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A lost jewel of the past
To play the shitty games that suck ass
Emulating anime games from the SFC on my K6-2 PC back in 2000 is easily one of my gaming life highlights.
I love hearing newbs say you can't emulate SFC/SNES with a K6-2. ZSNES experience is still the best 16bit emulator experience.
Best? Absolutely not. But definitely nostalgic.
I still use it and is quite good thanks to having a proper ntsc filter (something missing in lot of emus).
Just combine it wit dsoal and the sound is great, snes9x is accurate but there is something missing.
Abd the wsy to record movies is better then snything else.
File: a-lost-gem-of-the-past.png (2.59 MB, 1440x1080)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB PNG
Mine would be full like that if I had Mikami in front of me
Last level.is one of the most gorgeous sites on the SNES.

Also Yokoshima had a hard life
Why did you turn him white?
Is this one of those hentai rape battle games from new grounds?
The exorcist with an erotic body...
no, its a fairly competent platforming game with about as close to a 1 to 1 with the anime you can get while still being a good game.
It's a stupid zoomer, he also added the damn glasses and the beard.
Funny that they reused the game's engine for the first Snes Power Rangers game. Even the menus are the same.
Cool. Is it in English or nah
there is an english script and someone made a patched rom but did not share the translation
What the hell is that weapon she's using?
its mostly just a club that incorporates rare materials/advanced technology to channel her spiritual power to exorcise ghosts but she is able to enhance it to make a lightsaber like blade or extend it to make it a whip like weapon and so on.
That's a pretty thin club, but at least my first guess was right: It always looked like a baton to me.
Transforming weapons are cool.
No, I'm a dumb millennial engaging in zoomerisms. No better, I suppose. I apologize for spreading disease.
Be careful of the virus.

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