with how they disregard the trademark stair movement and how they add weird stuff like special attacks with i-frames, double jumps and getting rid of whip upgrades and subweapon ranks
>Fuck Treasure
ok, auster.
Rondo and Bloodlines are similarly experimental. Rondo emphasizes exploration and more dynamic combat and it's a preface to SotN, and Bloodlines is a faster paced action game that almost feels like Contra at times.
Oh no no, not the stairs movement, everyone's favorite thing in Castlevania
I thought auster liked Treasure? If he has a hate boner against Nintendo, then shouldn't he be a treasure fag? Or are those different people?
Yeah, totally, all of that is just as experimental as 8 direction whip. Sure anon, those are totally equivalent
>Oh no no, not the stairs movement, everyone's favorite thing in Castlevania
Being able to jump while climbing stairs just makes stairs not a factor anymore. Stairs were some of the most tense moments in CV 1&3.
Australia kun hates Treasure. Precisely because they made games for Nintendo.
>Yeah, totally, all of that is just as experimental as 8 direction whip. Sure anon, those are totally equivalent
Not that anon but yeah? I'd say level design is just as important as gameplay mechanics.
Rondo and Bloodlines also add new weird things that are a lot more OP than IV's whip, in the form of the Bible (screen-filling defense/offense, basically a "kill everything on screen" option) and Bloodlines's charged up whip, another screen-filling "kill everything on the screen" option.
All in all, all post-NES castlevanias changed stuff around. IV still is fiarly orthodox all things considered.
>4 is pretty orthodox
Ok I rest my case
Ladders shouldn't be "tense" to begin with. They were tense because of how clunky they felt. You can glorify it all you want, no other game did this for a reason
>The graphics are mediocre at best next to Dracula X
Literally the only appealing stage is the opening stage with the fire effects. Absolutely none of the little details and touches are present like they were in IV.

Basically its soulless, also every Treasure game is better than any post-IV castlevania anyways.
>tight NESvania level design
>posts an image proving the opposite
he likes flat corridors with no platforming challenges, nice.
Someone can do gunstar super heroines on snes?
(Alisha Adventure dev) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRxEnPuHOgE
Dracula X has less fancy effects, but sprites and backgrounds just look better. The backgrounds especially have a painterly quality and palette that outclasses every other 16bit Castlevania, and original sprites such as its version of Shaft are as good as Rondo's best.
>flat corridors with no platforming challenges
So you've literally never played that level.
> sprites and backgrounds just look better
Disagree, it looks more simplistic and cartoony most of the time, and don't come alive or capture the atmosphere like IV or even Bloodlines.
Yeah its fucking boring like the entire game is.
Clearly you didn't since you made this post >>11113282 the only "flat corridors with no platforming challenges" are the introduction of the level and the one before Dracula where weapons and heart refills are, not unlike in CV4. 99% of your time in the level will be spent in the vertical shafts and the rooms before and after those, which are a nightmare of moving platforms, spear knights, bats and spikes, and that will send you back to start if you fall from the platforms. Anyone who beat Dracula X is sure to remember this part since it's the hardest in the game (as well as the best designed), so it's easy to tell that you didn't.
and that makes a better game because... how? it's harder? do you prostrate yourself too?
It makes a better game because classic Castlevania thrives on game design that rewards smart planning. It requires the player to be at a fundamental disadvantage in movement and attack options against opponents that are far more capable. Classic Castlevania at the height of its design has an almost puzzle like quality in how relentless the challenge is, and how you can find different solutions depending on your choice of weapons and strategy, or refine your skills until you can pull off a flawless execution. Which are all things which that Dracula X level accomplishes. But you wouldn't know, you haven't played it and are just picking a fight because I implied that it's a better game than CV4.
At first I thought you were baiting for (you)s but now I can't believe you're unironically trying to shill the "Dracula X is good" meme. lmao
It was a dick move putting that RNG bullshit at the end of that level. While I haven't died to it in years it's still annoying knowing it's there.
I on the other hand am not at all surprised that someone who parrots the "Dracula X is bad" meme is not capable of formulating even a fraction of a coherent argument.
How was it anticipated? At best in Japan it was an "oh neat" kind of oddity.

It was a rushed out game by a B-Team under a very horrible circumstance, anon. And no, the level design in CV1 and CV3 aren't anything like the design of Dracula X.
Source on the Konami people talking that Dracula X's ROM/progress was lost on the earthquake?
That's like asking for a source on every movie from 2009 being awful because of the writer's strike. The impact was so huge it sent a ripple across the whole industry.
how many levels of contrarian do you have to be to not only consider Dracula X not lazy, but on par with the original Rondo.
The Super Nintendo really broke his psyche, didn't it?

this game has some of the cleanest sample work as a launch title compared to a huge chunk of the library.

This is not a muffled mess of say... the sports games on snes.

> jazz is extremely unappealing and knocks the whole game down several pegs.

ok. but, from 01, vampire killer, stalker and hear of fire were thinly masked jazz tracks. and 03 had Demon Seed, along with Beginning.

Castlevania has always had a wide music genre pool.
Why do you even bother? Anti-4 schizos are trying to convince themselves of some hilarious delusions.
>bro! stop liking this historically highly acclaimed game! stop liking this highly acclaimed game system! Trust me! 2.86mhz!
Like... lol
Right, but doesn't mention anything about Dracula X. You claimed the devs lost the old build of it. Earthquake was in January, game was released in July.
Old games didn't have a vert long development cycle, I doubt most pre-sotn Castlevania games took more than 6 months to make.
>also every Treasure game is better than any post-IV castlevania anyways.
Ok so basically not only you're a classicfag, you're a treasurefag. Opinion discarded

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