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Would it have saved the Sega Saturn?
It would have sunk with it.
whats your fucking problem? Do you jerk yourself off after making threads like this?
no it would have killed final fantasy
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Would it have saved the Playstation?
No, I do it for her.
No a good port of Daytona USA from the start might have helped though
Saturn wouldn't have able to handle it, plus the game wouldn't have gotten the huge marketing campaign Sony gave it.
The game is mostly 2D backgrounds with low poly characters on top of it. Battles are capped at 15fps and aren't really pushing beyond the Saturn's limits either. The only tricky bit would be the transparency effects for spells but those could probably be reworked. There's nothing that game is doing that's really beyond the Saturn's capabilities.
Kinda sad this is one of the best Saturn-exclusive games. Japanese cover for this goes hard as hell.
Yeah. Too bad they went with a canceled Elder Scrolls Arena port instead lol
Looks like a Grateful Dead album cover
All hypothetical "what if?" Sega threads should be banned
As long as we get the IP counter back
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You've made this thread before




What compels people to do this?
Joke is not funny anymore OP
>Would it have saved the Playstation?
Mr Bones is by far and away the weirdest game SOA published for the Saturn. It's like a strange analogue to Vectorman. The live action mixed with CG FMV's are weird. The game is a mash up of mini-games and platforming segments. Some of mini-game like stuff does't play very well. It's has a lot of personality, though.


I think the Sega CD was always destined to be a $300.00 add-on that had a limited appeal. What could really be done to save that? Don't say: less FMV, because FMV games were the trend for the time, and the system probably sold units because of it.

The Sega Saturn... Sega could've salvaged that by cancelling the 32x. But the real problem was the early NA launch due to the Sony PS1's launch price being cheaper than the Saturns. It was mostly retailers not willing to stock the hardware, because they were sick of the 32X and early Saturn launch clusterfucks. Not enough Saturns in stock at it's earlier than expected launch was a disaster.
Saturn couldn't handle it.
Probably not.
These Saturn threads have to be made by the same two or three people, right? I refuse to believe that this abortion of a console that nobody cared about outside of Japan (and it wasn't even very popular there), had a number of decent exclusives you can count on one hand, generates this much organic interest.
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It's the other way around, Saturn seethers are 2 or 3 guys, you included.
The early launch wasn't due to the PS1's price.It was due to needing to sweep the 32X under the rug. No 32X, no early launch. It's that simple. By fall of 1995 Sega could have matched Sony's $299 launch price.

There's nothing going on in that game that's beyond Saturn's capabilities.
Just 3D.
still no mainline 3d sonic game
>There's nothing going on in that game that's beyond Saturn's capabilities.
Yes, just the fact that it's a good game.
No. Saturn would have required 10 discs for it and still would've looked like shit
SEGA CD was fine. Saturn had a multitude of issues from no Sonic to inferior ports compared to N64 and PS1. What we needed was the Neptune. Pico ran on Genesis hardware and outlived the Dreamcast itself in Japan.
It would look just as bad as on the Playstation right? Low quality plasic looking backgrounds, sub VHS quality FMVs and the battles running at 15fps (or less)
The only reason it became a success is because of the massive marketing budget that brainwashed everyone into buying and liking this trash
>It would look just as bad as on the Playstation right?
Maybe worse
Both the backgrounds and the FMVs looked amazing at the time. Sub VHS videos... as opposed to what? Saturn had worse video quality than PSX and N64 didn't have videos aside from Resident Evil 2 and maybe some other rare exceptions I don't know about. And yes, the battles have poor framerate, but that was relatively common at the time, with N64 being by far the worst offender.
And the game sold a lot because it promised a big epic adventure, had great designs and scenarios, and several people praised it as one of the best games they had ever played, if not the best. And of course, it also sold because of the marketing, a good marketing campaign will always help. But people absolutely loved the game.
I think he is running dry on Saturn related topics
The problem with the Saturn was Sega.

Shining Force 3 has battle effects as good as FF7, it just doesn't have as many of them or animations as long as KOTR.
>animations as long as KOTR
>be 20yo me
>something something master mateia
>something something Ruby
>something something Emerald
>something something mime for everyone
>KOTR + mime + mime + mime + mime
>fuck off to shit, smoke, make dinner
>still have to watch one more KOTR
just fuck my mime up senpai
Saturn should have been a Genesis add-on
>people still think it matters what games are on consoles and everything isn't 99% marketing
The switch literally sold off the back of a handful of Wii U ports, and no one bought the Wii U, c'mon.
>Saturn would have required 10 discs for it and still would've looked like shit
that's either some serious hyperbole or bad faith arguing for failed bait. saturn is more than capable of handling ff7
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>sub VHS quality FMVs
A bunch of autist isn't t enough to save a system, You need popular games.
Unironically bots. /v/ has the same issue of bots reposting the same thread over and over.
>Sub VHS videos... as opposed to what?
Any digital FMVs looked like garbage until 6th gen came around.
Just look at the lunar games where the FMVs on PS1 and Saturn look like pure vomit, while the simpler cutscenes of the SegaCD still look great to this day.
> the battles have poor framerate, but that was relatively common at the time, with N64 being by far the worst offender.
And yet OoT runs a complete 3D environment at 20fps, not great by any means but still far ahead of FF7.
FF7 was a product of its time, but it looks like shit really.
For comparison look at Legend of Mana, now that is what FF7 should've looked like.
Why would you use bots to spam threads about old retro games? What's the fucking point?
how long until he has to resort to talk about japanese games or go full fanfic like 'what if Nintendo and Sega collaborated to make the Saturn?"
/v/ also has bots reposting reddit threads. mods don't give a shit

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