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>what ?! your racing game doesnt allow you to pick up hot chick in your tuned up cars ?
this is the quintessential fast and furious 1 to 3 experience,and i remember the cars controlling better than in NFS underground 2.
best 20 bucks i ever spent.
am i the only one that played that game ?
I actually have a save with this game and juiced for ps2 emulator along with some other street racing game I cant remember the name of that was similar to srs. Either way im not far in the game but picking up chicks is pretty entertaining and the racing isnt bad at all. When I started playing this and juiced again it was because I vaguely remembered the games and wanted to revisit them. Plus there's been 1? 2? other threads in the last 2 months about this game and picking up the gorls in it. all in all its fun from the hour or so ive put into it (limited game time). I might actually play it some more tonight if time allows and I can sneak in a few hours
it's pretty mediocre. the softcore didn't do much for me, and the handling was middling at best, and definitely worse than something like juiced or NFSUG. also had some really obnoxious lens flares that blinded you on a turn in a few tracks. braindead easy too, the subaru impreza sedan can be tuned to like 500hp right from the start and will carry you up until endgame, when you need to upgrade to the r34 skyline. it's not bad, just kind of a 6/10.
oh, the engine tuning was quite in depth and interesting, though.
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Fun fact: this game was supposed to be published by 3DO, but they went bankrupt before release. When 3DO's assets were sold off in an auction, Namco paid more cash for the rights to publish Street Racing Syndicate than Ubisoft paid for the entire (Heroes of) Might and Magic franchise.
the softcore did a lot to teenager me.
i wonder if you can find these online.

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