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>Dude it looks fucking fugly on purpose so it's actually good!!
Fuck ironicfags for defending this sloppa now. Eat shit.
KOF had better waifus than Street Fighter my favorites Kula and Angel
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I liked Falcoon when he did fan art, because it was fan art. Then he became the official look and it all went to shit. Just think, with today's tech we could have a KoF that looks like high res Shinkiro art in motion, but we will never get it because now the kids expect moe cartoony bullshit.
Nobody says this. Literally everybody says the post snk kof games are ugly lol
KOF 2001 has more soul in its pinky finger than you have in your entire body
2k also had the second best roster after 2k2
NESTS saga is shit but at least the first two games had effort put into them.
No one defends 2001 you dummy
who was responsible for the right?
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Just add some droll on the right, then it would have been pure perfection.
But Angel is a spic and Kula is underage, anon.
The Koreans
Drawing left required talent. Drawing right requires little to no talent.
Sounds based to me, he missed Shermie on that list tho
I've seen many people defend it even on this board. This was a few years ago so they must have ACKed themselves by now
>with today's tech we could have a KoF that looks like high res Shinkiro art in motion
Tell me you don't really believe this
even if you meant AI that's just not achievable
3d a shit
I think it would be very easily achievable with cel shading. Street Fighter 5 looks like dogshit, but that's because of the art style. Sinkiro's style is fairly simple, it would be no problem for curr tech to do it.
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Nona rules.
t. gook
>But Angel is a spic
>better pose
>more dynamic perspective
>style more fitting of a fighting game
>better silhouette
>more interesting expression
>more unique style
For me it's a toss up.
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Thankfully the art got better in 2002. I like how the art style feels like a mix of anime and western cartoons.
I want to punch you in the face even more than that vomit inducing pictute of Athena.
Sounds like you have a weak stomach.
>Kula is underage
A strong stomache, but an equally strong dislike of ugly things and terrible art.

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