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I'm a 32 year old man and I still haven't beaten Majora's Mask because the time limit element stresses me the fuck out. Yes, I know you can play a song to double the time limit, but the concept of a ticking clock itself makes me too stressed to enjoy playing the game.
How did you ever play smb if a time limit makes you shit and cum
SMB is segregated into small chunks in the form of levels. Majora is essentially an open world game. It's the scope that makes the time limit take such a mental toll.
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Damn, man... Feel you. I am a 29yo mofo and I haven't beaten Majora's Mask for the same reason as you... same happened with Shenmue and «I know is not retro» Lightning Returns.
>Lightning Returns.
There's a time limit?
What I do is progress until I hit a dungeon. Then I go deposit my money and save so I can start the dungeon from day 1.
If you feel like you need some sort of failsafe for that stress then you might be interested on the 3DS version with the Zora Restoration patch since it undoes most of the controversial changes of the 3DS version while keeping stuff like save statues in dungeons and the control over the song of double time.
have you been tested for AIDS
Just ignore it, you don't have to minmax the game. And if you somehow take 4 hours to beat a dungeon, you know now how to repeat everything you've already accomplished in just 5 minutes.
Guess what buddy?
The ultimate game which contains all other games, also has a time limit.
Tick Tock... Tick Tock... Tick Tock...
Guess what?

I've been a NEET ever since I left school 15 years ago because real life is too stressful.
Then just cheat and turn it off.
I say this every time someone shits and pisses themselves over Majoras Mask.

Gotta be up at 7 tomorrow for school/work? Thats a time limit.
The caps are going to leak in your N64, better beat the game quick!

Its not worth arguing about it anymore, the 3 day system makes the game so much better and people just cannot understand it. The idea of losing 30 arrows just rapes their psyche.
Triple. More than that, in fact. Time flows at 30% of its normal speed.

You have to learn to let the clock go. It's an important skill in life. You're gonna be constantly paralyzed if there mere notion of time passing stresses you, because EVERYTHING you do is being timed. You gotta let go, man.
>Majora is essentially an open world game
It really isn't. It's four adventures that are basically disconnected.

Yes but you get more and more time just for playing it.
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No need to thank me, I got you bro.
You know there's a time limit to life right? And considering the size of the world and all of the things you can do in it. Its much shorter comparatively to MM's time limit.

What I'm getting at here is you should do everything in your power to get over that. Step one in this task is to beat Majora's Mask, and don't use the reverse song of time.
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I feel people really overthink MM's time limit. Resetting is a slap on the wrist in all practical terms unless you're in the middle of a dungeon or something like that.
I think a good rule of thumb is to give yourself an entire 3-day cycle for a region, but I can't say for sure myself because I've been replaying MM routinely for the last 20 years.

it's called a "hub"
The time limit is very different from how it was advertised in commercials when they launched the game.
It was too foreboding and the finality of it was daunting, not letting you know about the groundhog day style loop of repeating the three days in a cycle.

The time limit is actually a schedule, and the game rewards you got learning and keeping that schedule as you set goals to compete within a cycle, or trying to figure out what to do for a given cycle.
You'll figure out to do things like unlock a dungeon, and then reset the cycle and enter the dungeon to maximize your time in there.

It's also a little bit like a roguelite in that major unlocks are kept for future cycles, you only have to refill consumables (which you can do very very quickly or may not need to).

If you do decide to play it, look up the static recompilation or 2Ship2Harkinian as preferred ways to play.
Much of it is fear of the unknown.
The way the game was marketed made it sound like you have a hard time limit before an ultimate game over.
I've only really fucked around with Ocarina. Does the time cycle completely change the dynamic or does Majorca just still feel like a reskin of Ocarina with a clock?
You can definitely see that the game was made pretty quickly be reusing the engine and a lot of the assets, but it does feel like it's own distinct game.

The main thing about the 3 day cycle is that the game is much more side quest focused, there are only four dungeons though they're all pretty well executed.

The game would not work without the clock and you get to observe the very real psychological effects of impending doom on the people of clock town.
This. It's not running out of time, it's being at the right place at the right time that stresses me out. Always felt like I was late or early for everything. I remember doing the cow alien quest thing and basically having to forsake any other activities that whole cycle, just beboping back and forth to the farm, and it didn't even feel like a game to me, more like a job I had to stay on schedule with.
Here's the cure to your mental illness.

It's not a time limit.

It's basically a "weekly schedule" feature like you'd find in games like Harvest Moon. The main purpose of the days is not hurry you up to do everything in one cycle, on the contrary, they exist to segregate the quests and let you play in chunks. Three days is more than enough to beat any of the four main areas,and leaves enough spare time to do some side quests.
>it's being at the right place at the right time that stresses me out
Damn I guess being able to wake up every morning and get to work on time without my heart rate spiking makes me a Navy Seal compared to you.
The ultimate game do not tell you how many time you have left, hence the difference.
i don't believe you

so what if there is a time element? nothing actually happens and you just restart, saving a lot of your progress and all of your game knowledge.

its no different than dying in a dark souls game or something
This is why modern games suck. Even if a good game does come out, most people won't be able to appreciate it, because they're so used to the handholding of modern games that they'll get upset at the first sign of friction (in this case a time limit). Most games involve some kind of friction. Without friction, games would be boring. In fact, life without friction would be boring. This is why handholding and "quality of life" features are harmful in the long run, they slowly destroy the player's soul. Zelda games aren't hard, they're designed so that kids can beat them. If you get stressed out playing Zelda, then you'll go insane playing something like Serious Sam, Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden.
Majora is better than Ocarina is the best 3D Zelda game
Youre looking at it as if these people are thinking rationally or logically. I bet the people that cry and stamp their feet over MM probably enjoy Dark Souls. I can't even begin to empathize with these retards but I think it might have something to do with a sense of control. They feel like they are being rushed though the game and mean ol mommy is telling them that have to stop playing on the final day. They perceive the end of a cycle as the end of the game and cant visualize their previous progress.
people play video games because they're not like real life.
dumb faggot.
>its no different than dying in a dark souls game or something
I can't play those either because they're too stressful.
>then you'll go insane playing something like Serious Sam, Dark Souls or Ninja Gaiden.
I don't play those games BECAUSE they're too stressful.
Try playing Dead Rising 2. If exposure therapy works then it's like throwing someone in a pit of tarantulas to cure their arachnophobia. It had the most annoying deadlines I've experienced in a game to this day.
>they're too stressful.
For you, maybe.
A cycle lasts for like 3 hours, that's plenty of time to do a dungeon and collect some heart pieces and shit. The clock in the game is one of the most valuable tools and if you don't learn how to use it, that's on you.
What is it with low IQ people needing explicit declarations of opinions?

Just because I don't end all my posts with "in my opinion" doesn't mean I think I'm speaking for everyone or stating a fact.

>But I did eat breakfast this morning
Not that guy, but that analogy only works if you die if you even turn up one microsecond late to your scheduled work
you dont die if you dont go back in time in MM though you go to the first day. The game doesnt get ejected from your N64 you lose nothing.
>The game doesnt get ejected from your N64

That would be fucking kino if the N64 had a digitally controlled spring release that violently ejected your cartridge on a game over screen
Ocarina is very dungeon heavy with a light overworld
MM has a strong focus on its overworld/NPCs but has just 4 dungeons.
They play completely different and I appreciate MM for it (i.e. trade the classic dungeons for an overworld that feels alive)
I think it’s the opposite of stressful. Assuming your running this blind you can: Take a full cycle to observe the region your exploring taking in the all the characters and problems making notes and figuring out how you would solve them. Reset and then start solving with all the information you gathered. You literally are given the ability to manipulate time to your favor. And so what if you have to reset what are loosing you can make up everything up super fast especially since doing it a second time you already have all the info needed. I can only think of like 1 side quest that is actually a pain in the ass to have to restart. The lovers mask one is pretty nerve racking. You also don’t need to 100% complete the game since there are so many side quest you can just do the ones you like skip the ones that are uninteresting or too “stressful” and you’ll be more than ready to beat the game. Also who the fuck starts a dungeon in the middle of a cycle especially if it’s your first run? And even if you must rest in the middle of the dungeon you already know where everything is and you already have an owl statue to warp. I don’t get where this idea of muh time limit came from. The only reason I don’t like it is because as a kid I couldn’t just leave the game running for that background ambience.
This >>11113357 and treating the game like it's Groundhog Day are what saved the game for me. You actually have infinite time, and when you realize that, you master the game. Do your self a favor OP, go into the lottery shop and find out what the winning numbers are. They'll be the same on the next cycle, after all.
let me guess, you don't work
You should give Dead Rising a go to ease yourself into the concept.
>«I know is not retro» Lightning Returns.
Why the fuck were you even playing that to begin with. Did you think to yourself after surviving the abominations that were 13 and 13-2 that third time's the charm?
Try taking control by resetting earlier. If you plan to reset on day 2 that gives you a ton of overtime if you miss your mark. If you do what you planned don't scramble during the last day. Reset than
I'm a NEET.
How do you make it to 32 years old without developing time-managment skills? I beat Majora's Mask back in 2002 at 12 years old and it was fairly straight forward. Even if you fuck up you can always just reset and go back to the first day with all of he key/quest items that you have acquired so far. The only time the Majora's Mask time limit became annoying was for quests that could only be done on the 3rd day like the ufo/alien quest or the gold dust quest for 3rd sword upgrade. Even then you could still just reset and then fast-forward to the selected day with song of double time or whatever.

The only games that I ever found to be somewhat stressful were Diablo with Hardcore characters since you could easily be fucked over by a network disconnect or even just random lag spikes.
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When playing Majora's Mask, there comes a time when something clicks and you go from being afraid of time, to feeling like you own time, you control it. Similar to the character development in Groundhog's Day.
>The idea of losing 30 arrows just rapes their psyche.
I think some people are too retarded to conceptualize what they're actually losing on a reset, or too retarded to "solve" the clock (reset before dungeon, play reverse SoT), so they still think resetting actually does anything substantial
If anything I wish there were consequences for resetting other than "you lose arrows and maybe have to spend 3 minutes killing a boss for a side quest". Imagine if you needed a good route to get every mask
It changes quite a bit in terms of atmosphere and pacing, although it's not gonna blow your socks off feature-wise. What it does well, it does VERY well though, and the clock is a good addition if you're >100IQ
I had the same experience as a kid and it's why I like OoT more. I love everything thing else about MM, but the time pressure of the clock was not fun and killed the game for me. I don't think I will ever replay it.
I'm 37 and still haven't beat majoras mask because I get bored every time I try
It also makes "Dawn of a New Day" a wonderful little moment when you do beat the game

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