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File: Cold_Winter_PS2.jpg (26 KB, 220x318)
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Post your very favorite FPS game that has no sequels or spinoffs.
Not one of my favorites but imo it's quite underrated
>huge levels where you actually have to pilot your ship to in realtime (sorta)
Kingpin: Life of Crime
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Exhumed (though I guess it's 2-3 games in one so I can't complain)

Thanks, this looks cool. Since we both like Powerslave I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

Darkwatch is a good game for anyone who hasn't played it. Dead man's hand has a very cool scoring system too.
Behind the Iron Gate
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This looks so KINO, is it really as fun as it looks?
Had a remake which apparently sucked if that counts.
Depends on what you're looking for in an early FPS.
It was made in Poland, BTW
Yeah, piloting the ship and being able to disengage from the controls in real time and walk around was really neat. This is Starfield 20 years before Starfield (not really a compliment but you get what I mean).
I am nostalgic for this game…but it also wasn’t exactly a great game either.
Kingpin also had a bad remaster
Powerslave had a pretty good remaster
Prey had its name slapped on a completely different game in Prey 2017stktm
>no spinoff or sequels
yeah, it counts.
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Urban Chaos Riot Response. I know, it's technically under the umbrella of the older PS1/DC/PC game, but it has nothing to do with that. It plays completely differently and demonstrates the skill of the guys at Rocksteady. Gorgeous game too, I think the environments compare closely to HL2.
Almost forgot about this. Decent game.
Excellent list, all those games are masterpieces
man i had the demo for that game on my hitman blood money disk. the demo was kino. replayed it so many times. but never got to play the full game, tie passed and i forgot...
i don't play dead FPS games
Users like you should be perma banned.
>inb4 (user was banned for this post)
there are retro FPS games that still get updates :-)
>dead FPS games
what does this mean?
a game is dead if it's no longer getting new content

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