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File: tr3.png (926 KB, 856x709)
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I just finished Tomb Raider 1 and 2 on PC using Duckstation. Both games were great and I'm looking forward to TR3 next.

The remaster collection seemed like the obvious choice but 1) I don't give a shit about the "modern controls" since the original controls are one of the best things about the game since I'm not a zoomie retard, and 2) I prefer the original graphics, especially if I can play in high resolution with widescreen. Supposedly the remaster has some minor censorship and woke preaching, which is gay.

The PS1 version in Duckstation would be fine but I'd prefer greater draw distance and widescreen.

All that said, I'm leaning toward the PC versions with one of the patches. But, which patch? Peixoto's patch? Something else? Also, how hard is it getting it to work with a controller?
OpenTomb3 would be my best bet but it probably won't have controller support.

the remaster lets you play it completely vanilla, same controls and graphics, why would you think they would force modern controls?
don't think 3 was ever censored.
Not him, but I believe even where not censored, the remastered collection may have those long "it wasn't ok then and isn't ok now but we're leaving it in to facilitate discussion" disclaimers about so-called "culturally insensitive" stuff.
Interesting, I haven't heard of this. Though, it looks like most of the videos on Youtube are around 7 years old and the github hasn't been updated for 4 years.

> why would you think they would force modern controls?
What I meant was that since I have no interest in "modern" controls or the remastered graphics, there isn't much reason for me to bother with the remaster collection unless it's difficult and/or impossible to run the original game in widescreen 1080p and controller support.

I mentioned the woke nonsense they shoehorned into it as just another reason to avoid the remaster. Even if the changes are relatively minor, I despise that sort of thing on principle.
>github hasn't been updated for 4 years.
I think it's because the main dev literally got hired for the remaster.
comparing the credits it's seems to be some guy named Troye.

the censoring is just one thing from what I know, some bare chested lady who was impossible to see in the original due to how low-res it was, but nowadays playing it on the big screen in 4k it's quite visible.
I don't like censoring either but I think I'm gonna play the devil's advocate on this one.

I think having the expansions built in is a nice bonus, and you can also move the camera around freely, but other than that there's no real benefit for you to go with the remaster I think

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