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Just got an original Xbox! Any one have a list of good games to check out? Any multiplats that are better on here? I already wanted to try out the Halo games since I missed out on those when they were new. I'm finally going to play through Jet Set Radio Future. I also picked up Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike just because I've always been curious about those ports. Is there any difference in MGS2 I've only ever played the PS2 version. I know the PS2 has pressure sensitive buttons and the Xbox doesn't so I don't know how big of a difference it makes. Also is there anything interesting about Shenmue II I first played an emulated Dreamcast version and later the HD remaster on the PS5. I might just pick it up as an oddity since games for this thing are so cheap. Anything I should know about owning one of these things.
>Any multiplats that are better on here?

All of them except for a select few which still have some higher fidelity functions on Xbox.

Silent Hill 2 is debatably better on PS2. Xbox I believe casts better shadows and uses an entirely different rendering method for the flashlight.

GTA series is debatably better on PS2 because of rendering differences (missing effects) and color temperature differences. Runs better, at a higher internal resolution, and has higher polygon models on Xbox though (with fingers on character models!, oooo wow!)

MGS2 is better on PS2 and it isn’t debatable.

I think that’s it but might be missing one or two. Xbox was always the console you got multiplats on because it could just brute force more polygons and higher res textures, and DirectX allowed it to do things other consoles couldn’t or struggled to do.

If you care about the history of visual fidelity in gaming I suggest:

Shrek (not kidding, one of the first console games to make a lot of use out of normal and bump mapping, just about every single environment uses them).

Riddick: It’s like playing a 7th Gen game on a 2001 machine, mind blowing back then and now.

Halo 1+ 2: Obvious reasons

Ninja Gaiden: Obvious reasons

Conker Live and Reloaded: the most realistic fur textures of the entire generation, so good that they are still impressive.

It was good being an Xchad back in the day. I owned all the consoles back then (lucky I was) and I if I had the option I always went Xbox.
remember to open it up and remove the x clamps
>buying a microshaft shitbox
>I owned all the consoles back then (lucky I was)
Im not an economist but owning all the consoles back then was basically the same price as 1 PS5 today. Both my Xbox and PS2 cost under $200 refurbished and the gamecube was like $100 new.
I don't know shit about multiplats, all I know is that you have to get on insignia.live to play some Halo 2, bitch. Also, xbox does have pressure sensitive buttons.
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I got them all brand new around launch, so I think the PS2 was 300, Xbox was 300, and GameCube was 200.
Adjusted for inflation that’s about 1400 dollars total, which also means a dollar is worth almost half as much as it was 23 years ago.

2001…it was the best of times, it was the worst of times…
sure getting them at launch is going to cost you but after a year or two I had no problem buying them as a broke high schooler. The PS5 is 4 years old and its still being sold for full price.
Ya the fps games are somewhat fun for this one. They still feel experimental and creative compared to the boring generic ones out now
I played the simpsons hit and run on this thing and it totally raped the gamecube version I grew up with. Actually really loving this console
Good morning saar, how much did Micro$haft pay you to redeem this advertisement?
Games that I played I and do recommend:

>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
>Metal Wolf
>Silent Hill 2
>Silent Hill 4: The Room
>Ninja Gaiden: Black
>Dead or Alive 3
>Dead or Alive: Ultimate
>Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
>Fatal Frame
>Fatal Frame II
>Outrun Coast2Coast
>Jade Empire
>Splinter Cell Trilogy
>Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
>RollerCoaster Tycoon
>Arx Fatalis
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x
>t, broke ass nigga without taste.

Go play some Super Mario Sunshine and Pokémon Colossem, little dude.
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>Is there anything interesting about Shenmue II
The Xbox version is easily my favorite way to play Shenmue 2, it's my favorite game of all time so I've played every version several times. It has a different, and in my opinion way better, lighting engine than on Dreamcast and is more pronounced and dramatic than the HD remaster. It just looks fucking beautiful. It also runs much better than it did on Dreamcast, not at 60 unfortunately but it's locked at a rock solid 30 across the entire game, way better than the DC struggling to hit even 20fps most of the time. Xbox can also have way more NPCs on screen at once and some broken or misaligned textures have been fixed. The load times are way faster too.

As for not supporting the save transfer feature, it's basically a non-issue. It starts you with most if not all of the unlockable moves and items from the first game and a good amount of the capsule toys and as far as I'm aware theres ways to get everything else it doesn't give you in-game.

It's pretty much a straight upgrade across the board. Some of the real die hards out there will cry about the bloom lighting(cant fathom why, it looks great) and the image not being as razor sharp as on Dreamcast via VGA but it's really not worth complaining about imo. I also prefer having the dub so theres that too. As much as I appreciate this game pushing the Dreamcast as far as it can possibly go, it's just a better experience on Xbox. Sorry for the big post about 1 game but I just really love this one and think the Xbox version gets a lot of shit for no reason amongst the fans.
who the fuck plays halo for the single player campaign?
Definitely, all the consoles got healthy price drops into their lives. I think the PS2 slim dropped to 99 dollars around 2007 or so, I think that’s probably the best bang for your buck in all of gaming history.

Console gaming and the industry is dead, they can’t afford to drop the price on PS5 because they are dying platforms. Who would fucking want one anyways?
We used to joke that PS3 had no gaems…but PS5 literally has NO games. Thinking about modern gaming makes me angry. It will never be like it used to be. There was an actual reason to own all the machines back then, all you need today is a PC or maybe a switch if you really need bing bing wahoo.
Unit 8200 needs to die.
You mean Escape from Butcher Bay, Dark Athena is the bundle sequel that came out on 7th Gen. That version of EFBB also changes a lot of textures and rendering methods on the original in case anyone cares to know. They go overboard and add tons of shit like motion blur too so it changes the “feel” of the game. Seeing Riddick played on an original Xbox on a CRT in 2004 was mindblowing and made you feel like you had a 3000 dollar gaming pc.
Good list would add hitman contracts.
I got mixed up, thanks man.
Nvddick: Escape from Nvgger Bay
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Np, wasn’t trying to be a well aykshully dick either, just don’t want people downloading dark athena and thinking that’s what butcher bay looked like. Dark Athena version is uglier imo and they fixed something that wasn’t broken.
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Such a strange console. I really do think of it as a Dreamcast successor but at the same time the Dreamcast and the Xbox occupy completely different parts of my brain. To me the Dreamcast is very Japanese and lighthearted but the Xbox is just so fucking edgy (in a cool 2000's way) and American. It was so cool back in the day I think it gets overshadowed to much by the PS2.
Most xbox titles that are good have pc ports so it's a tricky to recommend something that wouldn't be better with the pc port but I'll try.

Exclusive, worth your time:
>Conker Live and Reloaded
>Raze's Hell
>Dungeons and Dragons Heroes
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Panzer Dragoon Orta

If you don't care about exclusives and want stuff that also has PC ports or unique cross-platform games
>Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
>Soul Calibur 2 (xbox version has Spawn)
>Halo Series
Almost all PC versions are flawed or are completely broken as Windows has changed over time. Things like Splinter Cell are only worth playing on period correct hardware.
The original Halo didn’t have a “superior” PC port until recently. It literally took them almost ten years to update MCC to fix graphical bugs and include graphical features the Xbox version had that the PC port didn’t.
For me it's Breakdown
That was an ultra kino back in the day. G4TV and gaming mags hyped it up so much as this super immersive first person action game and they were right. It’s got an awesome feel but it was also way too hard (at least I thought so when I was 12). I haven’t played it in 20 years, my god.
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Shin Megami Tensei NINE (this is region locked)
Hitman Contracts
every game has the same campaign shooting section driving rinse repeat
Burnout 3 is best played on Xbox.
This is an interesting take but mostly correct. I had a DC and a PS2 and they don't feel like competing platforms as much as PS2 vs Xbox. Dreamcast feels like its in its own bubble. Xbox is actually a fantastic little console, with a ton of cool games. It definitely gets pigeon holes as a halo machine or chud American console for burgerbois. Ive been playing more and more Xbox games lately and I've not really been disappointed in any of them. I also use my Xbox to play mame though, a lot.
Due to the Dreamcasts library it feels like a continuation of the Saturn's arcade-at-home stuff while being able to keep up with what was going on the N64 and PS1 at the time. It seems like it shared very few games with 6th gen consoles in comparison, I'm not sure if that is actually the case, it's simply the impression I get.
>Xbox is actually a fantastic little console
Bro, if someone threw an OG Xbox right to your head you may die or suffer some time in comma. It is not little, by any means.
Play it on easy, they increased the difficulty in the western release
Gta ran like a dog on ps2, there is no way it doesn't run better on the Xbox
I did. Also read the first half dozen or so books as well (everything up to ghosts of onyx).

Xbox OG was basically as edgy as the Sega Genesis was ten years earlier. It also had the most original Sega titles as well as Dreamcast ports, some games originally meant for Dreamcast, and sequels to DC games (Shenmue II, Rent-a-Hero, Toejam & Earl III, Crazy Taxi III, Jet Set Radio Future, but I could also mention Dead or Alive 3 or even Soul Calibur 2 despite the DOA2 and SC2 being multiplatform - DOA2 was best known for the superior DC port, and SC was a DC system seller with the best version on Xbox).

Add the huge online focus, and you can see why many people consider it the Dreamcast 2.
It's not a "dreamcast 2" it's the xbox, it's a totally different experience.
Hey OP I'm gonna throw some recommendations your way.
>Blinx the Time Sweeper I and II
>Thief III
>Fable(TLC or regular)
>Halo I and II(Obvious)
>Sonic Mega Collection Plus(Xbox remote feels better in my opinion)
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>Mechassault I and II.
>Demon Stone
Theres a few more but I can't quite remember. Make sure you remove that Clock Capacitor as soon as you can, those things can be a bitch when they pop.
>I know the PS2 has pressure sensitive buttons and the Xbox doesn't
The Xbox actually does have them, I've played a few games which use them too (DoA3 and Sega GT 2002 come to mind but you're better off just using the triggers for the latter.)
>MGS2 is better on PS2 and it isn’t debatable.
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beat you to it WAHEY
There's a small selection of troublesome areas in the gta games that tank on the ps2 but the controls are a much better fit and the aesthetics of these games are largely defined by the unique ps2 versions. GTA games on xbox also have performance issues, especially when flying
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what performance problem?
On PS2 in San Andreas, I took jet fighter, I flew low and I exploded!
and then the trees appeared.

never had this problem on Xbox.
Doom 3, Jedi Outcast/Academy, Republic Commando, Battlefront 1 and 2, 007 Everything or Nothing

t. High school Star Wars autist without a live subscription
Some effects like rain on the tanker are missing or much worse.
Perhaps more important is that Xbox lacks pressure sensitive buttons so you can't put down your weapon by releasing the button slowly.
xbox does have pressure sensitive buttons. I've never played MGS2 but it sounds like it just wasn't implemented somehow.
I see. Could also be me remembering wrong. This is all second hand knowledge. I never owned an Xbox.
GTA III is actually a much better, enhanced port on Xbox.
San Andreas on Xbox is the most 'balanced' version. You don't get the orange lighting filter but you get multiplayer and still slightly better graphics unlike the vanilla PC version, and custom soundtracks and more stable framerate unlike PS2. But PC with mods is probably the way to go today anyways.
>fantastic little console

Oh, it's certainly not little!! HAHAHAHHAHAA!!!!!!!
The problem isn't that effects are missing. The problem is that the Xbox version runs like shit. It has significant performance problems during scenes with heavier effects (like the rain on the tanker). The control scheme is also not great on the Xbox controller with the awkward placement of the black and white buttons. However, as mentioned the Xbox controller DOES have pressure-sensitive face buttons just like the PS2 one, so that's not an issue.

The Xbox version does run at 480p though, rather than 480i like the PS2 version.
Me, but I got filtered.
Xbox is also missing Snakeboarding.
What's the beat Xbox hdmi adapter to use these days? Anyone got one recently?
How do you even pronounce that? Ssh-box?
For direct into a tv xbox2hdmi is best. It's renamed probably electronXout or something
Ninja Gaiden Black. Ninja Gaiden 2004 is good too, but Black is miles better in just about every way
Do you have one? I ordered one weeks ago and it's not arrived. There's a ps2 version too..
If we go by numbers posted by National Center for Education Statistics, and we take Arizona as the average because it was at the top, and taking Alabama would have been even lazies, at a median wage of $55,889 in 2000's, it would take a man 27 workhours to work off all three consoles, which is the same amount of time it takes to work off a single PS5, if we go with Wikipedia's numbers for Median Salary in Arizona in 2021 ($39,500) and that a PS5 costs $500 (not counting taxes). Either way, you went from being able to enjoy yourself like a king for a little bit more than half a week of work, to needing to spend 3 weeks working off all three consoles.

>Median Household Income by State from 1990 to 2012
>List of U.S. states and territories by median wage and mean wage
Cost of living was lower back then so it was easier to just buy shit like that.
Ninja Gaiden Black
Project Gotham Racing (both but especially 2)
Arguably best versions of Burnout 3 and NFS:MW
Crimson Skies
Outrun 2006 Coast2Coast
Jet Set Radio Future
Jade Empire
Metal Wolf Chaos
Rallisport Challenge
Whacked (only if you have a soft spot for early 2000s internet humor)
>Project Gotham Racing (both but especially 2)
I agree, is smoking good.

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