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>bananas: give extra lives
>banana bunches: give extra lives
>KONG tokens: give extra lives
>balloons: give extra lives
>animal mini games: give extra lives
DKC is a good game but the fact that literally every collectible awards you the same fucking thing is gay and retarded
the journey is the reward my friend. i prefer this to gacha games
They're called MEN
it would've been cool if the journey granted something other than gorilla head balloons that allow you to persist in gorilla world for longer
i would give anything to live in gorilla world with the kongs you ungrateful swine
The mini games are excessive I agree but they can be skipped. Everything else is standard platformer fair, it's the same in Mario, Sonic, and other games
i never said gorilla world wasn't based, I would smoke fat dabs with DK and Diddy any day, but why add in all of these superfluous collectibles when the same thing could've been accomplished with a single collectible?
>because a single collectible isn't as cool as more than one
then they should have given me more than one thing
no it isn't. in sonic or mario, you get items that give lives, yes, but also powerups that alter your abilities. meanwhile every item in DKC is just some smidgen of the same item and the only powerups are barrels that are completely unnecessary if you got gud and animals that you use to break open secret areas to get more smidgens.
Strike anon's ridiculous claim that lives are called "men" from council records. As if greater ape society would equate the act of living with that of a savage beast.
I guess they realized this for DKC2 and made the collectibles give you better rewards.
Because I largely agree, the bonus games in the first one are pretty underwhelming. Some are hard to find, the rewards are extra lives which you probably don't need, and the bonus for finding all of them doesn't even give you a meaningful bonus. If they even gave you a single extra level for getting all the bonus rooms would've made it ten times better.
maybe the real extra lives were the friends we made along the way
>i prefer this to gacha games
well that's a fucking low bar
Same, I also prefer it to stick and hoop.
>balloon counter goes up
>monkey gets happy
>If monkey is happy, I'm happy

I fail to see the problem, this is pretty much a perfect world
please turn on crt/composite shaders
>Game gives you tons of extra lives but you also probably are gonna lose a lot of them while playing it
Sounds fair to me.
i can't argue with this...
i want the ape happy but the monkey unhappy
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If you do not get this amazing new generation of Donkey Kong madness, you are stupid. Yes, I know, that's insulting, but it's also the truth.
lives are good
You need all those extra lives because the secrets are also gay and retarded AND cheap. Some of them you can only discover by jumping down a pit losing a life in the process. That's what bothers me about DKC, the secrets are cheap as fuck, especially that one where it's a bonus room hidden inside a bonus room.

DKC2 and DKC3 had fair secrets, not cheap shit like DKC1.
>it would've been cool if the journey granted something other than gorilla
Then you're not seeing the journey as the reward, just the end goal.

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