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why did they nerf the lance so much? the dagger not only deals more damage, but fires faster, with less gap between projectiles (especially easier to multi-hit arremers), and has a 50% higher on-screen limit. The dagger is like 3x as good as the lance. And the funny thing is the lance is the second best weapon in the game, the other weapons are just all penalty weapon trash.

Honestly the whole thing feels so sloppy and thrown together compared to the first game. The hitstun feels worse, level design is worse, your character's sprite is too big, boss design is worse, penalty weapons blocking your path is way more common, the psycho cannon feels way less satisfying than the cross/shield from the first game, the chest system is obnoxious, and the list goes on.
That Yoshikazu Yasuhiko art is so fuckin good.
Yeah it frustrates me how dogshit most of the weapons are. I feel there should only be one bad weapon and that's the torch. I think the chest system is fine.
The damage of the dagger and lance is the same,the lance behaves the same, you're just getting filtered becfause Daimakaimura doesn't have that bug where you shot faster/more as you move like in the first game. Stop whining and git gut
3 daggers to kill arremers, 4 lances. the game just feels like shit. it's way easier, just unbalanced and annoying and poorly designed
>the other weapons are just all penalty weapon trash
Still way better than the ones in the first game
>3 daggers to kill arremers, 4 lances
that's the only enemy and it's trivial with the lance special
>it's way easier
nigger you play the piss easy version of gng where you can milk lives in one spot for 1 hour, shut the fuck up
>it's not weaker
>except oh wait it is but it doesn't matter because if you happen to be in gold armor, the special can make it slightly easier
just shut the fuck up. the fact that a slower moving, slower firing weapon with less max projectiles on screen literally does less damage per projectile than a little dagger is fucking absurd.

And no you can't milk lives in one spot for an hour in the original. First of all there's a fucking timer. Second of all, you can't earn any lives past a million anyways. Third of all, most importantly, I've done a no miss run where I cleared both loops on a single life. You really don't know what you're talking about.
again it's only the arremer you fucking retard, bosses and other enemies take the same hits, and getting golden armor is damn easy. Yes knife is better but lance is a perfectly usable weapon, you are just getting filtered because you need og gng bugs to do shit.
>you can't earn any lives past a million anyway
that's why I said one hour you smartass piece of shit, you can get to 1 million easy milking enemies in one spot of stage 3
> I've done a no miss run where I cleared both loops on a single life
in the piss easy verrsion of the game that doesn't damage my fragile ego*
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>again it's only the arremer you fucking retard,
It does less damage in general you fucking moron, it's just easier to count 3 vs. 4 for an arremer vs. 15 vs. 20 for a boss

>getting golden armor is damn easy.
Not on the Japanese version. If you take a hit, you have to get 4 consecutive chests in one checkpoint just to get silver armor, then 2 more chests from there. It's easy to take a hit with how shitty the lance is, but once you get the dagger and then Psycho Cannon you just steamroll.

>lance is a perfectly usable weapon
No, it's fucking trash. Fortunately you can just find the dagger and then use Psycho Cannon to never have to deal with it, but having less damage, slower projectile speed, slower fire rate, and a lower projectile limit than the dagger is a fucking joke as the dagger was already far and away the best weapon in the first game, now it's even stronger while all the other weapons are even weaker.

>that's why I said one hour you smartass piece of shit, you can get to 1 million easy milking enemies in one spot of stage 3
there are stage timers you absolute fucking moron.

>in the piss easy verrsion of the game that doesn't damage my fragile ego*
The Japanese version of the game that was used for all future ports and versions. Technically the hardest Japanese version as it fixes the boss scroll bug. Go ahead and show your no death run of *any* version that I'm sure you've totally done, you dumbass shitter.
the only way you guys would know any of this is from cheating and checking out other people's guides. you didn't beat the game.
>It does the same damage in general you fucking moron
no it doesn't, bosses and enemies take the same damage, the only exception is arremer, stop seething and actually play the game,
>wahhh the chest system!
instead of seething and whining you could use that time to learn the order, it's simple.
>wahh the lance is shit!
no u are, stop playing it like the first game you retard, people can beat ghouls taking all the random weapons in the way, you're just a whining shitter
>stage timers!
and? long enough to milk a couple lives before each death, retard.
>muh piss easy version is the hardest!
yeah no, satans are a fucking joke
in the arcade games it wasn't uncommon to share info and strats, zoomie
>no it doesn't, bosses and enemies take the same damage, the only exception is arremer
Shut the fuck up retard. First you tried to claim they both did the same. I'm not testing every fucking boss in the game trying to count exactly how many attacks land. There is no special case with the arremer where the lance is just randomly weaker against him.

>you could use that time to learn the order,
I know the exact order and even posted a chart of it...

>stop playing it like the first game you retard
You use dagger for both games you moron. It's just that the lance is way worse while the dagger is way stronger. The weapon balance is much worse than even the first game, which had poor balance in the first place.

>people can beat ghouls taking all the random weapons in the way
and people can also beat makaimura without dying once, like I've done. The weapons in ghouls still feel like shit and the balancing is atrocious.

>and? long enough to milk a couple lives before each death, retard.
yeah bro, the game is totally trivialized by spending 15 minutes in the beginning of the game abusing an exploit to farm a few extra lives, especially when I've already said I beat it without dying once.

>yeah no, satans are a fucking joke
All the Japanese versions have the same amount of HP, it's only the shitty western versions that double the HP. It really doesn't make much of a difference for a standard run, since you have plenty of extra lives for bad pattern luck, but for a deathless run you can easily die to bad patterns. It's just a lazy form of increasing the difficulty that was just meant to milk the dumb gaijin of their quarters, which was very common for western arcade ports of the 80s and 90s.

I always just play the Japanese version of arcade games with rare exceptions. In Makaimura, they're easier than the US version, in Daimakaimura, they are significantly harder. In both cases, they are (and feel like) the intended difficulty.
>i'm a retard who doesn't play the game so assume the arremers exception is the rule
>weeb shitter coping with easier versions
>moving the goalposts of weapon balance to muh no death in makaimura baby edition
>reddit spacing
You have no clears, defend garbage design, and play the shitty western ports. You are talking about Japanese games you moron, it's not "weeb" to play the intended design and balance of the original version over the shitty port with numbers arbitrarily cranked up. That's also why your version of Ghouls is so easy, because the US version is the easiest of the three versions here.
If you like a game you play all the versions, not just the piss easy ones to suck off japs and avoid damaging your pathetic gaming ego. Makaimura G is just another easy multiloop slop while world GnG at least offers a good challenge for just 1cc.
>no clears!
>you defend garbage design!
you are the one wanking over buggy multiloop garbage that t look ike 4 revisions to fix tho
Legitimately one of the stupidest posters I've seen here on /vr/
but enough about yourself
all versions of makaimura/gng are multiloop.
all versions of daimakaimura/gng are 2 loop.

makaimura in addition to just being a better game for 2 loop play, has a lot higher challenge and skill ceiling from multiloop endurance/scoreplay, and continually gets harder to the fourth loop, after which it's mostly a matter of making your limited lives count.

Even the easiest version of Makaimura/gng is harder than the hardest version of Daimakaimura/gng. But the western version of Daimakaimura is by far easier than the Japanese version. I guess maybe they thought they went too far on the western version of Makaimura and then took it to the other extreme.
post clears shitter
>makaimura in addition to just being a better game for 2 loop play
except it's not because it's multiloop garbage that allows you to easy milk 1m in one spot
>has a lot higher challenge and skill ceiling
>makaimura is harder than daimakaimura
except you rely on shitty bugs that make it easy and seethe when ghouls don't have these shitty bugs and demands actual skill instead
>But the western version of Daimakaimura is by far easier than the Japanese version.
complete non-player bullshit, have cleared both countless times and there's not much of a difference,enemies take the same amount of hits, mayyyybe slightly higher rank in daimakaimura but still nowhere near a difference as Makaimura G vs Ghosts.
keep seething and sucking off the japs tho
>except it's not because it's multiloop garbage that allows you to easy milk 1m in one spot
that would make no sense for endurance/scoreplay since milking 1min one spot would require you to waste a bunch of lives for no reason... You only get 18 lives total, so you would milk score where you can, but move on before running out of time.

>except you rely on shitty bugs that make it easy
no idea what you're referring to retard

>complete non-player bullshit
the chest system is totally different, it has extra checkpoints, enemies/bosses have less health, and they are less aggressive and move slower. So yes, it's a massive difference and the international versions are much easier.
point is only bugpeople care about multilooping
>chest system is different
it's the same, non-player
>extra checkpoints, less health on bosses
that's the US which no one plays, the world version is the same as the japanese, and the extra checkpoints in US only fuck up your set ups, it can even soft-lock you (sword on boss 4), so it's more of a weird version than just easy one, still not one plays it
>it's the same, non-player
it's not

>that's the US which no one plays
World version also has the enemies/bosses with less health that are less aggressive and move slower

Just think it's funny you about the easy version then proceed to play the baby version of Ghouls and can't even 1 credit clear either game.
maybe in your schizo mind, everyone knows world and jp isn't that much of a different, maybe you played the sega port on easy or something and pretended the arcade was the same lol
I'm talking about the ac version here only
retested the arremer thing, it has nothing to do with the weapon, stage 2 arremer takes 4 hits while last stage's 5 which leads to confusion
then play it again, world on high rank is just as difficult
last stage's takes 3*
I didn't realise internet posts can clear the shitter, neat
Not a fan of the diagonal projectile

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