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Is buying cheap greasy old consoles from the internet even worth it? Anyone here regret buying?
When I buy a console on the internet I import one from japan.
For 90 bucks I got a pristine red N64 and mint condition controller because japs keep their shit nice.
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Just buy the controller and emulate on your smart TV

If you prefer CRT then get a MiSTer
Nah fuck off with your mister shit I'm beyond tired of you shills and your sunk-cost shit product. Original hardware+ode/or everdrive if you're playing on a crt, anything else is omega level consumerism.
Yes, just clean it.
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>American console
>Condition: Very Good
>Covered in children's stickers, cheeto dust and scratches.

>Japanese console
>Condition: Acceptable
>Arrives in pristine condition, clearly cleaned beforehand and with a little origami or hand drawn note wishing you a happy new year.
Its hard to not be a weeb about certain things.
I bought a SNES off ebay and it was heck'n pristine. Of course, that was like 25 years ago.
You should disassemble and clean any used console you buy anyway. A bit of cheeto dust is not a problem by itself, but it might indicate that other surprises await you
supremely based
I got a PSP on Mercari in the mail yesterday and it's so gross I had to put it in a bag and open a return.
Thats why you test that shit before buying it. Check temps, see if it works, ask the seller for info.
Only time I got burned is buying a used ps4 in 2020 100% online which gave me white light of death but that was an easy fix and it works still.
I always hear that, but when I bought a whole bunch of GameBoy cartridges from Japan a few years ago, half of them didn't arrive at all and the sellers went missing in action when I asked what's up with that. From the ones that did arrive, no bonuses like candies, flowers, origami or whatever. Did get a note written in Engrish with Samurai Shodown though, dude basically said he hopes I'll have as much fun with it as he had when he was a child. Which was kinda cool, but also kinda "ouch" since I was buying it as a grown man for my own enjoyment.
good sellers clean the shit they sell. never ever got a greasy controller from ebay.
These only have 4th generation to 2nd at most and even those don't play that well
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>if you buy that thing you're a consumer whore
>you should buy this other thing
who fucking cares
Sometimes I feel like I’m handing over hard-earned money for somebody’s old junk, but the market is what it is and the slight remorse soon wears off. When retro stuff is as old as it is, it’s unlikely to be pristine especially if it’s cheap. Sometimes you get lucky but you can’t rely on that.

Cleaning stuff can make all the difference, but as mentioned, good sellers will clean it beforehand. Check the pictures carefully and ask questions.

Sometimes an eBay seller will try to fuck you, but eBay at least has decent buyer protection. Just make sure you open a case within 30 days.
That's more of an indication that Japs didn't play n64
yes, if you spend $300+ on a fucking emulator, you're a consumer whore
I've only ever bought used consoles and never regretted it. Just go on ebay and look at the pictures
Misters are the half-step between original hardware and emulators that are nearly indistinguishable from original hardware that nobody asked for.
Except they have a bunch of problems emulators don't, making the more like shitty broken emulators.
Mine plays up to Dreamcast and PSP just fine
In fact the MiSTer is cheaper if you want to play all consoles
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No, at least not with the current price of retro hardware and the cartridges/CDs for it... I know it's a bit cliche to say this, but unless you have a lot of money to spare and/or you don't want to collect that much stuff... then just emulate. I do see the appeal of authenticity, but as long as you still have a CRT, or shaders at least, and accurate controllers then you'll be fine for the most part.

I guess it's worth buying the things you value the most, the ones you feel that you have to have, as long as they're not too out of your reach or if you find a good price... still, just emulate most stuff.
I bought a 360 back when it was still relevant and it made my house smell like cigarettes every time I turned it on. IMO, if the user smoked anything the system is worthless.

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