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When you buy retro games, do you delete the save file? There's some charm to seeing how far the previous owner got. But using save slot 3 or going out of my way to preserve their save feels kinda like a cuck. But if I delete it, it's gone forever. You guys think I should wipe the previous owner's save file?
>muh previous owner saverinoooooos!!!
Grow a pair
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i delete my own save files to start a new game, why do i care about other people's if they didn't care enough to keep the game? all is ephemeral, it is the experiences that matter, not the proof of them
Learn how to replace the battery so you can save at all.
It's probably more important to clean that cartridge their dog pissed before they sold it to you for $500.
Epictetus is the model for a cozy philosopher wrapped up in the safety of a society carrying his burden. I am glad he is dead.
I bear it and live with the pain of lose, but am happy I feel this pain for the lose was love.
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I've never had this problem because I exclusively emulate
>posts cuck shit
You're one either way.
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>tfw women get salty if you question them about their promiscuous past while manga/anime women are like this instead.
2D is just better.
I do delete them, but before I do so, I make sure to explore the previous save file as much as I can out of curiosity.

I bought a bunch of DS Pokemon games over the past couple years and was kinda disappointed that none of them had completed save files on them. Most of them were only like 1 hour into the game.
Cuck 2: The Recuckening
no actual women do slut confessions too, guaranteed if they have bpd
If I have to delete one, I'll pick the least impressive one. I have no problem with keeping the others, even if they are in slot 1. Who gives a shit if you use slot 1.

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