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>timer runs out before enough gang members can spawn
Heh, nothin personnel kid.
yeah, these were all bullshit. I think I completed one or two on the first island and avoided activating any other.
do you even get anything from these? I would never do them
Wtf is this
this is why i didn't play on PS2, or play the superior remaster instead
Just turn your camera around.
rampage missions from gta vice city
Superior remaster?
came here to say this just do a 180 and theres another group behind you. Never had any trouble with rampages.
>Never had any trouble with rampages.
the one i remember giving me the most problems was in gta3 in chinatown. the triads would just not spawn. i think there was another infamous one in that game but dont quite remember
I hate when the cops are onto you early on in the rampage, they just call in more cars and fuck up the flow
is that the rocket launcher one? that one was pretty gay. i think i got lucky when I managed to beat it.
The Definitive Edition

it's just better :-)
No, you get nothing
>can't switch to fists to move faster
I think they count toward 100% completion.
See nobody talks enough about rockstars specific brand of bullshit they constantly bring to the table. A good Rockstar mission is amazing, a bad Rockstar mission is fucking dogwater.
Almost all the missions suck, just mindless shooting or driving a short distance. The "good" missions are just more cinematic or introduce a gimmick.
Heists from GTAV were the closest to good content, thoughbeit

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