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File: Super Mario Bros.png (1.53 MB, 1535x2100)
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When it came out it, this was undisputed. I played it back in 1986 when I was four, and instantly became obsessed with video games because of it. But after SMB3, SMW and SM64 came out it's appreciation fell along the wayside. It's importance didn't, as it was still listed near the top of all best game lists when those newer Mario games came out, but because those newer games improved and added so many things, SMB1 felt obsolete. The controls were stiff and unforgiving with your jumps. You could easily jump from SMW and SMB3 and be fine with the controls, but going back to SMB took some getting used to. The game was just smaller, more linear and had less variety. All fair criticisms compared to the newer games, but I still think it's better.
>on to part 2
Why? Even though it's simpler, EVERYTHING in the game mattered. You wanted to find every hidden 1 up, every powerup, every shortcut, every bonus room, every coin because you NEEDED them. You couldn't go back and stock up items, you could only go forward. The game was hard especially towards the end and you needed all those if you wanted to beat the game. In newer Mario games the coins and lives are pretty much trivial. Powerups are plentiful. Secrets are fun to find, but are ultimately meaningless if they don't make the game easier by finding them. This is why I love SMB so much, and think it's STILL the best Mario game. I used to be able to speedrun the game and get to the second loop for even more of a challenge. Another reason why this game is so good and a feature sorely missing from amazing games like SMW that could use a hard mode. I tried playing it again a few months back and only made it to World 6. Second time I made it to 8-3, then the third time I finally beat the game, barely. This was the first time in over a decade and I was not expecting to like the game that much. After that I came to the clarity that it offers so much more than I originally thought, and it took playing through all the other 2D Mario games, including 100% on SMBW to come to this conclusion.
barely played it after the sequels were out and im sure that was the same for most people. its a great game and has its place in history though.
I'm a relative baby, played the NES games as a kid, but actually determined to beat them as a young teen, but only after having played Galaxy, New SMB Wii, Yoshi's Island, ect.

Maybe it's just because I played them as a 3 year old, but I did find myself having a specific desire to play SMB1 often. It definitely isn't a case of where I start playing it and think "Why aren't I just playing X installment instead"
The lives component of the first three games is definitely important, but I do think there is something about SMB specifically that has it's own itch. Might just be the conciseness of the whole thing, but OP might be onto something too.
I like this mario game. Have you tried the arcade version (the vs. one)? It mixes things up a little, and there's dip switches for making it harder.
I never say it's my favorite because it would make me sound pretentious but yeah, it's simply a 10/10 game for me
>as it was still listed near the top of all best game lists
Was it ever? The only time I remember it being listed on any of those lists is on the Famitsu poll of greatest Famicom games. Usually it's SMB3 and SMW that you see heralded as 'teh greatest games of all time'
shit cover
why is bowser groping peach

Im a millienial who didnt even play SMB until a few years ago and I agree. I like actually NEEDing those coins. plus I love how fast mario is, the momentum when youre "speedrunning" it is addictive and doesnt feel the same in later games. I still havent beat it without the continue code but trying is really fun.
Why wouldn’t he? She’s hot.
The game looks nothing like that. Koopas don't crawl out of pipes, Bowser isn't gray, Mario doesn't punch fish and Peach's sprite has no visible cold sore in game. Also what the he'll is wring with Mario's cover alls?
>Bowser isn't gray
Then why does Mario say "So long, gray Bowser!" in 64?
I see what you're getting at. I too found the purity of the game refreshing, lives and coins actually mattering, it was a great thrill to beat it straight up without pipes or the world select. but I just can't put it over 3 or world. The levels are too primitive, too repetitive, the sheer talent of those games overwhelms it.
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the overalls didnt become blue until SMW

for me, its the black overalls in smb3
Because he's not a faggot.
there's a case for 3 replacing 1 as the goat but I don't ever remember seeing world in that conversation outside of a discussion specific to mario.
I didn't know we had different artwork in Europe, but I prefer the American style.
>I don't ever remember seeing world in that conversation outside of a discussion specific to mario
You fucking crazy, anon? It's one of the most popular 2D platformers ever and it's definitely more beloved than SM64
Literally the first link that comes up when you google '100 greatest games'. It's number two
Japanese list
>61. Super Mario World (1990)
>99. Super Mario Bros III (1988)

I'm surprised they have FFVI so low.
I like SMB3 more because the overworld is comfy and makes me feel less alone
every mainline (us) mario game was an improvement over the last except world, 3 was better, culminating with sm64. after that they turned to shit. smb2us still has the best music though
LL > 1 > 2 (US) > 3

>haha yeah my name is SMB3 and I give you 5 1-ups every 3 levels as long as you hit the box running fast haha

what in the FUCK were they thinking
If you can't into mario 1 than you should get insta banned, not from this board but from ever talking about games for the rest of your life.
I mean to be fair, as a young kid when this game came out, beating it in a sitting without warping, you needed all those lives. The game takes a sharp challenge spike world 1-2, then 4-5, then 6-7-8. By world 7, unless you've played it before you're probably going to be running low and get a game over.
probably the oldest game to still get new official content (via mario maker)
>what in the FUCK were they thinking
Probably that it's a way longer game than SMB1 if you don't use warps so game overs would be more annoying
The physics are completely different so no, not a valid comparison at all.
yes I really hate this. the levels are lavishingly sprinkled with hidden coin troves and 1ups but something as trivial and mindless as maintaining repetitive sprint jump timing at the end of levels is more important.

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