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New sub!
>Game Center CX #343 - Alien Storm [LocationScouts]



>Alien Storm
Nice, been a while since I last saw an episode.
I haven't watched GCCX in years, can I just grab this torrent to catch up? Any scrubbed DMCA'd episodes etc. to worry about?
That probably has almost everything. Anything newer is certainly under latest subs in the pastebin if it's not in that torrent.

I think that torrent might have a few mistakes or extra AI/crap subs that the pastebin ignores.
>New sub!
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>tfw no Ogawa gf to play video games with
>That Part 2
So next episode is probably a sequel to some well known game they've done, or I guess they could be starting with the second part of something major.
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>be japanese girl enjoyer
>be cake enjoyer
>be megane enjoyer
ogawa is like a real life waifu
>Season 28: Episode 7 (#383) "That Part 2" premieres on Thursday, August 22nd.

What could it be? Famicom Detective club Part 2?
99% chance of this. Not many JP games have a big "Part II" in English in their titles.
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It's destined that this and Majora's mask will be in the show and it'll be boring.
Zankyuu, based goose.
When I saw Emio my first thought was "I guess Arino's gonna play the other part now"
3DO bros... not like this. Not like this. This was supposed to be our year to shine!
new famicom detective club game
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Marchen Maze subs when?
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>It's a post-NES nintendoslop episode
fuckin nice
Mario 64 and Ocarina were pretty bland since they're not challenging but long "adventure" games in 3D. You just have to check mark a bunch of events and bosses are akin to puzzles. Though there's a lot of tricky parts for Sunshine in the abstract world sections without the hover craft. I can see Arino just giving up on those sections and avoiding them and getting stars the other way.

There's also too many Zelda games to complete with their standard "do a Zelda game every 5 years approach". That is at least 13 more years to complete them all. They should do Link's Awakening and Major's Mask within the next 3 years, and then keep Twilight Princess for the far off future.
I think the biggest problem is that for big Nintendo titles they almost always do these multi-parters that are usually a bore, specially when it gets stretched to three episodes. I get that it's hard to fit a Zelda game in one episode but games like DKC2 didn't need that treatment at all, as well as many others.
The format of the show was 1 day of filming = 1 episode so that is then applied to these action-adventure titles. DKC2 was THREE days of filming because Arino sucked so much at it. I think that one should have been edited down to a two parter.
Let's be honest, sunshine and especially majoria's mask would be awful.
They should do Link's Awakening instead, it would give him time to grind for hearts and sea shells between recordings too.

Not always, challenges like F-zero and Märchen Maze, were filmed over one day each but they were still multiple episodes.
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How Ogawa focused is the new seasons? I think there was a peak around 2021-2022 where she seemed to be showing up in every episode, and I feel they've toned that down a bit.

And has she explained what "PR Rep" does? It sounds like fluff, but she has mentioned that certain games get a lot of requests, and has said that negotiating rights with Western companies can be difficult at times. My guess is she's the outsider liason and handles fan requests, and talks to other companies.
For some reason I thought Alien Storm was on Master System. I'll check out the Mega Drive port, I know it's semi-famous Sega game.
I don't remember which, but I know I've seen challenges which were filmed over two days but aired as one episode.
Besides negotiating rights and that kind of thing, Ogawa does public outreach stuff like helping with event planning. She's also a good artist and is involved with product design.

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