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File: Dragon_quest_logo.png (69 KB, 439x124)
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For example every Zelda main game has a lot of hype and its own cult but with DQ you rarely hear about the ones that aren't 3, 5, 8 and 11

Did you play the rest? Are you even interested in them? How would you rank them if you played them?
I've played them all.

Aside from the ones you mentioned:
1 is too simple for most people but enjoyable

2 is a bit of a cryptic mess with too few clues for where to go next and a simplistic story

4 is great with each character having their own chapter before they all meet up hours in

7 is long as fuck, and too slow to start for some people. The remake is better in this regard but both are good if you can overlook that

9 was probably great back when others were playing it but it felt the most bland to me out of the modern games

10 is an MMO

For ranking i dunno lol
JRPGs were just very samey back then so people picked out the best. You could say the same about FF.
oops i forgot about 6, probably because it was so forgettable. I think i enjoyed it but can't remember shit about it other than the character designs.
>3, 5, 8 and 11
i'd add 7 though i still have to play it. ds helped popularizing some
Quality post
Where did you take that from? 3/5/8 are arguably fan faves, yeah, but the rest is not "forgotten" by any margin. 1&2 are a bit too old, but there's a reason they've been ported so many times, 1 virtually started the JRPG genre and 2 set the blueprint for every jarpig to come, the absolute Lord of the glassed hogs. 4 is a well-known NES classic, 7 is a landmark game on its own though mostly in Japan.
That leaves 6 that just wasn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, 9 which was just DQ for DS and a step back in many regards, and 10 which was what, online? I forget what it was
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I remember IX being fairly popular? Probably not mentioned much around here because it's not retro.
IV is a classic.
VI is underrated.
I'd probably only call Dragon Quest 6 the most "forgotten" of the series and it still has fans.
1-2-3 are a trio story-wise and have much nostalgia around them, 4 was the first one after the trio giving it more notoriety and its multi-character narrative was interesting. 5's story is very much loved, 7's whole deal is that it was huge, 8 is pretty much *the* classic 3D entry, 9 was super popular in Japan as a handheld title all about the gameplay, 10 was/is a popular console MMO and 11 was the second coming of 8. Now all we need to do is wait for 12 to come out.
because most of them suck and even the good ones rely heavy on nostalgia and presentation
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>How come this series has so many 'forgotten titles'?
Only in the west, japs do create the same amount of discussion in jew tube you would see with pokemon in the west but to a lesser extent.
>Did you play the rest? Are you even interested in them? How would you rank them if you played them?
I have played them all except for X, for me all of them are 10 but as many have stated VI may not be as good, the problem for me is that the game doesn't give any direction to what to do next and the two worlds are a pain to explore, still the game is pretty good.
Why do you enter threads you don't like instead of eating the barrel of a shotgun anon?
1, 2 and 4 are considered to be classics by most people though
>1 is too simple for most people but enjoyable

It's literally 95% mindless grinding. No skill, no strategy. Just tedious grinding.
It's gaming history I understand but I would never call it enjoyable.
True but I enjoyed Ultima I as well
i've only played Dragon Warrior Monsters on Game Boy Color in Atomic Purple :3

I fucking hate 11. its nothing but a circlejerk for nostlagia fags. nothing legitimately good about it besides that
They're all the same shit
I don't know there's plenty of zelda titles that normal people have never touched or even heard about too. I think it's simply a much more popular franchise so there's just more discussion.
I remember IX being relentlessly shilled in the west for God knows what reason and then forgotten about. I did quite like it though.
English speakers barely played it so you dont hear about it in english.
1 gets talked about as much as a game as short and simple as it can and 4 gets plenty of love. 6 and 7 are just forgettable outside of 7's length reputation but it doesn't help people only play the ugly DS version of 6. 10 is an MMO with no official English version. I don't know why 9 is forgotten though.
Muricans dont play Dragon Quest they dont know this franchise exists they simp for Final Fantasy instead
The versions that effectively fix the grinding problem (SNES and GBC) have existed for 31 years and have been available in English for 24 years. If you still choose the NES versions over them, you really only have yourself to blame at this point.
I also disagree that the game has no strategy.
One big tool you have that a lot of players seem to miss is that you don't game over when you die. You just lose half of your money. So if you don't have money, there are no consequences for dying.
This allows you to explore the world map extremely aggressively. Progress is rarely blocked by bosses, so by running from strong enemies, making good use of your spells, and with a little bit of luck, you can access almost any part of the map.
If you get to a town early, you can make use of the Inn and the encounters around the town to get money for high-level equipment. This isn't risk-free though because you can't save in towns. If you die, you lose half the money you earned and get sent back to the castle. So it is grinding, but it's far from mindless. One tiny mistake can result in a big setback.

It isn't a very deep game, sure, and I wouldn't recommend it to a casual RPG fan, but the idea that it's impossible to enjoy is ridiculous.
When you're in the mood for a tiny, compressed, pure RPG experience, it's had to imagine anything scratching the itch better. It's probably my most replayed Dragon Quest game (alongside 4).
Dragon Quest I isn't mindless grinding. The biggest hook of the game is progressing to towns, talking to towns folk, and gleaning new information. This information can be new items that unlock new areas in previous towns to where there are secret passages within the towns. It's slowly unraveling and unlocking a world within this small game. It was the most satisfying aspect of the game, and the sequel just amped it up and let you loose when you had to find all the sigils.
>I don't know why 9 is forgotten
It came out on the DS and is DS only before the series really took off in popularity in the west.
I don't think there's much to talk about. 9 is good for a DS game, but it's a serious step back. The story is virtually non-existent, nothing memorable about it. You can't recruit monsters either. The class system is good though, and the after game turns it into a dungeon crawler. I guess they shilled multiplayer but I've never seen anyone use it. So I think they wanted "DQ3 again" and it just felt a bit meh.
Played all of them, my favorite is IX.
Retro fags just mention those because some troon that made an emulator made a neutral translation for 3 and 5 along 8.
XI isn't bad and is one of the best but each game has it's own thing with IX and X having custom made characters along visual armor change, for story VII and so on.
Played every one except for 2/3/10/11
I think the first game is the best and the series took a wrong turn afterwards.

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