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Just downloaded, played, and quit this in the span of less than 2 hours.

The overeworld/city doesn't really offer anything beyond a few minutes of goofing off. It's just a time vampire. The missions are just worse Ratchet, even other Ratchet-likes such as Metal Arms Glitch in the System are better. Only the story, characters and cutscenes kept me from turning it off earlier. Going for the sequel today.
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Hated this shit as a kid
>have pretty good, if rough around the edges collectathon platformer
>turn it into an edgy GTA clone for the sequel
Butchering their franchise with blatant trend chasing was where I knew naughty dog was never going to make anything as good as the ps1 crash games again
Worst overworld and driving ever in a video game. Narrow roads loaded with other cars that all control horribly, what a joy.
Agreed. The overworld and vehicles aren't fleshed out enough to justify their implementation. I do like when it allows you platform and the gunplay does freshen up the formula from the first one. I wish they'd stepped back some from the GTA stuff. There is some uniqueness to the Jak 2 core gameplay that's unlike Ratchet and Clank enough that I think something great could have emerged if given a more of a chance.
Yeah, it's bad enough to make it a bad game. Doesn't help that the vehicles blow up in just one or two hits
I actually had some fun fucking around as a kid when my standards were low but at the time such a large and bustling and flowing city was pretty imrpessive cool to fuck around in. I did hate the missions and the story on this one. Jak 1 and 3 are much better . I hated racing games and strict challenges at the time. Was more into laid back games. I'm more open to stricter timelines now so I might enjoy it more
>The missions are just worse Ratchet
disagree. they're not as bogged down with combat and I find the gimmicks/platforming generally more polished and fluid. in retrospect I'll gladly take something that leans closer to the side of a gimmick platformer than a 6th gen tps. the overworld does suck for sure but I was able to grit my teeth for the drive between missions without too much trouble.
on a scale of jak 2 being too frustrating and jak 3 being too easy to the point of boredome, I consider 3 to have the more severe difficulty problem.
You may be right as a grown up, I don't prefer easy games like I did when I was 15
Eh, I personally enjoyed it. You aren't wrong about the city being empty and most of it being pointless, but truth by told, sometimes I like to chill and drive around. The game is frustratingly difficult at times, but I like that about it.

I remember when I was young and traversing the final mission area. I was a dumb kid, but I told myself "I'm not supposed to be here. I'm breaking the game"... even though I was following the prebuilt path. I liked to form narratives like this in my head.
I wanted to love it but it's just not a very fun game.

Jak 1 was a diamond in the rough, fun little platformer, visuals really popped with colour and it had a lot of SOVL. Jak II was darker, edgier and harder in a way that didn't feel fair. A lot of times I'd overcome an obstacle in a way that made me say "well I mean I guess I did it but I don't think I was supposed to do it that way". I get what they were going for but it just didn't stick the landing.
Hover cars that change elevation in narrow deadly streets was great. Constant suspense. Great controls, albeit auto aiming could be jank at times. Arcadey GTA-like gameplay great for pick up and play. Hoverboard great evolution of movement in a 3D platformer. Change of tone from the first game is also represented in the gameplay. Harsher, unforgiving, cruel. Much like life is when growing up, thrust into an uncaring and deadly world after what seems a lifetime of ease and innocence.
Hey can you guys remind me of what Jak is gonna do to Praxis?
Can you kill or damage civilians in this game?
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he's gonna thill Praxis
yes, and it's pretty stupid.
>the BARON is shutting the water off to the slums we gotta get it back on or people will die
>jak kills 40 people driving to the gate
the fact that there are no streets and the need to constantly shift to ground level to avoid getting blown up means you're likely go mow down at least a handful of people on any drive.

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