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/vr/, what would you say defines Windows 98 gaming for you? Hardware, the games, if you were into PC gaming at the time what were you playing?
C&C games, specifically TS and RA2. Also games like Shogun Total War and Sid Meier's Gettysburg. That's what I recall spending most of my time on with our 98 PC.
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Thoughts on building a 'retro PC' vs screeching at everyone online about how PCem and 86box are cheaper?
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Monster Truck Madness, Age of Empires, and
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far is what my senpai had on our win98. I had some jet fighter game and a sidewinder joystick in '99 but I can't recall the game.
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Technically Windows 95 but I played Sonic CD and Sonic R on PC first. I also had Sonic & Knuckles Collection (albeit redundant since I had them on Genesis already). A classmate of mine had the PC version of Sonic 3D Blast. It's not really a game but I also really enjoyed the Microsoft Kids programs like Creative Writer, Fine Artist, and Microsoft 3D Movie Maker which still has an active community. SimTown was fun too. There's also The Sims but that wasn't until 2000/Windows XP.
I'd buy a specific win98 machine rather than building one or emulating
It's fun to build a retro PC, but only if you can get most of your parts for free.
Played this one from a floppy disk
I like the graphics, sharp and simple, reminds me of a sega arcade game.

I'm planning on using lots of games here in a loaded up Windows 98 machine. If you were also playing cool DOS games at the time please share them.
Thankfully I'm not poor so $40 for a Pentium 3 system is still fun for me :^)
It was one of my favorites as a kid, begged my mom to let me get a dirt bike. She wasn't having it.

But yeah I was surprised how nice it still looks today, held up pretty well
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Don't get me wrong those win98 games hit different then now but this is also around the time Diablo hit it off. So shitposting on Battle.net lobbies is as much a part of the experience as playing the games was for me.
It is literally just the keyboard and mouse. And I guess a CRT monitor if you can find one that takes proper VGA (iirc most of them take serial ports). You can either find a DIN to USB adapter for a retro keyboard or just buy any beige mechanical keyboard for the "retro feel". But really the operating system itself is the important part for obvious reasons.

Only if you can find them locally... Online the monitors cost as much as the towers
From what I've tried of 86box and PCem the CPUs they provide are too slow so it's a little more than keyboard and mouse.
>Hardware, the games,
For me, the hardware I used with Windows 98SE was mostly a Pentium III, Geforce 256 with 32MB RAM, 128-256MB SDRAM. Most played games were UT99, Command and Conquer Tiberium Sun, Half-Life 1, Max Payne, Quake II (mostly online), Duke Nukem 3D (Ran at like 120fps), there are lots of others that I can;t think of at the moment.

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tTTPE984t0 [Embed]

I had MotoRacer for PC, it was part of an EA bundle that included Madden 99, and NHL 98 and a Gravis GamePad Pro.
It depends on what you are trying to do honestly. If it's just for the games you can just DOSbox or ScummVM, if it's for the aesthetic and sound effects or "retro feel" there are plenty of ways to achieve this. For instance Windows93 is arguably more fun than the real thing imo
Yep, I played so much D1. The clans were always funny because like you said it was really just a group chat.

We'd talk shit in the chat and then go duel people. The cheats in that game were insane too. People had different 'crash' cheats where they could kick players to their desktops and then cheats also had various versions of anti-crash as well as well so people would have crash duels.
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Thoughts on crying about emuchads because you wasted countless $ on ewaste garbage?
>Windows 98 gaming
No idea if it'd be what defines it or what would but it was the first thing that popped to mind


I still have memories of discovering ZSNES for the first time, and then scouring websites on Altavista and Geocities for SNES ROMS on a 56k modem. A 32meg ROM could take like 10-20 minutes to download.
Trophy Bass 2
CnC games, Black & White, The Sims, SimCity 2000, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Half Life, Theme Hospital, Civilization 2 & 3, GTA2
and this
Why is Win98 usually lumped with ME in compatibility mode, when it was directly compatible with 95? I don't remember any Win95 games that wouldn't run on 98 (admittedly, I haven't played any of those obscure Taiwanese games from the mid-90s, those might require 95 and only 95), but there were many games which would shit the bed when run on ME.
Quake 3, Counter strike, UT99, Diablo, HoMM3, AoE2, Icewind Dale, Baldurs gate
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>what would you say defines Windows 98 gaming for you?
Pc I had back in 2000 was a p3 800mhz, geforce2 MX and a generic onboard ac97 soundcard.
>windows 98
im not even gaming im fucking around in my house on microsoft bob organizing several rooms worth of programs and never launching anythjng else until its bedtime

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