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These games would be godly if the field of view were just a little bigger. I was hype for the collection thinking they might do this, but alas.

What are the chances of this getting something like a pc port that can do this?
I love em as is. my favorite megaman series. even the loli character designs don't bother me
Isn't there widescreen hacks for snes?
this is a gba game
File: zero.png (34 KB, 146x72)
34 KB
>What are the chances of this getting something like a pc port that can do this?
what are the chances of modern-day capcom knowing how to compile their old game's code to target x86 instead of just dragging and dropping a rom into a folder and calling it a new release?
The issue is right on the image. The camera is centered on Zero at all times. They should've shown more space in front of him. This worked in old games because they had more screen space overall.
play 30xx
or uhm that other one
Its fine when you play them enough times
Why would they bother you? They should excite you.
100% if they hire me and give me the code so 0%
>a pc port
The issue woth 30xx is the retarded progression system which is about removing aspects of the game
>Whole fucking system based on enemy powers
>You basically have to choose to removr this system to progress in the game
search dis niggas hard drive
There is already a pc port released quite ago, and there is a ds collection.
You should check more outside of retro, is like the .hack games theh got a remake for PC long timd ago.>>11112909
>PC port
>Just an emulator but with less features
The Legacy Collection is a source port, that's why there's music mods for it to have the Remastered Tracks albums.

In theory someone could mod there a larger FOV.
After playing a ton of Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Gear stuff you get used to playing on a low FOV... it's a matter of practice, nothing more.
There's a fullscreen rom hack for Mega Man Zero Collection. I wonder how good is this rom hack.
This has been my problem. I enjoyed all 4 of them when I had them on GBA but given how speed-oriented they are, they would really benefit from having just a little more visual real-estate to work with. "You get used to it" is not a good excuse.

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