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>All Namco games take place in the same shared universe
Pac-Man is the key to all this.

Suddenly Time Crisis makes so much more sense.
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Is arcademas /vr/? It ran on a PS2-based arcade system
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The finest of Belkan engineering
the pac-man ghosts are dead dig dug enemies
Namco Smash Bros-like when? I want to put Dig Dug into submission by using Reiko Nagase's legs.
the prince of all cosmos would just roll up everyone in a katamari, there'd be no contest.
Or at least a kart racer. The funny thing is that Bamco has been making both Smash and Mario Kart for like 10-15 years now anyway
The power of Namco soul.
I hate multiverse stuff so much. What the fuck is the point of Pac-Man 2 technically taking place in the same universe as Splatterhouse?
Then it's fucking bullshit that Klonoa had to leave.
>What the fuck is the point of Pac-Man 2 technically taking place in the same universe as Splatterhouse?
To get nerds talking by activating their autism
It's fun to talk about, you golem.
he'd probably enjoy it
because it makes a ton of what if scenarios and situations we all can talk about. Knowing pac man is in the same universe as splatterhouse does change things.... how come the pac man ghosts didnt end up demonic like the ghosts in splatterhouse (or whatever those ghost like things are). many questions from the what ifs and than it gets into cross over and game worlds crashing into eachother and the potential fun of that.
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We'll always be together.

(PLEASE, people who didn't play the game, don't watch the video)

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