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The Holy Trinity of well-designed Pinball games
Yooo that taxi game was at my corner liquor store. I forgot all about that game. Good shit
I like Safecracker, but people don't talk much about it.
I'd throw FunHouse on there in place of the Taxi game.
medieval madness is the funnest machine ive ever played. im familiar with black knight (and its music) but ive never actually seen it. never heard of taxi
black knight was designed and voiced by steve ritchie, who also did the voice for shao kahn in mortal kombat 2 and 3
Based Safecracker enjoyer. One day I'll own one, but they're a bitch now: the playfield is so heavy that it caves in the middle if not reinforced.
For me it's picrel.
>Not Whirlwind
>Not Safecracker
>Not Theater of Magic
>Not Addam's Family
>Not Mars Attacks
nice thread, fag
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It's gotta be creature from the black lagoon for me
i haven't had a good place for Medieval Madness since Up-Down's broke too much to be left on the floor. They don't pay to have competent technicians who can immediately repair it in place like pinball-specific placed do. LITT has the most deluxe version of the remake but they have it extra tilted for extra challenge and i can't catch the ball normally. so i don't play that one.

Taxi is there, but it has not been one of my favorites.

Caffetto, a block away, no longer has Black Knight 2000 in the basement so i'd need to go to Bad Penny or elsewhere to play it. i have no interest in the original Black Knight because i'm only there for the FM synth and voice samples. it was fun waking it up when someone there was trying to study/video call
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For me it's
am i the only one on this board to have played the $20,000 Bond 60th Anniversary Limited Edition?

i've been told it's rare for LEs to go anywhere but personal collections and that i'm blessed for having an enthusiast bar here that gets the top model of everything. is that how it actually is, or do most of the hundreds of LEs of each end up in other big city bars?
most of Jersey Jack's don't seem to flow well, but i do well in this one when i remember to look at the screen and select Yag Sbarro
forgot pic but it's too large anyway and i'm not going to bother compressing it. the one based on the pirate movie starring the alcoholic domestic abuser misogynist and financed by the sex pest
Funhouse is great, probably 4th or 5th or 6th. Tales of the Arabian Nights is also a contender. Williams was insanely good at making pinball.
BK1980 doesn't have the music, but I really like the gameplay. It's simple but very challenging and fun. It also has the classic Williams sound effects you also hear in their video games from the time period like Robotron 2084.
Had this at a roller rink but I'm not much of a skater so haven't played it in years. The owners are huge fucking fags and get buttblasted when you're not skating even if you're spending money, what the fuck is their problem
do you look like a nonce?
Nah I mean last time I played it I was a kid and they hated it then too
Ok fags why do you have so many cool arcade games if you obviously resent it for being more fun than skaking
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>decide to sell a pin I've owned for 5 years to get a new one
>put up reasonable price (a bit lower than the other ads)
>get offers for 1000$ less
Why are some people like this?
>The Holy Trinity
So very retarded and total bollocks to say that when there's been so many outstanding classics across even more decades than videogaming

I've played it in Seattle. It's great. Uh... I don't have anything particularly clever to say about it. Getting to multiball is harder than it is on a typical Stern.

Originally there was going to be a thing where you unlock features in Bond 60th by playing the regular Bond pin and vice versa, but I think they gave up on that. Now you can just scan a special non-account qr code to get new soundtracks for multiball in 60th. Probably that feature was originally going to be unlocked through playing the regular Bond pin.
>Why are some people like this?
Why didn't you put "no OBO" in your ad? If you don't specifically state you don't want other offers you're going to get other offers...
But I did.
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Then just treat them like the retards they are. If you posted it for like $3000 say something like "I think $4000 is a little too generous and the extra $1000 makes me suspicious to sell to you. sorry have a nice day!"

let them seethe at you over their own Babylonian talmudic ways
bump for pinball
apparently there's a godzilla machine near me so might go and see what the hype is about
The late 90s Sega Godzilla, or the new one?
The newer one
I'm unclear if the retro rule applies to pinball since it's so niche and no other board can really talk about it
Why were there never more home console versions of pinball machines like this? Imagine if Medieval Madness was ported to the PS1, holy kino
No one cares. I've yet to try this machine.
It's kinda pointless, half the fun of pinball is mastering (and influencing) the physics. I guess video game pinball is okay to learn the rules of real tables.
>I guess video game pinball is okay to learn the rules of real tables.
This is what I use it for mainly
Also Pinball Arcade (pirated ofc since they lost the Williams licenses) has some rare tables you'd probably never see irl
i LOVE medieval madness.
i've never gotten to play black knight, but the song is dope (and i think its the same voice as the mortal kombat song?)
never heard of taxi

should probably replace taxi with microsoft pinball.
To be honest I don't understand the hype over Black Knight 2000. It's a one trick pony. But the music is great, and that's about it.
Taxi's really fun if you get a chance to try it. Really fast game with clear goals, definition of "easy to learn hard to master".
How do I deal with multiball better? I always feel like I can't keep track of them, lose control and then end up draining all two/three balls like an idiot
If you can't keep a vague record of them, you should simply try to cradle two (if you have three balls) with on flipper, so you can make those jackpot shots with the other ball/flipper. That's the usual trick.
Safecracker is the shit. Just wish I had a chance to play a real one.
As far as I can tell theres like 2 in my entire country.

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