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Growing up as a PALcuck has been one of the biggest misfortunes of my miserable life.

>endless delays
>games randomly not coming out
>dogshit localisations filtered through 2 levels of lost in translation
>worse framerate if you're lucky
>worse framerate AND slower gameplay if not
>retarded censorship
At least you guys got Parodius
>>endless delays
>>games randomly not coming out
Did you not use eBay? I used to just import games from America that didn't come out here, or that took too long to come out. You could buy unofficial discs that would override the region lock eg. the Freeloader for the GameCube. Action Replay discs could also fulfil the same purpose.

>>dogshit localisations filtered through 2 levels of lost in translation
Only a problem if you're an ESL.

>>worse framerate if you're lucky
>>worse framerate AND slower gameplay if not
Somehow I literally never noticed this as a kid, despite regularly playing both PAL and NTSC versions of games.

>>retarded censorship
I don't recall this happening. Name some games that were censored in Europe that weren't also censored in America.
Retarded false flag thread. You'd be entirely unaware of any of those issues growing up in a PAL territory
You're only saying this because of hindsight. Barely no one gave a fuck back in the day.
Look on the bright side, at least now you can seethe endlessly at happy americans talking about their N64. Remember you guys won! You won! Make those nintendo fucks bow to you on their knees. How dare they mention Banjo Kazooie in a positive light. Your team WON!
Tbh I'm a Bong and I DID care about the shitty release schedules back then.

The vast majority of games prior to 7th gen would release later in Europe. Sometimes significantly later, like a year, or even 2 years. Animal Crossing for instance came out in September 2002 in the US but September 2004 in the EU. As a Brit this made me rage hard because I couldn't understand why I had to wait such a long time for games that were already available in my language.

It took until near the end of 7th gen before this stopped being the standard practice, but even some 8th gen games still had delayed releases in Europe. Or you had examples like SMT 4 which had no physical release in Europe, which means that now the eShop is shut down, it is completely impossible to play SMT 4 legitimately on a European 3DS.
This, I didn't have a fucking clue.
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It's all worth it for RGB though
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>Did you not use eBay?
Ah yes of course just use eBay in the 80's and 90's before it even existed and when no one had internet access.
And yet in the end we got 60hz modes and shenmue 2
It existed since, what, like 1998 or something?

My parents first started using it in 2001 I think. So I imported tons of American 6th and 5th gen games when they were new or at least new-ish.
On the plus side, at least we got to grow up with borderline HD tv, whilst the NTSC peasants grew up with tv whose image quality was borderline unwatchable.
>we played with putrid, letterboxed, slow-motion diarrhea, but at least it looked good
We were blisfully unaware. Nowadays I can import your consoles and enjoy them on my large RGB CRT. Good luck finding a unicorn RGB capable NTSC CRT
wdym euros got the best version of FFX with expert sphere grid
yep try playing pal ff8 in 2024
its fucking rough
I always hated our proprietary game cases made to hold the giant multi-langage manuals.
You used to be able to buy NOS Dreamcast cases for nothing, as used ones would always be either missing teeth to hold discs in, or have broken hinges. Now you either have to buy replica cases, or buy sealed games. Both of which are expensive.
CIB Chu Chu rocket is very cheap and my go to if I need to replace a case. Ask the seller to put the disc inside the manual, having the disc on the holder is how the teeth tend to get broken during shipping
PAL conversions literally made me retarded. I count seconds approximately 1166.67 milliseconds at a time because I trusted the in-game clocks.
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ape escape in japan came in a box like the pal ones
dont know why
Nowadays I can emulate those games for free too
>90's before it even existed
It started in the 90s retard
Yeah 99% of the zoomer accusations made here are from insecure zoomers lol. At this point the term needs to be word filtered.
>Name some games that were censored in Europe that weren't also censored in America.

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