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ITT: Games you can't find legally.
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>tony hawk's underground
I think the "Underground" part refers to an Underground scene, its referring to your character's up and coming nature from the bottom
I still own my GameCube copy of this. Is it rare these days or something?
>levels is
I can understand why this would be hard for non-native English speakers like him.
Try finding the PC version.
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No, every version is like 30 bucks on Amazon. Unless OP is talking about stuff that is only available digitally and not via used copy/emulation, but that's most of the games discussed on this board
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they don't sell this on EA app?
Weird since they gave it away for free a while ago and I can still download that from them
when i was a kid i thought that the underground part was literal and had a nightmare inspired by that and the box art where tony accidentally smashed through a wall and ended up in a fucked up hell world and was trying to escape while hiding from monsters
Thanks Tim
You can literally boot up your PS3 right now and legally purchase Sonic Heroes on the online store.
Does Sims 2 even still function on modern PCs? I'd love to replay it. Must have played 1000+ hours back when it was new but haven't touched it since 2009 when 3 came out.
wow the buggy version, gee wiz
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What now op?
most recent version available of it was the seventh gen trilogy collection. could be an issue of the replacement voice acting rights, could be that it's just absolutely fucked on a technical level and they couldn't be bothered to meet steam's standards, the /pol/ answer is of course the bit where you can kill the shin bet lady.
>caring about legalness of pc software
maybe a console is better choice for your small brain
>Missing UT2003
"Anthology" my ass.
It's just unfinished 2004. You've had 20 years to get over it.
I think the PC version of this and some other Tony games were pretty rare to begin with, like THUG1 PC was only released in Australia for reasons.

I don't think anyone gives af because THUG Pro is allowed to exists and almost every youtuber just tells or straight up gives a link to pirate THUG2 to play the mod.
What was your illegal method for finding it? Be honest!
Officially, no. But since when do we do things officially?
>can't find legally
You could easily buy a used copy for PS2, GameCube, or whatever. Just say you want to pirate it. Trying to give some morally justified reason is cringe. I pirate because I don't want to pay and it's easy
he's probably either talking about a PC versions of the tony hawk games which you can only get through either piracy or a secondhand market because they don't exist on digital storefronts like steam or GOG.

basically this. also i don't think a remake of the underground games will ever happen not because of cultural sensitivities but more because everyone from THUG1 & 2 is literally 21 years older and practically retired or in bam's case one bad day away from ryan dunning himself.

you'd have to use a new generation of pro skaters and who the fuck is as big as tony hawk? his son? the guy who did the 1080?
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