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how do they hold up?
They aren’t that heavy
>>11111448 (OP)
PS2 has shit render distance so i always preferred it on PC or Xbox.

The remasters are Ecce Mono
only 3 is worth playing
Holds up the best IMO. Easy to pick up and play for short periods of time, open-ended missions, short plot, small map easy to memorize, good difficulty curve (can be unfair sometimes).
>Vice City
Plot weakens significantly halfway through the game, asset missions halt the momentum of game progression big time, shit map with tons of wasted space and confusing traffic patterns.
>San Andreas
Plot peaks with the early Los Santos chapter and never really recovers, huge map with lots of landmarks and memorable locations, almost too much shit to do with some game features being easily missed during a playthrough, long fucking game with a huge time sink when going for 100% completion.
They're still better than GTA5, which is too heavily on rails.

Ecce Homo
great game but it will filter every zoom zoom getting near it
Reddit-core game, inferior to 3 in almost every single aspect
still to this day the best open world game ever made
>muh imperceivable render distance at 480i
>muh 5 second loading screens between islands

These games were built on PS2 as the target hardware, and every single 3D GTA only renders visually as intended on PS2. Aesthetically, they are superior on PS2 because you get that double motion blur, lighting effects, proper color temperature and light trails and more I’m forgetting. San Andreas is the most affected by this, it’s absolutely garish on PC (without PS2 restoration mods) and Xbox.
Xbox versions run faster and have fingers on the character models (they used to make a big deal about that lol) and they upped the polygon count on some cars. That’s about it.

If you don’t have a PS2, re:3 and re:VC using assets imported from the first printings of 3 and Vice City are the best way to play, San Andreas with the PS2 restoration mod, never the bog standard PC versions.
>PeeShit 2 versions
I never got 100% on SA. Some stuff really appeased my autism, like completing the exports or getting all golds in driving and flying school, no damn way am I scouring that map for 100 bongs. And aren't the graffiti tags required too? VC was probably the easiest to 100%. Downtown was better for paramedic and fire fighter, if you got the 100 hidden packages you could easily complete vigilante. I'm pretty sure you can do Cherry Poppers before turning the Haitians violent so you can just hang out by the pay and spray in that area and sell drugs with minimal interference.

>best open world game
Yeah, I probably spent more time just driving around than it takes for people to beat the game. Or just taking different vehicles up Mount Chiliad to see how much air time I can get jumping off. I used to jump off the bikes and try to make it to the base of the mountain by parachute.
3=VC > SA

Hating VC because you’re allergic to the 80s is cringe. VC is legendary with the greatest soundtrack in video game history and 3 is the most underrated (which is strange because GTA3 was the biggest game in the world at one point.)

SA is also incredible for pushing the PS2 to the limit in terms of rendering such a huge open world and creation options for CJ and the cars, but personally I like the theme and environment far less than the drab pre-9/11 Manhattan world of 3 and romanticized tropical 80s of VC.

In fact, SA being so huge in 2004 was a major positive for it but in retrospect I think it’s what makes me like it less than 3 and VC.
putting Reddit City over SA is peak cringe, contrarianism AND reddit
>VC is legendary with the greatest soundtrack in video game history
KEK, there is like 4 or 5 memorable songs in VC and two of them are MJ sons
San Andreas radio music MOGS Reddit City even 3 is iconic and memorable and that game half music was fake but it had more soul than all of Reddit City

VC is cool man, but SA is a nigger tamagotchi.
>no argument
as expcted, cunts like you mock the youth for worshiping negro/latinx crime culture but you yourselves were doing the same thing with the Mafia
i meant what i said. Look it up.
sorry i don't play nigger games
Nobody cares
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Yeah they do fag, it’s why the board exists. I preferred Xbox back then and even I know GTA is best enjoyed on PS2. They look wrong on other platforms.
Xbox/PC are “better” if you prefer framerate, draw distance and polygon count over visual presentation.
This only goes for SA, 3 wasn't that bad while VC had a lot of its textures fucked during conversion, nothing you can't fix yourself with a little effort. Still, PC controls for 3/VC put them above the PS2 originals.
>reddit reddit reddit
You're an idiot
Free aiming makes the game dramatically easier therefore changing the flow of the game. The rifle/sniper forcing you to stand in place and aim becomes a tactical choice and the lock-on system forces you to approach combat and use cover and movement more carefully.

3 and VC also both lack graphics features the PS2 version had, and the PS2 first printing version isn’t censored and has the most fully featured soundtrack. You are right in that you can restore some of these through mods or sourceports.
I want to clarify when using re:3 or re:VC to import the assets from the first printing of the PS2 version if it wasn’t obvious. It’s like playing a native PS2 version on your PC. Not sure if every graphics feature is implemented (like that iconic PS2 double image blur) but it’s most of them.
better than you.
this desperation to always push the ps2 version as the best is on par with nintendo fags saying zelda invented gaming
It is the best though and you’re making a false equivalency with a statement nobody actually says. I have played all of the GTA games since they have come out on all their respective platforms and it’s undeniable the PS2 versions are the definitive versions.
dont care what kind of equivalency it is you nigger cultist, I'll take a pic of my ps2 and san andreas copy later, I'd rather not play the fucking game than suffer that version (albeit its PAL)
It definitely runs better on PC and there is multistep PS2 restoration mod that makes the experience 99% like the PS2 version.


If we are talking about the raw versions of the games, no modifications, the PS2 versions are the gold standard and target platforms and it isn’t an argument.
>Plot peaks with the early Los Santos chapter and never really recovers
People play GTA for the plot? Everybody I knew played for the murder and mayhem.
Pseudo-intellectuals like to stroke their own ego specifically by claiming GTA4's plot is so deep and well-written when it's really just a basic standard story about revenge. Even the premise is entirely valid and undermines itself. The idea is that revenge solves nothing and leaves you feeling empty, and yet... The last mission in the game, after this revelation, is a revenge mission.
>If we are talking about the raw versions of the games, no modifications, the PS2 versions are the gold standard
not to the people who dont like trails or the ps1 draw distance
What's... Trails .. precious? What's trails?
Xbox also lets you listen to your own files diegetically
I played 3 as a kid, I am a zoomer.
The plot facilitates the gameplay, for the first few hours of SA it's perfectly balanced. Once you leave LS the actual plot takes a backseat to missions that feel almost out of place. It's like they took ideas meant for other games and just stuffed them into SA. Doesn't make them bad but it's pretty jarring especially your first time through.
SA is by far the peak of the series and arguably one of the best open world games/games in general of all time. there's honestly no reason (aside from superficial ones like preferring the soundtracks/setting) to play 3/VC over SA since gameplay-wise SA has everything of the previous 2 + more. it's a textbook example of how to do sequels: maintain the core gameplay experience while adding new features that complement it.
"Trails" are what they called the motion blur effect in the 3D GTA games. In GTA 3, they were on all the time by default and looked pretty interesting on a CRT. In VC and SA, they only activated when driving fast in a vehicle.
They're still fun, I personally prefer the PC versions since combat is much easier with mouselook aiming than the finnicky lockon system the console versions used but the PS2 version of San Andreas is still the definitive version.

The 2021 remasters are terrible and to be avoided.
What's up with all the recent GTA threads recently? There's like 5 up right now.
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Well... it's easy, they were revolutionary in their time, and they also inspired the entire video game industry. Also in almost all of Latin America it is very popular (because the players there do not have very good PCs)
VC > 3 > SA
The camera gets retarded in close quarters, but I think they still hold up.

>In GTA 3, they were on all the time by default
You can turn them off in GTA3. It's the first thing I do in all three when I get the chance.
True, only listen to this post.
Console series. Have fun waiting for GTA 6, even though it's gonna be trash.
Reddit didn't even exist when VC was released though.
VCS has a better soundtrack than VC, it's embarrassing listening to normalfags jizz their pants over VC 24/7.
>no reason to play a game because later game has more!!!
I despise people like you. Basically the biggest posers of all time.
literally true for this genre though
probably only this one
>literally true for this genre though
San Andreas looks like shit on the PS2, it's all piss yellow. Also, saying graphics you dislike are "garish" has become practically a buzzword now. It doesn't mean shit.
The other games are smaller but every single bit of content is different, by your own logic you should be playing all of them if you want more content, I don't understand why you would arbitrarily limit yourself to playing only one title.
it is. SA is the literal peak of the genre. in IV they started removing shit for seemingly no reason. V was even more stripped down.

> I don't understand why you would arbitrarily limit yourself to playing only one title.
because i already played the other ones and SA is superior?
>more content = better in every context and situation
so many zoomers have this mindset, always just baffles me. I'd much rather have a concise, tight experience where each element is carefully considered and designed rather than just a giant bloated slopfest.
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Lel its garish because on Xbox and PC you’re basically always looking at full bright models and environments because the lighting/filter is completely incorrect. When something is full-bright, it’s garish in comparison to something that isn’t.
If you think full-bright isn’t garish you’re blind. Every texture in the game is built for that sunset-heat haze filter, and when you remove it, it hurts the intended look of the game significantly.
Furthermore, the game is based on all the “hood” movies from the 90s and west coast rap videos, which all had that filter.
It’s not debatable that between the raw versions of the original releases that PS2 is the best, the other versions were shipped with an incorrect look, and because the PC version became the version every subsequent release was built on is why they continued to look like shit up to the “definitive editions” today.

Go watch any YouTube video that compares the versions and anyone not trying to be a contrarian shitbag will tell you the PS2 version is the only one that looks “right”.
it's literally just a fucking piss filter you absolute moron. Right looks both more realistic and better.
>because i already played the other ones and SA is superior?
so you didn't limit yourself to playing only one, gotcha
>its garish because its completely incorrect
i dunno, i don't think life has that piss filter all over it, right looks more like real life.
>it's not debatable
yes it is, but you don't want to debate because you know you're wrong. You could just say you like the PS2 version more, you don't have to try to grasp at straws to convince everyone its the definitive version. I hated playing SA on PS2 as a kid because even back then I knew it looked like absolute shit, and every game from that era that has a piss filter looks like shit as well.
I played the definitive versions a few months ago and still thought they were good despite the playing the bastardized version of them. I'm currently playing through them on PS2 to see if the original release is still good, and yeah, they are. Playing VC with the original soundtrack alone makes it better than the definitive edition. The problem I have is the framerate, but I wouldn't ve surprised if the Xbox released fixed it.
>i don't think life has that piss filter all over it, right looks more like real life.

You have never been outside during a sunset which makes a lot of sense.
>the entire game takes place at sunset
I live literally in front of the beach, on the 21st floor of a 26 story building. I see sunrise and sunset out my window every day, my pc is right next to said window btw. And guess what, it looks beautiful and NOT like a piss filter over everything, but even more important, it lasts like 5 minutes and not the entire day like in SA
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Smog + sun +relation to equator = orange haze. That’s what happens when you live in Southern California.

When Hezbollah fires a missile into your condo you’ll know what it looks like.
Even the most cherrypicked photo and it still looks closer to Xbox than PS2
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You’re just being a little faggot because you’re a loser and you’ll respond back to me all day just to “troll epic style” but I’m still going to say that GTA:SA was one hundred percent aesthetically lifted from west coast 90s rap music videos and “hood” movies which all look like this.


Southern California is nearer to the equator. Southern California has a lot of smog. Film stock was warm in the 90s. This is literally what they were going for and if you aren’t getting this when you play the game, you’re playing it incorrectly.

San Andreas is literally the video game adaptation of this music video, even down to the color green.
>GTA:SA was one hundred percent aesthetically lifted from west coast 90s rap music videos and “hood” movies
>uhhh except for the stronger Xbox where they uhhh just decided not to
cope retard. it was a compromise for the weaker tech
not well. 3D was a mistake for the franchise. just stick with the first two.
>3D was a mistake for the franchise
Don't be silly.
They're good nigger simulators
>resorting to ad hominems because he prefers inferior versions of the games and he knows it's the truth
cool, play a genre that's not open world then because you will not get that in an open world game irregardless so you may as well get more stuff to do
SA is better than GTA 4 and 5 in story still fun to play but gameplay aged badly
The render distance adds to the games, especially San Andreas. It makes the worlds feel significantly larger.
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>Reddit-core game
Don't worry, the hate against VC on this board is one retard trying to push the game as "reddit", similar to the ESL that shits up every Fallout thread on /v/. No one actually holds his gay opinion
They're all very good. VC is probably the best one despite how cancerous the asset missions are towards the end
i just want to be able to see NPCs on the sidewalk immediately adjacent to my car so i can get the health boost
I don't recall playing as (You) in any of the titles.
That one guy is obnoxious sure, but VC is vastly overrated by most people. It's easily the weakest of the 3 big PS2 releases IMO. The city/map is certainly so barebones and you spend nearly the entire game on about 3 roads.
I don't even disagree with you, but the "Reddit City" spammer makes me want to say VC is the best one by far
Vice City holds up extremely well. I’ve beaten it like 3 weeks ago. And I don’t know if I’m trippin, but the graphics on the PS2 version are better than on the PC version.
>still fun to play but gameplay aged badly
For me, it's the opposite. Overall movement in the trilogy is superior and more arcadey which is what I want in a video game. 4s "realism" is jarring especially coming off playing the 3d trilogy. 5 just felt especially off. I have played all 5 games near time of release, I have played all 5 recently and the only ones I have beaten 100% and still come back to are 3, VC and SA.
I really wanted to get into 4 and 5 because I have heard so many good things about them for their stories, I just couldn't get into them the same way due to gameplay.
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I played through San Andreas again recently. The last time would have gone through it full would have been around 2007 or 2008.
It was odd how much I enjoyed the eating/fitness mechanics after completely loathing them as a teen. Do a mission, get some food, change your clothes. It all felt quite immersive.
While I didn't have that much trouble with Supply Lines, I get why others would. Giving the mission before getting access to the flight school is pretty odd.
The main gripe I have with San Andreas, it's Maccer.
What is the point of this character? Why is he here? I know why he's in the game, It's because it was made by fucking Rockstar North, but Maccer is a pointless comic relief character in a game comprised mostly of comic characters.
He's even in the final scene, which Woozie didn't even appear in.
Lol, he even gets mentioned in Liberty City Stories.
It's just for comfort, Pablo
all Los Santos has going for it IS the plot and atmosphere, the whole section is basically a glorified tutorial
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cuz they bongs n shit lad
like rotten wine with milk on a sunny january day
these games are old, too old, it's been more than 20 years since their release
i was a young wee lad 10 years of old full of hopes and dreams, now i'm on the verge of suicide
>i was a young wee lad 10 years of old full of hopes and dreams, now i'm on the verge of suicide
The games in the OP didn't cause that.
things zoomer says:
they remind me of the better times which will never come back

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