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Just bought this. Can’t wait to get it. Super excited to be able to finally play it.

>sega console without sonic, phantasy star or third party support

have "fun" with that
my condolences OP, I’m terribly sorry you had to purchase such an unfortunate piece of hardware.
Have fun, it's a great console with hundreds of great game
Have fun OP, are you going to put a Fenrir in it? And you do understand moon runes, right?
Thanks anon. Yeah. Fenrir came in the mail yesterday. Moonrunes, not so much. But my sister does.
Thanks anon.
I saw it has some amazing shmups, also SotN.
Don't pay attention to the ones rubbin' ya. Go and hate fun mate.

i hate shmups but even I can appreciate radiant silvergun

sotn, however, is just objectively worse than the ps1 version in many ways. no reason to play it
You'll have hour of fun playing the dozen of good games.
That awful controller with that unplayable dpad.. I'm so sorry
I've only got like 20 something games downloaded for Saturn and they're all great games. Never mind all the other stuff I haven't gotten around to. You're gonna have plenty of fun.
Thanks Bernie.
What games?
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This thing rules
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how much? just curious
always loved my Dreamcast but never had a Saturn
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>my sister does
ask her to translate Saturn games as you play
indeed. i've yet to have a game that doesn't work. I've played 3 to completion with no problems. super fast load times.
I've only observed problems from letting it sit, some games *eventually* crash but this is from literally not playing it and letting it cycle attract mode. Also it doesn't like my VA0 but this is documented. Avoid if you have a VA0 (bean shaped button models)
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i bought a dreamcast at goodwill and the whole controller board was already fucked up, I could do the twist thing to get the controller to work again but the battery itself still needs to be replaced so it saves the time but I still need to learn soldering so until then I have to skip through setting the time every time I turn on my dreamcast
Replacing time keeper battery is easy anon, you should try it. If you have an old power supply try and replace one of the transistors and see how it goes.
The Dreamcast is far and away a better console. Saturn is okay but feels almost pointless imo when you could just be playing Dreamcast or PS1 instead
The Japanese/Model 2 controller was better, but the US/Model 1 controller still feels nice to hold and plays well enough from what I can recall...

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