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File: retroarch.png (7 KB, 512x512)
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Planning to go through some older games, the games on the list:
Suikoden I and II
Super Metroid
Castlevania SotN
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super metroid, i guess. dumb question, play what you feel like.
Eh, I'd put shorter games first. I agree starting with Super Metroid makes the most sense, it's obviously good to play it before SotN.
Release order.
Play the one you want, nigger. There's not a "correct" order.
just whichever you feel like playing at the time. back then, we didn't drip feed an entire game to completion before starting the others.

if emulating, i'd also recommend version controlling your saves using something like git, especially if you're in the habit of using states instead of in-game saves
>Version controlling your save states
I was going to make fun of you but I just lost 2 hours of progress in FF:TA. Maybe you're onto something.
If it were me Castlevania, but Super Metroid is important as well

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