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I'm really itching to replay this game. I think it might be the comfiest game I've ever played, honestly. I wonder what the sequels were missing that didn't give them as much staying power.
You thought the first game had staying power?
It's not super original, it feels like it wants to stand halfway between the sims/wow and something like the legend of zelda.
I really like the laid back vibe of games this era. They have a mellow vibe that inspires confidence and peace.
Like Jak 1 is basically crash bandicoot mixed with banjoo kazooie, it's comfortable being what it is and it's humble in a sense. Despite being derivative in a sense, these games had heart because they were actually inspired by games of the past unlike today that seems to have no faith in the classical conventions that gave games a sense of structure and tradition but still offered opportunities for transendance.
Gen 7 games were like giant towers and obelisks rising above a well strucutured city. Gen 8 islike a flood of village huts sprawled out in every direction

I agree with you that this is a top tier comfy game for me but idk why. the combat itself or the missions are forgettable, the morality system itself is pretty pointless. I think kid me just really like the british accents and music
>Gen 8 islike a flood of village huts sprawled out in every direction
Actually it's more like a high library/prison where you can never see the light of day
I was there, day one on Xbox. I was part of the expanding modding community on PC. I remember how excited everyone was for Fable II. That game came and went and know one talked much about it at all afterwards. Fable III was like it never even came and went, hype was gone from Fable II. The first Fable is the one everyone comes back to, and it even got a good remaster not too long ago which added a harder difficulty, some DLC, different control schemes, and a soulful main menu.
People didn't give a shit about Fable 2 because the first game was a huge disappointment. Fable 2 also being stuck on a dead console also sealed its fate.
I love killing all the town people and buying their houses and renting it back to them
Fable was a good game.
>The Fresco Dome
>Kraken Battle
>The Arena
>The journey through Darkwood
>Traveling through Witchwood
>The Sword in the Stone
>The Demon Doors.
It needed a little more. A dozen or more side quests, a system that could let you really immerse yourself in the life you lead. But thats about it. Oh.
And keep Jack's voice normal until the dragon bit.
I played it for the first time last year and it was pretty good.
Fable 1 was an awesome game, but it didn't live up to the hype. Also, the last boss was the most disappointing, anticlimactic finale fight I can think of. I legitimately cannot think of any other game where I was more disappointed with the final boss experience. Great game though, might replay.
>It's not super original, it feels like it wants to stand halfway between the sims/wow and something like the legend of zelda.
Same with Dungeon Siege. Ultra-fun gameplay mixed with a frustratingly derivative plot. It’s no surprise that WoW swallowed the medieval RPG genre whole once it came out.
People that imprint on average games like Fable would benefit from just playing any other popular rpg. You'd enjoy a new experience instead of trying to recapture some arbitrary nostalgia
I love how broken this retarded game is
Fav thing is how you can buy up a store's inventory and then sell it directly back to them at a profit
The 360 was a powerhouse back in the day what are you saying? The ps3 was a joke

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