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i used the chemist to cheese the last boss

did i beat the game?
haven't gotten that far yet but i will say that a lot of the bosses are pretty hard without specific strategies desu
that said idk how you used chemist, unless they give you a way to buff other characters with it
the chemist gets an ability called mix that can make items that buff your characters level and double their hp
drink and mimic
rapid fire
barehand and kaiser knuckles
the game became very easy
>beat the game
>ah durr did I beat the game?
yes, but youre a retard for asking
gooning to this rn
Rapid fire bare hand kaiser knuckle was my final Bart. Very satisfying punching a tree a gorillion times.
yes you beat the game using in game mechanics its legit and ignore all autisms saying you didnt and adding a bunch of autism requirements to it.
Depends on whether you found out about it yourself or not.

For example, if in FF7 you did the following
>look up a guide for chocobo breeding
>breed gold chocobo
>get KotR
>spam it against the Weapons

Then you did not beat the weapons. Someone else did it for you.
chemist is a slow and more tedious method than using holy or flare sword x fight so yeah you did?
>>did i beat the game?
if you checked guides to learn the effect of different mixes, no

if you experimented with the mixes, then yes
Surprised the OP image hasn't been removed for triggering the tranitor's dysphoria
I regret to inform you, but you did not beat the game.
Thanks for posting. If you're ever open to doing FFVI again, a T-Edition playthrough would be fun and I don't think it's been done here before.
Oops wrong thread
its literally just trial and error
anybody could do it and just reload their save
not exactly a great mechanic
The effect of many mixes aren't exactly apparent.

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