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Looking for games (mostly from the 6th gen, but it doesn't matter) that are 'remakes' of older games made for *subsequent* generations.
Some examples of what I'm talking about is:
>Rayman 2 -> Rayman 2 Revolution
>Tomb Raider -> Tomb Raider Anniversary
>Lunar the Silver Star -> Silver Star Story Complete
>Metal Gear Solid -> Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
The point is that they are only 1 generation apart, showing off the massive leaps between generations.
The waters get kind-of murky, so 'Pseudo-remakes' are also allowed. I'm not gonna elaborate on that, as it's up to your interpretation.
Hit me with what you got.
Half of Hitman Contracts consists of remade levels from Codename 47
aw, yes! How could I forget about Hitman Contracts! Started a playthrough of it not too long ago specifically because I found out it was a remake and I really like Hitman 2.
does the Tony Hawk series count? I'd have to double check, but I think THPS4 is on PS1, Dreamcast, and PS2
Super Mario All Stars
Resident Evil Remake
Conker Live & Reloaded
I don't think THPS games or even Rayman Revolution should count. They weren't remakes they were simply games that released cross-generation at roughly the same time.

Rayman Revolution for instance only released 3 months after the PS1 version of Rayman 2.
3 & 4 were both released for PS1 and PS2 I believe, it's one of those murky examples cause it's like, is it a port or a remake? Or just a separate version of the game, with the same title, I haven't played through the pro skater series so maybe someone else can elaborate.
Depends on why you're asking though. Sounds like OP wants to compare graphics between the gens, so i feel like it doesnt really matter
Rayman Revolution is such a downgrade. Sure the additional features are neat but the framerate and visuals... We went from a super sharp image at a silky smooth 60fps on the Dreamcast to a blurry mess running at an unstable 30fps on the PS2.
It's less to do with graphics for me personally, I'm or concerned with what features are added/taken away.
it's not 6th gen but donkey kong '94
I think Revolution should count. They reimagined and flipped around the game so much in a way that feels like it was meant for people who already played the other versions.
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Iirc THPS3 and THPS4 are completely different games on the sixth gen consoles

>Super Mario All Stars
Came here to post this
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You know I'm right.
oh so this "remake/remaster games a year after they come out" phenomenon isn't new.
Dragon Quest 1-3
Every Falcom game on PC Engine (Ys 1-3, Legend of Heroes 1-2, Brandish, Xanadu, etc.)
Of course it isn't. It just made actual sense back when a generational gap meant the difference between 8 and 16-bit processing.
Its funny, when DQ gets ported to the SNES from the NES its graphical fidelity doubles but when The Last of Us gets ported to the PS4 from the PS3 noone can even tell the difference.
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green
Conker's Bad Fur Day
DQ has remakes for every generation
tlou is slop
I like the nes graphics better idk but the limited colors and raw sprites (there's like no outline on them), are more charming. And I believe that thick outlines make sprites look better
I don't think that was the point anon was making, but rather, graphical leaps between generations now are so small there is no difference unlike going from NES to SNES. I don't think the PS5 or the supposedly upcoming 5Pro were needed.
>I like the nes graphics better
yeah I agree but at least you can tell one has more colors and is an advancement of technology
The great debate: voice acted or gibberish?
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no? the music sucks major ass compared to the original. also mother 1+2 was two generations away not one.
Contracts vastly improved the mechanics over Hitman 2 even though it's clearly using the same engine. It was a good game that some retards at the time dismissed as feeling like some kind of expansion pack to Hitman 2.
sorry dude, mother 2 is just mother 1 remix
I ended up playing through this like it was an FPS, I really can't play the pre-Blood Money games without gettin frustrated at how inconsistent the AI is in it's reactions to the player, it's just too trial and error.
>Gauntlet Legends -> Dark Legacy. You can technically count Gauntlet Legends itself between the console versions
>Mega Man: The Wily Wars
>Would Sonic 3D Blast count or is that still too much of a port?
>Castlevania X6800, depending on your views on the X6800
>Rayman R = Rayman Arena?
>Monsters Inc. Scream Team -> Monsters Inc. Scare Island
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I watched that video and this specific comparison is flipped, the left one is actually the PS2 version. I don't know how he fucked up this badly
Super Mario 1-3 (NES) -> Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)
Ninja Gaiden 1-3 (NES) -> Ninja Gaiden Collection (SNES)
Dragon Quest 1-3 (NES) -> Dragon Quest I & II + DQIII (SNES)
Fire Emblem 1 (NES) -> Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (SNES)
Zelda 1 (NES) -> BS Zelda no Densetsu (SNES + Satellaview)
Mega Man 1-3 (NES) -> Mega Man: The Wily Wars (GEN)
Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) -> Tecmo Super Bowl (SNES/GEN)

Lunar 1+2 (Sega CD) -> Lunar 1+2 Complete (Saturn)

RE1 (PS1) -> REmake (GameCube)
MGS (PS1) -> Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GameCube)
Silent Hill (PS1) -> Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (PS2)
Tales of Destiny (PS1) -> Tales of Destiny (PS2)
Tomb Raider (PS1) -> Tomb Raider: Anniversary (PS2)
Wild Arms (PS1) -> Wild Arms Alter Code: F (PS2)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64) -> Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox)

Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox) -> Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) [Not Retro]
Odin Sphere (PS2) -> Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS3) [Not Retro]
Siren (PS2) -> Siren: Blood Curse (PS3) [Not Retro]
Yakuza (PS2) -> Yakuza Kiwami (PS3) [Not Retro]
Dinosaur Planet -> Star Fox Adventures
I'd say it coutns even if the leaked from is unfinished.
Tetris/Dr Mario/Wario Woods NES -> Tetris/Dr Mario/Wario Woods SNES
Riddick Escape from Butcher's Bay -> The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Alice -> Alice Madness Returns
One Tony Hawk that definitely counts is Tony Hawk 2x. it's basically a remake of 1&2 for the Xbox.
OP is too vague with his rules but the main versions are for PS2 so if anything they're demakes which is an entirely different thread.
>I don't think the PS5 or the supposedly upcoming 5Pro were needed
I guess you don't think at all then
They don't look any different from what the PS4 Pro could do. Look at the "remaster" of TLOU2 for an example they keep shilling. There's absolutely no difference. This isn't a leap like going from NES to SNES to GCN/PS2/Xbox to PS360. It's barely a step.
thanks for the list.
Those are just ports

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