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>Samurai Shodown 64
>isn’t on Nintendo 64
What the fuck? It’s like a game with Super in the name not being on SNES.
>Final Fantasy X
>isn't on Xbox
>Stunt Race FX isn’t on PC-FX
>Super Thunder Blade
>Isn't in SNES?!
>Sonic R
>not on R-zone
How did they ger away with it?
different platform with a 64 in its name
I downloaded three or four different N64 full sets a few years back because I figured they kept forgetting to include SamSho 64. I just should have known it was actually on an obscure arcade platform that lasted one year.
>Mega Man X
>not on the PSX
>Clay Fighter 63 1/3
It’s on the N64
there.......was a hyper neo geo 64..................................
>EVO Search for Eden
>Isn't on the Genesis
>Sonic N
>it’s for white people
>Nintendo invented the number 64
Oh here we go
>Turbo OutRun
>isn't on the TurboGrafx-16
List of games with “64” in the name
>Nintendo 64 games
>Samurai Shodown 64
It’s weird as fuck.
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This is my favorite Nintendo game
Samurai Showdown 64 should have been on the C64
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To add to the confusion the arcades got Samurai Shodown 64 and its sequel Samurai Shodown 64 Warriors Rage. Then the PS1 got Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage which despite the similar name is actually a different game making it the 3rd game in the 3D Samurai Shodown sub series
And only the western release is called Warriors Rage, since both japanese games are called differently (and the PS1 one has a huge name). Also they censored the blood for the PS1 western version (unless I forgot something).
>hyper neogeo 64
learn your shit.
>Nights Into Dream
>isn’t on Dreamcast
Holy fuck!
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>introduces best samsho girl
>hardly anyone played it
>mario brothers 2 not on the ps2
What were they thinking
But enough about SamSho VI...
>Virtual On
>isn't on
>Puzz Loop
>isn't on Casio Loopy
>tags: amnesia, possession, rape, guro, netorare, handholding, vanilla
Well, that escalated quickly.
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>not on Game.com
this one made me kek
>Super Mario Odyssey
>isn't on Magnavox Odyssey
>isn't on PS2

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