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post your retro levels
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Stratholme and Dire Maul are great but it's hard to top Black Rock Depths.
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And a BRD shot while we're at it
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Yr 2 of Grim Fandango was absolute CINEMA.
SF1: the not-vampire castle was MOOD.
Chrono TRIGGER , Zeal.
Chrono TRIGGER, Not-Castlevania.
SF1, Manhattan. looks cool, nothing much to explore.

Timelord's zone. not as trippy as the Spacelord's candy world.
because it was horny time.
more not-vampires with filtered remake graphix.

Fuse: I'm CIA and it's GLOWING HERE!!!!
I’m sad this thread isn’t getting more traction so I’m bumping
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Conker's D-Day Special level where you storm the beach and have to leave. The bunkers, the labs, and getting out are hard. Leaving is particularly hard, and the whole thing felt epic to me.
admittedly the design isn't interesting, it was the build up to it, and the tone change from the rest of the game which made it feel epic to me. meh I'll leave the post
what game ?
That is the inside of Blackrock Mountain in classic World of Warcraft (and subsequent expansions, I'm assuming it changed at some point though)
I fucking love these in every R-type game.
Dismantling a giant battleship piece by piece is always cool as fuck.

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