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Real Bout Fatal Fury on Genesis

>4shared download link like it's 2007
>timer doesn't go down
I don't get it
Eh, it's RB Special with some RB2 elements thrown in. Not RB1 aka the best one. OP picrel is false advertising.
4Shared link is down.
Have fun !
>some huehue in his free time btfo official MD ports
how did he do it?
By having unlimited time and unlimited rom size?
I hate these people
>has the ability to make a faithful port
>makes custom huehuehue edition frankenstein game instead, combining stuff from different games
cry about it
Why should I?
Third worlders played shitty romhacks even in arcades. It's in their blood
>no dual plane
then its not fatal fury lol
He's fixed the hitstops and animation timings, now all that's left is to fix the audio and maybe increase the number of sprites. It's crazy how close to the actual original game this port felt. I think Alpha 1 is going to be the most arcade-perfect port next to Windjammers
An absolute labour of love, bravo to the devs.
Rom size is 5mb which is bigger then the largest genesis game, SSF2 at 4mb but not by much, I do wonder if it could have worked as a Sega CD game.
Isn't SSF2 5 MB? 4 MB is 32 Mbit, UMK3 is that size.
You are correct, so this Real Bout homebrew could fit on a commercially released MD/Genesis cart.

After some reading on the subject, which is very neat, it seems with the Sega made SSF2 mapper the Genesis could have supported theoretical 32 and 64 megabyte cartridges.

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