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>most hated thing is actually the best
What are examples of this on other game?
knuckles levels
Literally anything unpopular is a good example, if your /vr/-conditioning is strong enough.
File: PokeFloats.jpg (65 KB, 639x480)
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Pokefloats was always good, only compfags hated it.
File: finald.jpg (11 KB, 259x194)
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>only compfags hated it.
Lol, it took years before PokeFloats stopped being an accepted counter pick, it was never 'hated' in this "all fun things are unserious" way people seem to think the tournament community acts. It was always seen as a far better stage than, say, Icicle Mountain.
People are odd
I know you're doing the inverse pokefloats bait but even competitive players hate FD at this point compared to any other tourney legal stage. No platforms = a lot of retarded shit becomes possible, and it's also less fun to move around on
Also this, you can find footage of people who still actively play playing on pokefloats and rainbow cruise in like 2009.

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