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Let's talk about the fun machine.
I'm currently playing Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time on my console via a flashcart and it's pretty good, was wondering what other romhacks should I try, already have Mario Kart Amped Up (waiting for the new update that might add 3D models for the racers) and Smash Remix, maybe some randomizers as long as they're console compatible.
I have played some Mario 64 romhacks (currently Sapphire is my favorite) and some for Goldeneye.
posting this from randnet
Been tempted to check out Duke Nukem 64, Hexen, and Quake after reading the other console ports are inferior. I know the music is missing but they do look a bit nicer on the N64 imo. Surprising as it usually seems to get inferior ports. Also need to check out the latest Smash Remix at some point
You probably already have it, but Animal Forest (w/ Eng translation) is a fun curiosity. Very similar to the GameCube game but it's missing kind of a lot like the museum.
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What's the best N64 FPS?
I've heard good things about GoldenEye mostly but the Turok games look very fun too imo
It's missing some levels from the original game and sometimes the framerate gets very bad (specially on E4) but its still playable and fun, I beat it this year on Hard and had a blast even when I was getting furious over those fucking Spawns
Not a bad port desu but needing an entire controller pak for one save sucks
One of my fav ways to play Duke3D, doesn't beat playing DN3D but it's still a great way to play it.
Hard to choose but I'll go with Turok 1.
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SummerCart64 carts are appearing on Aliexpress, from what I checked they're better than ED64plus & Super64 (updated OS using N64FlashcartMenu with better compatibility and support for 64DD games and other things) while still being somewhat cheap ($60).
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God Tier:
Duke Nukem 64

High Tier:
Doom 64

Good Tier:
Turok 2
Perfect Dark
Quake 2

Okay Tier:
Turok 3

Low Tier:
Armorines - Project SWARM

Shit Tier:
South Park

Haven't played tier:
Hexen 64
The World is Not Enough
When I was 8 years old, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter gave me headaches and made me feel dizzy. This was strange because I used to play a lot of Starfox 64 and Goldeneye without any issues.

Turok had something about it that made me feel physically ill.

As an ESL learner, my father enrolled me in an English course during that summer. A few weeks later, I received Turok 2: Seeds of Evil as a birthday gift, and playing it felt… unique. I experienced the same side effects as with Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, but there was an additional eerie element: the phrase “Beware: Oblivion is at hand.”

That sentence haunted me when I was alone.

Would being forgotten be worse than dying? If I no longer breathe; no longer experience life, but there’s no record of my existence, who, how, or what could even confirm that I ever lived?

Will death be when I lose my breath and my heart stops beating... or when time itself has forgotten me? And if I am remembered: Will I live or will I be consumed by whoever at that moment is experiencing what I believe to be "living"? Am I living or just existing?

Few games have fucked my head like Turok 2. I don't know if it was because of my age or because I was learning the language at that time, I have no idea.
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I'd be wary of those if I were you. Someone on N64brew ordered one and the seller tried hitting him with extra fees (one for 1 cent and another for $45). This was after it had already "shipped" (the seller claimed there was a problem with the order and it needed "reshipment"). Also, the carts are missing the button on the back and who knows what else. The price is really suspicious.
When you know the scam artist krikkz is charging 160 for an x7 as well it really puts things in to context. No doubt he has the entirety of plebit throwing money at him.
Do you still have to hit reset to save the games with this one?
its my main gripe with the super64, aside from it being ugly as fuck,
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>Do you still have to hit reset to save the games with this one?
No. It automatically writes the save data to the SD card during gameplay. There's even a flashing indicator light. Way more seamless than the x7 which doesn't fully save until you boot into the menu again. Still pretty expensive, though ($124 + shipping from a proper seller like Phenom Mod).
It will eventually pop up for less on aliexpress for sure, thanks anon.
Doom is actually a 2D platformer
I see, guess it's still "too early" for the Summercart to get its cheap version.
My Super64 still works thankfully.
does this thing have 3D games running at 60FPS other than Fzero and Smash?
dark rift
It sucks. PSX was much better.
The N64 is a cemetery of unfinished games and abandoned ideas, the PSX knew exactly what it wanted to be from the beginning
Pretty sure Ridge Racer does, it's butter smooth
RR64 is 30fps but it's very stable on that framerate, plus it's a fast game so it feels really smooth.
nope, it runs at 30fps
>Way more seamless than the x7 which doesn't fully save until you boot into the menu again
X7 saves without requiring a reset.
for multiplayer I like Goldeneye X, its basically Goldeneye running on Perfect Dark engine so you can play with bots etc.
PSX let the normies in and its been downhill ever since
Video games have always been for normalfags. The only aspect you can say weren't were older PC games pre-90's.
>X7 saves without requiring a reset.
The save data is kept in battery-backed memory. It doesn't actually get written back to the SD card until you load the menu again.
Think of how much better the N64 would have been if it wasn’t for the slow RAM causing crappy framerates.
The 64DD hardware emulation is cool. I hope it gets added to the EverDrive.
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Amped Up with 3D Models
Quake 2
Nintendo always cheapens out in some thing. Slow CPU for the SNES, slow RAM for the N64, mini-DVDs for the cube...
Yep, the x7's solution is a bit of a cop-out. I honestly have no idea why you'd get one over the SC64 at this point when the latter is strictly superior and cheaper.
I got mine in just the other day, and it's been flawless testing the RTC, 64DD emu, USB->PC connection, and everything else.
The PCB costs alone are prohibitively expensive. Any listing claiming to significantly undercut the ongoing group buys in price is likely a scam.
This is sick
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If you like Perfect Dark's campaign difficulties you'll like World is not Enough. The true way to play it is a full clear on Agent, then Secret Agent, then 00, but if it does not hold your interest the mandatory mission for multiple difficulties is Night Watch at least.

Quake is the best Quake.
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Just a reminder you can play doom, doom 2 and wolf3D on a N64 with a flashcart, you can look for the latest .z64 files of those games on archive org, they play well.
>Think of how much better the N64 would have been if it wasn’t for the slow RAM causing crappy framerates.
Yes. It would be faster if it had higher specs. That's a good point.
Pokemon Stadium just deleted my Yellow save because it thought it was corrupted.
I hate this shitty Transfer Pak so much and how it wobbles around in this garbage controller.
Finally, I hated the 2D sprites since the day the game came out.
Are the contacts clean? I think you can put the transfer pak in a second controller and just set that down somewhere to reduce the risk of things like this happening.
Turok is the best FPS game ever made.
Yeah, I cleaned it. It's just that the Transfer Pak doesn't sit as tight in the controller as the other peripherals.
I did what you said and hope it doesn't happen again.
Maybe you could also wedge it in tighter with a piece of paper of something.

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