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It's interesting to look back on this reveal because the crowd reactions tell a lot about what the fans wanted, and it's strangely foreboding in some ways:
>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus; the hype for Zelda characters is significantly more muted
>after the Melee trailer rocks everyone's socks off, Miyamoto says "now for the next instalment in the Mario series"
>crowd screams in hype and loses their minds
>and then it's Luigi's Mansion
>literally NOBODY claps or screams or chants at ANY point in the Luigi's Mansion reveal
>nobody gives a shit; people are just talking over the show
>the excitement at the conference is basically nonexistent now and once the trailer ends, Luigi's Mansion gets a quieter ovation than Ice Climbers being confirmed for Melee (no, seriously)
It's surreal how prophetic yet so different this was. And the reaction to LM really makes you feel bad for Nintendo (but also not bad because they clearly failed to read the room). Did the biblical status Zelda has today only come into existence after Wind Waker's graphics made fans reminisce over the N64 glory days? Because it's impossible to imagine Zelda characters generating such little hype today.


all they had to was start with LM and leave the smash reveal for last. lm is a great game but nintendo thinking this niche game could be a killer app/being too retarded to finish sunshine in time for launch was the problem.
>literally NOBODY claps or screams or chants at ANY point in the Luigi's Mansion reveal
They clapped when the trailer showed what you do in the game.
Compare that to the reserved smattering of applause the xbox got, which takes "pathetic" to another level.
I think journos have always been nintendrones.
Everyone hates Microsoft. The Xbox would have been a flop without Halo and this was before anyone played it.
anon if you think the people who attend those events are representative of the general public then ur dum
Why didn't Luigi's Mansion sell 5+ million copies then
There's a channel on Youtube which has multiple hours of vlogs from this event as well as from the Japanese GameCube launch. It's coverage from an old Nintendo fansite of the time called "Planet GameCube".


Very interesting watch if you want to see more of how fans reacted to GCN at the time.
This anon is right, there was a lot of animosity towards Microsoft around that time. Windows Millennium had proven to be the worst piece of shit OS to ever exist, the anti monopoly talks had been ramping up, and overall it was seen as a souless corpo just barging in the console space by virtue of having more money than several small countries.
The nintendrones comment might be still true though, I knew someone that was a Nintendo fanboy that kept seething about the Xbox "you can't just cram a PC into a box and call it a console" because of it's components.
because it's not a mario game, just a game that contains mario characters?
yeah following up mario 64 with luigi's mansion is kind of nuts, definitely should have coached it in terms of being a side game.
That's pretty much how things went down, yes. People losing their minds over the Melee trailer, then looking at Luigi's Mansion and generally loving the visuals but also having no fucking clue why Nintendo actually decided to make the game
What kind of retard is hyped for yet another Mario game.
Even in 2001 you had like a hundred already.
Honestly, the response to Luigi's Mansion from the NES and SNES kids, I will never get. It's a good game, and a fun pastiche of survival horror.
Literally just wasn't enough of the same thing for these people. I mean, Ice Climbers makes them more excited, and Ice Climbers isn't even a very good Nintendo game, as far as that early Arcade to NES gen goes. It's no Donkey Kong, and it's not even Wrecking Crew level good.
It's very clearly a side game. It's about Luigi.
I was a nintendrone back then, but not a full brand loyalist. Xbox won me over with its early "quirky" games like gunvalkyrie, wreckless, munch Odyssey and panzer dragoon.
Where the fuck is Reggie?
Not born yet.
Times have changed. E3 was still a trade show back then. Not a festival to rile up and hype the fanbase. Of course no one is cheering. The audience was there to cover a professional presentation,
>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus
Because there hadn't been a Metroid game in about a decade

>it's impossible to imagine Zelda characters generating such little hype today.
Because they weren't showing a new Zelda game

>Did the biblical status Zelda has today only come into existence after Wind Waker's graphics made fans reminisce over the N64 glory days?
No, that came into existence after everybody played Link to the Past
But they were (at that time)

>SMB 1-3
>"like a hundred already"
Yeah there were only 5 Mario games before Luigi's Mansion... oh wait
Nobody counted spinoffs
>>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus; the hype for Zelda characters is significantly more muted
This is because the N64 had no dedicated Metroid game.
>people have to mindlessly consume shit encrusted slop or they are drones
Are you incapable of critical thought? Fucking retarded faggot.
Alex Kidd will never be popular
Croc will never be popular
A shame this console never got Banjo 3 or a real Zelda game in launch not Wind Waker
Luigi's Mansion is literally aimed at kids, not the teens and young adults that would be showing up to a conference like that.

>Commercially, Luigi's Mansion is the most successful GameCube launch title and the best-selling game of November 2001.[56][57] It sold 257,000 units during its first week on sale in the United States.[58] According to Nintendo, the game was a large driving force behind the GameCube's launch sales and sold more copies in its opening week than Super Mario 64 had managed to sell.[59] Despite meager sales in Japan at around 348,000 units in total,[60] it became the fifth best-selling GameCube game in the United States,[61] with sales of roughly 2.19 million units.[61] In total it sold 3.33 million copies worldwide by 2020.[c][65]

>Mar 2002 Resident Evil 1.35
>Nov 2002 Resident Evil 0 1.25
>Jan 2005 Resident Evil 4 1.60

LM sold more than the three Resident Evil titles, and was an early system seller. The LM series has gone on to sell a GORRION copies. The 'Cube had problems, but LM wasn't one of them.
Smash Brothers is also aimed at kids. Mario is also aimed at kids, which the crowd went apeshit over when they thought they were gonna get an actual Mario game. Oh, and Ice Climbers is also aimed at kids.
Working at VH1
>journos go wild for a shitty mini disk player with yet another retarded nintendo controller (yes it's comfy to hold, but that it. button layout is beyond stupid). another console that compared to its competition once again restricts what devs are capable of. Nintendo driving a hard policy of no adult games on the console but only when it suits (i.e. get fucked western dev, but go ahead capcom).
>meanwhile the most hated company on the planet gets the reserved reaction it deserves for a flawed product
No, nothing retarded in what I said. You just assumed I'm pro box. I'm pro neither. You'll always be an assumptive retard though incapable of reading between the lines.
>Did the biblical status Zelda has today only come into existence after Wind Waker's graphics made fans reminisce over the N64 glory days? Because it's impossible to imagine Zelda characters generating such little hype today.
Metroid had been absent for 7 years by then except for Samus in Smash 64, so there was some applause becaus the series was missed. Samus in smash wasn't new, but there was hype for seeing her in higher quality 3D, where as LoZ was coming off a bunch of new games. Seeing Samus fight Ridley in that opening scene was the first time people would see that with modern graphics.
Also for what it's worth I think the guy who used to run the most prominent Metroid fansite was actually in the audience. I remember him writing up a report on it and how he talked about being able to see the stitches in Mario's denim.
>list of every game that has mario in it
And Crusader of Centy is a Sonic game
it was maybe seven years at that point anon
And that was ages at the time. The modern game dev cycle wasn’t a thing, franchises sitting out a console gen was a big deal, by 2001 2d pixel based games outside of handhelds were considered retro so Metroid had become a franchise left behind in retro gaming.
>Also for what it's worth I think the guy who used to run the most prominent Metroid fansite was actually in the audience. I remember him writing up a report on it and how he talked about being able to see the stitches in Mario's denim.
And then he threw a massive pissbaby tantrum about Prime and quit in a huff.
Smash is aimed at general audience, and it's something both kids can play casually, but teens and young adults could get into. Luigi's Mansion is 100% aimed at girls and little kids. Anygame that sells 3.3 million copies on its first game on a new series is doing something GOOD.

This entire thread is done from the perspective of male gamers who see things their way, thus Luigi's mansion is a bad game but the numbers disagree. NGC's problems were being overshadowed by the PS2, and lack of third party games and support.
Prior to Ultimate, the most awful shit /v/ tried to do was pretend the audience was cheering for RIDLEY in that moment because they were so desperate for validation about space dragons for Smash. I'm glad we can finally stop trying to lie about that.
Why do you think Luigi’s Mansion is aimed at girls and little kids?
Genuinely interesting. Thanks for posting.

Former game journalist here. Game "journos" are most certainly NOT Nintendo fans. My editor once referred to himself as "a Nintendo hating bastard" (exact quote). Nintendo is BY FAR the most hated company in gaming among journalists. All the obligatory 9/10s for every Nintendo game is done to avoid fanboy backlash (as they, rightly or wrongly, see Nintendo fans as being the most overly sensitive about review scores). Most of them don't play Nintendo games (or even Nintendo consoles) outside of work/review purposes.
Who did you write for?
>Nintendo games get an obligatory high score to avoid backlash.
That sounds about right.
Small sites. Though I had articles on the big ones a couple times. I was technically freelance. I got to see a fair variety of people/cliques in the field. Nintendo hatred is surprisingly widespread. I'm not saying this out of bias either: I'll admit that I'm not a huge fan of them either (though not a hater and I do like some of their games).
I enjoyed some of their games and consoles, but their practices makes me detest them. But then again, what company hasn't had stupid and retarded practices? Nintendo is up there because their rabid fanbase protects them so much.
>Luigi's Mansion is literally aimed at kids
>compares it to Resident Evil
Mental retardation and reliance on sales numbers to prove points go hand in hand.
>new series
Everyone knows Luigi mate
Yeah, gamecube was a massive let down after the N64.
>>Also for what it's worth I think the guy who used to run the most prominent Metroid fansite was actually in the audience. I remember him writing up a report on it and how he talked about being able to see the stitches in Mario's denim.
>And then he threw a massive pissbaby tantrum about Prime and quit in a huff.
If that anon was talking about the Metroid Database the dude couldn't stand that Prime was first person, ultimately said "not muh Metroid" and walked, which is kinda weird because he seemingly just ignored Fusion completely. Then again everyone else bitched about Fusion being not muh Metroid too
Thanks for your input anon I'm one of the anons you replied to and it's good to hear from someone who worked in it. Mad really that scores were to buy peace with the mindless horde.
I assure you people had biblical adoration for the Zelda series long before 2001. I can't personally speak for the late 80s/early 90s, but some of my first memories of reading gaming forums was reading people jerk off over OoT and LttP. Back then it seemed like it went >>11112782
from "Mario vs Sonic" to "Zelda vs FF7" when it came to warring series fanbases
>crowd goes fucking APESHIT over Samus

Man I tried so hard to like the Gamecube Metroid game but it's so fucking boring and soulless.
Ironically, Xbox’s approach ended up being great in the long run. Most of its games were 480p and there were even a handful of games that had 720p output, never mind it being so easy to mod. The only real problems were the leaky caps.
>Because there hadn't been a Metroid game in about a decade
Yeah but did anyone expect Samus NOT to be in Melee, after she was already in Smash 64?
seeing the Ridley fight in modern graphics was part of the excitement though. Not Ridley alone but it was a factor
This hits close to what i thought, like ok luigi game about chasing ghosts? Huh? That doesnt sound like anything id want to play. Of course after finally trying the series out this year i found it to be fun. A system seller? Nah, attention getter? Yeah it got my attention.
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Let's not forget that in Smash 64 Ridley was arthritic and 2D.
Somehow I never noticed he was in there. Thanks anon.

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