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Severance: Blade of Darkness is often described as "Dark Souls 0.1b".

But I feel the game is better imagined as Golden Axe 3D.
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Similar atmosphere and gameplay
This actually makes an interesting point. Doubly so when it's obvious that the most fleshed out character was the knight, Sargon. Evidently they added Golden Axe characters to the game after they ran out of ideas.
They're both set in a low magic world with limited casting.
Golden Axe requires you to rob little gnomes who have gathered mana secretions into bottles.
Blade of Darkness requires you to discover hidden areas for such artifacts as the Ice ax and Poison hammer.

Game is definitely worth a 2nd playthrough, especially if you haven't learned combo cancelling.
Favorite level anyone?

I like the Gorge of Orlok.
Foggy snowy canyon/mountain pass, into dark winding tunnels, to a little fortress, then back out again to the mountain pass.
Who actually likes this game?

I found the character movement slow and painfully stilted, the lock-on system only works when it wants to work, the weapon moves janky and hard to execute with mouse+KB (It makes even Gothic I feel responsive), and the levels remind me of Oni in that you spend a lot of time between fights running around a bland level hunting for keys (door terminals) as well as having unfun, poorly implemented platforming.
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Gorge is cool. I really like the Fortress of Tel Halaf and the Fortress of Nemrut. Blade of Darkness did overrun fortresses really well for its time.
Don't know what to tell you, man. I played this game at release and probably a dozen times through since then. Despite the jank I really like what it has to offer and getting into the rhythm of combat feels great when you stop swinging wildly.

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