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am i a brainlet? this game filters me so hard

just beating is so damn easy but 100% is way too hard
What does "filters me" mean in this context?
Yoshi's movement is better in this game than any game that came after it, but he doesn't stop on a dime and his jumps have a strange arc where he snaps up, holds for a moment, and then quickly drops back down. It's not the best term to describe it, but I would use the word "squirrely". I still can't trust myself on where I can make Yoshi land.
It shouldn't be easy to 100% a game
but it should be fun
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100% world 4 first so you can stock up on star panels, can't use em in boss fights though
otherwise you just gotta look around well, some red coins are hidden in really stupid spots though

I don't consider it hard to 100%, just tedious. Too many points of no return which when crossed make you redo the level.
>just beating is so damn easy but 100% is way too hard
I think it is just tedium. There are a lot of levels and they are often 3-4 times the length of the average Super Mario World level. So going back and trying to find all the coins, all the flowers, make it to the end with all the stars for all those long levels is just boring as fuck. Especially if you fuck it up more than once and have to play the level a third or forth time. For most people, just beating it is enough, the 100% is for the super fans or the kids that didn't have a lot of other games.
it is fun, git gud
After 100%ing one world you can play as many minigames you want to quickly max out on items.
There is one item that reveals all red coins and there are items to give your stars so it becomes trvially easy to 100% all other levels with them.
I guess I've never actually tried beating it any%
is it fun?
It is weirdly hard for its kiddy look. Though mostly in an annoying way and the levels meander way too much
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>getting filtered by a literal childrens' game
I just started this game and the visuals/music are so good it actually made me tear up at one point. Im a 32 year old man
100%ing the base levels isn't too difficult but the bonus levels like More Monkey Madness and Kamek's Revenge are retardedly difficult.
The trick is to use multiple smaller flutters during your jump, especially right at the end. It's extremely forgiving I find.
Best 2d platformer of all time. Maybe best platformer of all time. Maybe best game of all time.
Highest testosterone Nintendo fan.
No you're right. It makes me wonder what games have the highest difficulty spike from beating to 100%ing. I think any pokemon game with a battle tower has gotta be up there.
I decided to try to 100% this about a year ago, and Hesus Christ, that monkey level. I think I actually started running out of lives at one point. I remember the name Kamek's Revenge too. Not sure if I ever beat that. All I remember about it is that Kamek was flying around the whole time.
I played through this game a couple years ago. For 90% of levels, it's pretty easy to grab every red coin on your first run if you're paying even a small amount of attention to your surroundings. There are only a handful of levels that are slightly annoying, like the bonus stages or any level where the enemies can fly away with the coins if you don't notice them in time.
>I think any pokemon game with a battle tower has gotta be up there.
Nah, pokemon is piss easy
That's not MegaMan X.
>level design is always fresh and varied, never gets repetitive
>can be played casually (any%) or more challenging (100%)
>god-tier soundtrack
>fun mechanics like egg ricocheting
>and then every other Yoshi platformer after it was mediocre or worse
>every single one, over and over, all worse than the original
How did they consistently make mediocre garbage after putting out a masterclass in 2D platformer game design?
Because they handed the franchise off to shitty devs like Artoon and Arzest. At least GoodFeel gave us the pretty good Woolly World before they rushed Crafted World out the door.
You don't have to 100% it.
That explains the later entires, but what about 64? It shared a lot of the same dev team yet it kind of feels like a wet fart
I just did it a week ago, no it's not fun at all. Have plenty of +10 or +20 stars on hand.
why would you need them for any%
That's right, megaman x isn't even in the running.
Have you actually done the post-game Battle Tower stuff like he said? It's full of mind-reading cheat AI and overtuned stats.
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I'm mad that they hid a 2 player VS mode behind a cheat code. I never knew about this as a kid, could have enjoyed it with friends as cousins.
At least now I can play with my gf.
What's i'm maddest about it is that the cheat code was in a magazine I had as a kid, it just went under my radar for some reason.
This is a good thing. It was another era back then. Beating a game, let alone 100%ing it was supposed to be something extremely special and rare. You were supposed to feel like a god because of it and brag to all your friends.

Fuck modern games where 100%ing it is kind of expected.
It also required skill and natural intuition. Modern 100% is lowest common denominator time wasting specifically made for streamers.

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