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Why, it's Lillia.
Popuri's mom, from Harvest Moon 64.
She's dropped in to say hi!

Say something kind to Lillia.
When I was a kid I married her daughter in every game she was available in.
I would cum inside of this cartoon
You're fat, ugly and smell like shit so she would be disgusted by you if she could meet you physically.
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Not really, I go to the gym 4 days a week and the other 3 I practice martial arts.
I want to say I'm standard but ngl I know I'm handsome (symmetric face, normal nose, ears, etc, blue eyes), I get tole I'm handsome regularly by my gf and other girl friends who flirt with me. I still have a bit of a low self esteem despite this.
>smell like shit
Actually don't, I don't even use cologne but I don't have bad BO. I just use a bit of anti-transpirant and brush my teeth, and shower every day after working out.
I bet that cartoon mom would at least find it flattering to know I'd deposit my seed in her
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Here's my mouth piece and groin protector I use for sparring.
Get fucked, kid.
She's married to a devilishly handsome explorer, just enjoy her warm company while she's offering it.

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