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Why was is cancelled?
Is there even any evidence that it existed as an actual game? That CGI trailer was probably all they had to show for it. Completely different to Star Fox Adventures which was nearly a finished product by the time they were bought by M$.
You know why.
Screenshots at the back of early GameCube boxes.
cause it sucked balls
Where? Show me them
because it was crap
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Above the Luigi's Mansion scree shot.
I didn't have a GC until much later, so I know very little about unreleased game lore for it. Never heard of DK Racing or that Kameo was supposed to be a GC game. Interesting.
I wish some kind of DK racing game was resurrected. Unfortunately Mario Kart got too big and cannibalized every other Nintendo racers.
Because M$ bought them out.
I'm pretty sure DYKG did a piece showing it was actually repurposed as an open world Sabre Wulf game for the 360. Which also got cancelled. Lol i'm shocked Rare still exists desu
That's not an in-game screenshot. That's from the CGI trailer.
>I'm pretty sure DYKG did a piece showing it was actually repurposed as an open world Sabre Wulf game for the 360. Which also got cancelled. Lol i'm shocked Rare still exists desu
I can't remember his name, but one of the top guys who's been at Rare since the 80s and still works there, some time ago went on a Twitter rant about why they'll never make a new Banjo game. He's the sort of guy who insists there's "no market for 3D platformers anymore" and that it wouldn't sell.

It's easy to blame Rare's downfall on Microsoft, and sure they have a LOT to do with it, but at the end of the day the people who've worked there for the past 20+ years are just retarded and have no interest in making actually good games anymore. They openly disdain their back-catalog of IPs.
It evolved into Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

Which sounds really random, until you see the transitional game between the two:
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That Mario game looks infinitely better than what we got.
Are you referring to the Melee screenshot?
>1 screenshot
>just a still image of pre-rendered CGI
Someone was definitely trolling with this one.
It looks early ps2 tier
The DKR trailer was running on hardware and was everything else in that ahowcase, and Kevin Bayliss confirm several times it was on active development.
It became Sabreman Stampede. And then was cancelled.

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