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>Makes the best early 80s video games AND pinball machines
No one could stop them at their peak
Joust and Robotron 2084 are masterpieces of video game design, they truly and deeply UNDERSTOOD the medium from the moment they started making them. Also Black Knight (1980) is still my second favorite pinball machine after Medieval Madness (also Williams)
Uhm that's too old for this subreddit...
Why did they fall so far behind the japs past the early 80s?
Joust is my vote for best golden age arcade game. So endlessly fun and unique. I’d say it’s my favorite arcade game of all time.
lel yup, this board isn’t what it used to be. It’s 20 y/o’s complaining that DS isn’t considered retro because they have nothing to talk about.
It’s weird right? Has to be the video game crash bled talent or something.
Who says they did?
Anything 7th gen and up is not retro and never will be because the 7th gen was the turning point where the old era ended and the modern era began. CRTs were replaced with LCDs, online became the default rather than an option, DLC began, etc.
love williams
Joust and Defender were great
Even Star Rider was really cool
All their games, including all their pinball machines, had a certain Williams feel that just made you feel good
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bubbles was always my favorite
It is me or Williams is using the Motorola logo?
Joust was based and I'll always have a bash when I go to the arcade. Still lots of love for the classics on /vr/ it's not all 4th gen+ drones.
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I love Smash TV. Robotron 2084, Spy Hunter, XY Bots, Joust, Rampage, Sinistar and Gauntlet are all superb as well.
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Speaking of pinball anyone know what's up with these weird graphical artifacts in pinball arcade? it's happened twice after I played for a while, MAYBE both times after playing Gorgar but I don't remember. Is it like an anti-piracy thing or just a weird glitch?
>Why did they fall so far behind the japs past the early 80s?
Thy game was over as soon as they saw what Iwata did with Balloon Fight.
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Y'know they did Mortal Kombat right
It's not called Williams by then (They bought Midway) but it's all the same people. Ed Boon worked on a ton of pinball tables and Steve Ritchie who designed Black Knight and many other tables voiced Shao Kahn.
they were gigachads

>Why did they fall so far behind the japs past the early 80s?
they didn't. that's just delusional lies.
that tms chip used in those titles was such a beast. japs had nothing like those boards at the time.

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