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What a piece of shit. Terrible in every aspect that makes the series great.
Has anyone modded the game to remove the pathetic slow motion when you go through loading tunnels?
The last good game in the series but the cracks were starting to show.
What's wrong with the soundtrack?
This is exactly right. The skating in this game is probably the best in the series, between this and THUG 2. I couldn't have given a single shit about the story mode in AW like I did with THUG, but man was it fun to just skate around. Comparing AW to Project 8 is night and day.
>PeeShit 2 version
Version differences are pretty much negligible in these games
liar ass box
best game in the series
>Features still locked off by mandatory tutorials 80% through the story
Fuck this boring ass game. I had a friend that had the balls to compare it to THUG2 and THPS3 in terms of quality.
One of the level designers hated the game. THPS8 and Project are unironically better for at least trying something new and having better pacing, and both have bad pacing
im playing this now and the damn tutorial wont end.
The fact I could immediately grind rails completely turned me off the game.
There's a difference between being taught by NPCs how to perform basic tricks, and being completely unable to do a trick until you talk to NPCs.
It's a fun solid game but it's definitely glitchy as fuck. I have a playthrough going and had to take a break because I got tired of how fucking janky it could be.
anon... The tutorial lasts for the entirety of the game.
I grew up with the gamecube version and holiday by green day plays like %30 of the time. Recently played it on Xbox and that song barely plays because the radio seems to have a bunch more music in circulation.
reviewers at the time hated it cause it was a bunch of emo bands covering punk songs, and in the mid 00s calling people emo faggots was the meta
Unironically this, it's so bad.
All of the additions to this from THUG2 are basically useless or even hindering if you go thru them one by one.
Everyone called this out immediately but even if there were no tunnels or they were shorter, it would have not made it a better game.
They have the same soundtracks between versions
It could be there's a version difference that some songs play more often than others as in they are weighted differently but I doubt it.
this game worse than thug2 and project8?
Yes but saying something is worse than thug2 is redundant

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