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These parts are supposed to make an N64 control stick like new, but these values are the same as one of my old worn controllers. The stick is good and tight. I can't figure out what is keeping it from reaching the edges.

The parts are cheap, but only if you live in the US or buy in bulk. Overall I wouldn't recommend them.
There's variance in all n64 controllers, it shouldn't matter unless it's a floppy stick. The stick self calibrates on boot up.
I recommend grabbing two sets per controller so you get some backup if a part is shit. The autists in the speedrunning community have identified the replacement bowl as the weak point of the kitsch bent parts. You need metal parts these days to get a really incredible result, but kitsch bent will rescue a really bad controller and make it fine for playing games
I'm outside the US, but I managed to get these parts cheap on eBay. Buying more than one set wouldn't have been worth it.

>The autists in the speedrunning community have identified the replacement bowl as the weak point of the kitsch bent parts
That's interesting. That must be why everyone goes nuts over the steelsticks bowls when they're in stock. Hopefully at some point there will be cheap and plentiful decent metal parts.

The values in the OP pic seem to be fine for a lot of games, but I just want it to be perfect and it's kinda fun finding out why it isn't.
N64 stick is never supposed to go above 70 anyways even though the max value is 128. There's a massive outer deadzone on the stick by design, your stick should max out well before the edges if it's like new.
Some third party controllers that do max out the values cause glitches in certain games because they never expect such high values.
Get an 8bitdo hal effect stick.
it hits 80 on all axis and they have the right gating for n64 controllers.
I don't even have it in me anymore to explain why everyone in this thread is wrong. it's just never going to happen because the consumer just isn't aware how off all of these sticks are. you can't even reach full running speed in a number of games like winback with the sticks mentioned. having a stick that is five degrees off or more in any direction is like having a high mutational load. it might not cause the game to feel different it might be a little or a lot, and that's the biggest problem with them. if your not constantly comparing how a game FEELS not the precision, but how it FEELS with a real and non worn OEM controller to the garbage recommended in this thread you won't even know. most people will just assume it's a janky piece of shit fifth gen game. just know that if a game doesn't feel great to you in the controls it could be the controller that your using.
How the fuck does the hall effect stick feel wrong you absolute nigger
>you can't even reach full running speed in a number of games like winback with the sticks mentioned
Are you supposed to?
N64 developer docs specify that devs should expect the stick to never reach above 63 with an even more pitiful 47 in the diagonals. That's not even half the possible stick range.
Some developers ignored these instructions and either didn't care thus requiring third party sticks for certain intended game mechanics or they didn't realize third party sticks can go way above Nintendo original sticks and thus cause issues like moving too fast.
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Dude is full of shit or literally never used the 8bitdo stick replacement module.
Why be antagonistic? I know about the 8bitdo stick and will probably get one to try it, but the opportunity to get the Kitsch Bent parts presented itself so I got those.
>just know that if a game doesn't feel great to you in the controls it could be the controller that your using
This is basically why I want a stick that matches the ideal OEM values in the benchmark. Because then you know it is working as intended. Even if the stick values in the OP pic work OK for a lot of games, you do run into issues. For some reason left is noticeably weaker than the other directions, and I believe this is also true with most if not all of my other controllers. In particular I have noticed that a weak left causing issues in SM64, for example when you're holding left to make Mario is run forward when the camera is showing his left hand side. It also means I can't do owlless anywhere near as consistently as with something like a Horipad. I feel like dashing and smash attacks in SSB are harder too, and maybe also the spin attack in Zelda.
this will last a lifetime because no one actually plays N64 games much, because they're N64 games
This might have been because Nintendo knew that the sticks were wearing out quickly and suggested these values to compensate. They should have just put some lube in the sticks from the factory. They probably saved like 1 cent per controller not doing it.
People play the crap out of N64 games, which is why the sticks are all worn out to begin with. It's a popular system for one which sold poorly.

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