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I know next to nothing about gaming before the NES. What was it like?
The games were mostly short. Some people would keep a notepad with their highscore on them. Graphics were fairly high contrast, and some of us use a black-and-white TV for gaming. Signal static could be pretty heavy, but it didn't really prevent gameplay because text and sprites were often a bit huge or blocky.
That shit is like 50yo dude.
Home gaming: Amusing for like 15 mins tops. A bunch of little blocks that go “beep boop faaaart”. There’s a reason the video game market crashed for home consoles, they were all clones of little block games, there was only so much they could do with the tech for home consumers.

Arcades: The action stayed strong, these games are still playable today.
it was new. you mostly didnt see or play video games at home before this. pac man? donkey kong? space invaders? at home?! sign me up!! was the attitude. tons of fun usually came from couch co op and vs games. sitting alone in front of a desktop trying to figure out the appeal of these games wont work for most people. that said, since the graphics were dirt simple, the focus was on gameplay. and if you let yourself have fun and try some of it out, you might like it
just like me fr
it was like this.

oy dat wuznt a speccy~!
For consoles it was pretty shit. Arcades and Apple II is where it was at in the early 80s.
Way better than it gets credit for. Using the Atari VCS for your OP is kind of telling. Systems like the Commodore 64 and Colecovision were NES-tier gaming before the NES was released.
lurk more
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Arcades were fucking awesome.

PC was whatever.

Atari 2600 had a lot of good games, but also a lot of unplayable shit. Here's a top 100 chart so you can avoid the garbage.
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Here's an expanded version of that.
it was a golden era; chad and the boys would rail whores on pinball machines and highs cores got national coverage
Most of the interesting stuff is PC and little to no action skill. Amazing how much of rpg gaming was made in such a short amount of time and how ambitious it was. Hugely important strides in complexity and proto pushes for creating a true open world. Richard Garette I can call a prophet without feeling like I am exaggerating. And I dont even play those old pc games. I'm an action game guy, the old pc stuff is just that impressive when I research it

Consoles were just worst arcades. I've never touched an Atari but stuff like galaga is still great every once in a while. They are like little snacks
It was basic. There was some fun to be had playing against your friends in games like "combat." We would then go outside and play because after 2 minutes you've seen everything the game had to offer. There were a few exceptions like Pitfall 2, however. I still have my childhood 2600 and games but I never revisit it. Its permanently in the back of the storage closet.
Saved. Gonna get me a 2600 one of these days. Any good flashcarts?
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It was the era where getting a high score meant something instead of just feeling like a pointless extra mechanic.

It was good, simpler times.
Real Chads had an Apple 2, which was much better for gaming than the 2600. The Atari 800 and C64 were there too if you were a retarded child, but only the Apple 2 offered the real personal computer experience. The Japanese PC-8801 is also an underrated system that you might want to look into.
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8-bit Apple ][ computers had interesting graphics for its time, but was on par with the TRS-80 model 1 and Model III when it came to sound generation. Atari 8 bit always had a built-in sound chip, unlike 8-bit Apple ii sounds from a speaker. Unless, that is, you could afford to buy a cricket or Mockingboard module that went inside an expansion slot under the top casing.

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