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Absolutely abysmal game, I cannot believe it was released in the state it was. They must have given up making it before the halfway mark, the people who shipped it were probably on some kind of Nintendo jury duty. I bet one guy came up with the idea of blue coins and they bought him a beer afterwards.
I've been playing through it recently and its fun. Sounds like you just got filtered by the difficulty
Alright, another thread about physics!
I love sunshine. I wish it had as many mods and romhacks as mario64
you're speaking like every single level in the game is as bad as the pachinko one, yeah it's obviously unfinished and padded but not really that crazy.
Sounds like you have low expectations, being able to bing bing wahoo is probably enough for you to consider any game a classic.
the only part bad about the game is that blue coins award shines and not some other reward
I'm the anon who criticized this game a few weeks ago. I'll still say the learning/difficulty curve is atrocious, period. But after I beat the game, I got an urge to replay it. Just tells you how good it was really, if not for all the "fuck you" moments. Now that I've played it, I'm prepared for those, and the fact that the game has zero tutorials and handholding.
And you know what? The platforming makes SM6R feel tame and boring in comparison. The amount of freedom you're given here is staggering. The real problem is that the camera barely keeps up, you need to be confident with your whole moveset and FLUDD. Or else prepare to fall over and over. The world is also unexpectedly detailed for a Mario game, almost RPG level.
The real issues left… I think most missions are just whatever, chores to keep you occupied. There's also a problem that often there's no incentive for you to explore the levels at all. If you just run around, it's half empty, there are only blue coins really. Blue coins are mostly fine actually, but there's a few ones where I have NO idea how you were supposed to know. Getting 100 coins is also a fucking chore as there are barely any lying in the open and they're all scattered anyway.
All in all, it could have been amazing, had they placed 10x more hints and tips on the levels, let the player learn the mechanics and moveset better, and didn't just crank up the difficulty like that. My first playthrough was just suffering, it's like NES era game design.
I kind of regret pushing for the rule change. 6th gen discussion is really monotonous and repetitive. Very /v/-like
And it's still (easily) the best 3D platformer of its gen. So take it or leave it and stop being obsessed
Not much better than endless threads like SNES vs Genesis, Sonic is actually le bad, SM64/OOT is still GOAT, SM64/OOT is overrated, what if DC didn't fail, Bernie Stolar was the devil, other threads about how did Sega fuck up so badly with 32X/Sega CD/Saturn/literally everything they did, etc.
Sunshine is a divisive game, it's actually one of those cases where it's hard to rate, especially for a big Nintendo title. And because it's a big Nintendo title, it will keep being a hot topic for years to come.
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>I'll still say the learning/difficulty curve is atrocious
what learning curve, this isn't a deep game. it's a shitty game. it's no coincidence the better levels arethe ones without the jetpack.
The realization kicked in when I got to the levels without the FLUDD. Not only they screamed repurposed test levels but the presence of infinite 1ups suggested that they didn't bother with playtesting. Sunshine has this ginormous erection for instakilling the player that makes the huge HP bar pointless.
I like this game but it drives me crazy. The tropical island thing is nice, music is good and it looks nice. But the difficulty is high from the start and the flower boss is repeated too many times. The camera sucks and I hate the levels without fludd. There was one shine in the hotel that I had to look up because I was just baffled. I also hate that it says “too bad!” when you fail.
Literally the only level in this game this is slightly hard is the one with the two spinning cubes. Master the spin jump and the game is easy.

dont forget about shaders, resolution and aspect ratio and why everyone who's different than me is retarded and evil.
I always hated that the villager dialogue never updated at the end of a mission. I'd clearly save the day and everything would be fine but the villagers would still be running around flailing their arms crying.
Wait till people start to discuss Dark Souls eventually...
Soulsborne was my childhood. It's retro.
HDMI consoles will never be retro
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Just play the mario sunburn mod.
ain't no way to fix this piece of shit, I would rather play not-retro Mario.
>Sunshine is a divisive game
its not, its just a target for jealous nintendo haters.
i replayed it a couple years ago and it's really not that hard (no, not even the part you're thinking of)

no mario game has been substantially difficult since they started allowing saves, bar some of those galaxy-and-onwards post-game gauntlets
>ANY part of it being difficult
Right to an opinion revoked

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