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Play online via Fightcade
Get Fightcade Roms via the json extension
Learn strategy from the supercombo wiki

Expect heated discussion and banter. If you have not achieved a C rank on fightcade or an equivalent rank elsewhere consider lurking more before posting a strongly worded opinion. Avoid e-celeb gossip that does not directly relate to the games.

Thread Question: How many hours have you spent in training modes compared to matches?
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any fellow cheaters?
I go in the other direction and play with sub-optimal controls due to caring more about historic accuracy. So that means playing with an LS-32 (pre-omron revision). Still managed to make to B rank in ST.
I play better on a SNES pad than a stick.
>How many hours have you spent in training modes compared to matches?
1 to 100 ratio. I hate training mode.
Too many macro users on fightcade.
Pads are better than sticks, yes. You ever try a Saturn controller? It's kind of a meme but I've been loving it, even for the modern fightslop I play
Unless you've been playing 1000 hours on a SNES pad and have developed complete native muscle memory with it I highly suggest changing to a controller which has two shoulder buttons on the right.
Although a six button controller seems logical for playing six button fighters it is actually sub-optimal due to the way your thumb will not be able to quickly move from one button to another during difficult combos. Playing with your thumb on the face buttons and having two fingers on the shoulder buttons is a much better approximation of the advantage of an arcade stick where you can use multiple fingers for combo inputs.

This is not too relevant is you learn to use a six button pad in the keyboard style, but few players ever manage this, and I'm not sure if it's worth the time investment to learn it.
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me every night on fightcade
I’m fairly confident I can beat the entire planet at SF EX+ with at least half of the roster
So you've won Evo, Combo Breaker, etc, etc?
Posers at those faggy comps don’t play the EX series
Why is Marvel vs Capcom 1 so popular with south americans?
That game is mostly mexicans and argentinians.
Except they do
It's the most current VS. game that runs on the CPS. Their potato PCs can't run Dreamcast games, and they have little contact with MVC2 in arcades. In Mexican arcades they might have played MVC1 on a cabinet running a cheap emulation board from China.
Cps2 games were easier to bootleg and emulate back in the days
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MVC1 also has a PS1 port. That means more people played a pirated version of it on a chipped PS1. I don't think Dreamcasts were easy to get in Mexico or Central/South America.
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Based. Been playing on FC2 for about four years now and have about 1,400 hours across every game I play. Wished rank wasn't a thing since so many people now only play for score but I still get games fine in most fairly popular stuff.
>Posers at those faggy comps
t. played through arcade mode with characters and thinks they understand the game competitively.
SA is rivaled only by Japan for their love of kuso. Lot of people there grew up on bootlegs and romhacks and just come to expect that from games.
It was/is big here in aus too. I guess because most of the arcades we had in shopping centres etc started closing/turning into ticketslop around when mvc2 came out
Guarantee you never played EX in your life. We have had local tourneys here for over 25 years. Play some games
Post evidence of said tournaments.
Ask your mom, you sick freak
Yeah I actually find it most comfortable in anime games/Tekken for this reason
I did manage to make it to C rank in Vampire Hunter, although I don't really consider myself a competitive player. I spend hardly any time in training, I just get in a few matches each week.
You sell yourself short.
Do you drive a Ford F-100 too?
Something like that, yeah.
I've been playing some Athena in KOF 98 and I just can't seem to do her QCFx2 + B/D air super with any regularity at all.

I don't have any problems with this motion in other games, nor many problems with other air motions in other KOF games. Is this move bugged or something?
Played CvS2 for a while but the inputs in that game are too hard (can't even do half circles consistently). Switched to 3rd Strike because of it. Cool game. Gotta learn how to hitconfirm better with my shitty Retrobit controller. It also sucks trying to do kara cancels with a 6 face buttons pad, but I'm not learning the arcade stick.
What's your input device?
What games do you play and who do you main? I play a ton of 3s, I used to main Menu but I got into playing Akuma a ton lately and prefer him now. I also have a pocket Q, Oro, Ryu, Yang and Alex. I can play Chun too but she just feels dirty. I wanna learn Dudley but it's been slow going.
I meant mained Ken. Fucking autocorrect
What does the green square represent?
Yo I love that game. Wanna run some sets once I'm off work?

I can show you some cool tech too.
That's the no no square.
>can’t do inputs
>uses retroshit
Obviously you retard. Use a good controller. Stop falling for internet memes. Get a retro console OEM pad and an adapter, a DS4, or If you need to use 3rd party go with Hori commander.
have you guys tried new kof hacks that are available in new version of fightcade they are great.
kof2002m: game freezes on max mode activation for,easy combo and also only cost one super bar.
kof99bc: press a and c for kof 14 like maxmode cancel, you can cancel special into super but no special into special, requires 2 meters your dmg is also amplified.
kof2k2plus: maxmode autodash like modern kofs, still requires 2 meters, some moves are back ported from kof 2002 um: i.e k's qcf p into qcb k is comboable and his overhead kick is also comboable from lights, also some other changes like yashiro, f.lp is comboable from lights, specials are maxmode cancellable, only shit thing about this hack is you instantly get whole bar on each hit and whiffing specials and command moves also give you full bar similar to how kof2k2pls and magic plus 2 works, kyo's hcb hk is comboabl from shoryu in maxmode like um, in regular 2002 this combo is not possible because of pushback.

also i am going to be in 3s garou and kof 2002m lobby hit me up if you see me, no rush, since i am gonna be playing with randoms anyway,
i am chaka1
What's an obscure yet good retro 2D fighting game? Something like Variable Geo.
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Not that retro. SNES fighting games suck ass. Has to be one gen later.
Holy pleb
Man I hate pretend cunts like you. So let me get this straight. You have the entire fighting game libraries of the PS1/PS2, Neo-Geo, Saturn, Dreamcast, XBOX and arcades, but you're gonna sit down and play a fighting game on the SNES? Literally shut the fuck up you liar. Have some shame.
You’re a fucking pleb and you need to fuck off to /v/. There is no such thing as “too retro for widle me :(“ on this board, faggot. You asked for an obscure retro game and I gave it to you. Suck a cock.
If you can’t enjoy games like Karate Champ, Barbarian and Yie Ar Kung Fu then you don’t fucking belong here
Shut up you cringyass fedora tryhard. I'm not gonna play shit games, no matter how hard you cry.
The only person crying here is you, cockbreath. You’ve already outted yourself as a zoomer. >>>/v/
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Stop console warring for a thread at least.
I'm not. Stop throwing words around randomly not knowing what they mean.
You're asshurt I told you your rec was garbage. If you weren't you'd shut the fuck up.
Take your tism pills, junior.
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Go kick rocks kid.
You're not fitting in yet.
And neither will you if Gen IV is too retro for you.
It's not. It's just that fighting games weren't that good yet and there's no reason to play them. But only if you were a level headed literate adult instead of a reactionary triggered bitch. Get some taste.
>weren’t that good
nice larp zoomie
Your taste in video games is bad. I pointed it out. You're now mad.
>old games bad
Who are you quoting?
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Try TKing it
Red = hitbox, this must touch your opponents hurtbox to score a hit
Blue = hurtbox, the part that if it is touched by an opponent's hitbox you will be hit
Green = pushbox, this is the part of your character that the opponent can't pass through

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