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>have to avoid every fight playing the game logistically because of the dumbest level scaling
>some forced meme system again
Square might me the most amateurish AAA dev ever
Not as bad as Bethesda, who still keep making games with ridiculous level scaling
only shithead retards cry about level scaling. one must be pretty bad at vidya to have such a skill issue in a jarpig
>>have to avoid every fight
Not like jarpig fights are anything but torture
characters are too safe and boring, feels like an unofficial spirits within game
don't insult spirits within
>you get stronger so things get harder lol
is just dumb game design and a lazy way to balance your game. Let's not talk about Capcom's dynamic difficulty which opens up a whole new set of problems
>playing the game logistically
Oh my god. FF8 sucks cock but PLEASE stop minmaxing every fucking game and just enjoy them for what they are (FF8 is bad regardless, but still)
Dude, the game is piss easy no matter what you do. Level up like crazy at the start if you want, it doesn't really change much, that's the point.
Unironically git gud.. It's the best FF if you didn't play it as a kid
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R+U theory is real!!
>FF8 sucks cock
Cloud did that, not Squall
have you ever played FF8? a bite bug just still just a bite bug whether it's level 1 or 100, while a malboro or ruby dragon is dangerous no matter what level it is
the only thing that really changes with the level scaling is that they have more HP, have better magic to draw and drop better items which can be turned into better magic that also makes you stronger
really the only time enemy levels matter is before you get the level up/down command and want a specific drop that an enemy only drops at low levels
>normal human beings
Plays FF8 like any other JRPG, beats it with 0 problems, moves on with their life
>autists 20+ years later after looking at the game's code
This game is UNPLAYABLE due to the OBSCENE level scaling and draw system
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for me it's Siren
Still better than the mediocre IX: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14012757/1/Everything-Wrong-with-Final-Fantasy-IX
I never had an issue with the level scaling. You just don't understand how to properly use the junction system.

You can:
Get the ultimate weapons on disc 1
Get all the GF commands/magic making, etc
Make items to become OP.

If you're playing it like a modern RPG, you will fail.
Japanese developers do not consider themselves triple A. That is a meaningless westerntrash invention. Don't believe me? Look it up.
The level scaling doesn't actually matter. The stats per level are documented, your own personal stats still scale more than the enemies' do, you are still getting stronger. Basically what >>11218212 said, this is like bitching that you can't let yourself level up in IX before you get the Dagguero equipment because you gain more stats per level with better gear. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, are you that desperate to hit 9999 damage at as low a level as possible? This isn't fucking pathfinder where the game requires this of you to beat it.
Higher level enemies drop the best items needed for better weapons and magic refines. Optional boss is always level 100 regardless of your level. You're just over thinking things and shooting yourself in the foot.
>>normal human beings
>Plays FF8 like any other JRPG, beats it with 0 problems, moves on with their life

Do all normies play ff8 with a guide from the beginning? It's more like following a set of instructions of what to do,yeah?
It matters in the sense that if your character levels are uneven enough your weakest character is going to eat fucking shit without good junctions. Like if you have characters level 20/30/40, you're going to see enemies level 25 and 35 and 20 vs 35 is a bad time. So power leveling one character is a particularly poor idea (this is a problem in the sense that Squall is the obvious sole main character so he both naturally tends to gain more levels and you will think leveling him is a good idea if you don't know otherwise), but leveling your characters in general is fine.
>is just dumb game design and a lazy way to balance your game
Actually it's a great way to balance the game. You can't ignore the junction mechanic, and everybody who ever complains about this game always includes that they hated drawing magic and that the junctioning didn't make sense to them. It's proof that the level scaling is a great way to force you to engage with the junctioning system.

The REAL problem with FF8's balance is obviously the card refining, but if you do that you're basically putting in a bunch of work up front to, in my mind, sign a contract with the game stating that you don't want any challenge, and that you agree not to complain about any lack of challenge.
I've played this as a teenager, didn't know anything about level scaling, didn't grind because I hate grinding, just played normally, never ran away from fights and didn't have any problems completing it
>have to
I'm not defending the level scaling, I don't like how it punishes you for leveling, but you don't "have to". It's perfectly playable and beatable if you play normally.
I had a much worse experience with Oblivion's level scaling.
You don't get ops point. The problem with ff8 it that fighting is literally counter productive. It's poorly designed and that is a fact.
Yuri selfcest
You can unlock the ability to turn off random encounters.
>have to
skill issue

I did every fight.
I didn't rotate my party members at all, always used my favorite people except when they weren't available.
I had little issue finishing the game even when I got slapped with a super underleveled second party at the end of the game.
So I say again, skill issue.
Hey, don't disparage autists like that. Every time I found a new draw I would extend the battle to draw max, and then I would manually rejunction all my GFs and attributes to get the best spreads.
And I loved the game, never found it too difficult, and did finish it.
Having a super underleveled second party is probably the reason the level scaling is in the game.
Yeah but I just gave them a GF with no encounters and then aura'd through the unavoidable fights.
ez fucking pz
>The problem with ff8 it that fighting is literally counter productive.
Not true. Leveling up before you get the bonus abilities is just sub-optimal. Leveling up gets you access to higher level spells to draw from enemies.
It's not about that it makes the game easier or harder It's that leveling is almost worthless in FF8, drawing is a worse version of the entire materia system, which is just a different version of the job system. FFV is peak FF.
>leveling is almost worthless in FF8
It's not, though. It's just something FF8 gives you more control over than other games. Why is FF8 the only game that gets treated like its most extreme meta-game is the only way to play it? Hold your own shit to that standard.

>the entire materia system
Oh who cares? Did you know the entire materia system is almost worthless? You can manipulate Cait Sith's slots to get Game Over every time. You can get Omnislash on disc 1 too WOW final fantasy 7 is AWFUL.

>FFV is peak FF
Wow sorry, everything in that whole game is almost worthless just use Rapid Fire.

Shit game, just vanish/doom 99% of enemies including bosses.

But obviously none of that's true. FF5, 6, and 7 are all fun, and so is FF8. FF8's just a little different than a traditional RPG, because FF was supposed to be the innovator compared to DQ's traditionalist approach. I don't know what it is about this particular experiment that turns people into such insane retards.
Dangerously based
>Not true
Its true. There is no reason to fight 99% of random encounters because you still get good spells without leveling, plus draw points and item refining. You don't even need a ton of junction fuckery to put a big gap between you and the enemy. You don't even get experience points for beating bosses, only ap which allows you to do more junction boosting. And you have abilities that straight up turn random encounters off with no penalty. Its absolutely counter productive to fight.

People are so blinded by their favorite triple A jrpgslop that they can't even honestly assess how stupid the battle system is. This isn't something achieved by autistic masterful manipulation of the system, its simply what the game is.
>This isn't something achieved by autistic masterful manipulation of the system, its simply what the game is.
Right, it's achieved through the totally normal act of immediately choosing Quetzacotl's card refine ability, going straight to one particular NPC in the starting area, winning one specific card off him, playing the game like a sane person until you get the ability to fight a specific boss, using an exploit to beat said boss very early, and then having HIM learn one specific ability so you can then refine the item you got for that one card into one powerful spell.

Totally normal play.

>There is no reason to fight 99% of random encounters.
There's also no reason to run from 99% of random encounters unless you're hard metagaming with triple triad. If you're taking the time to play cards with specific NPCs for hours and hours until you get enough Tornados to break the game, how the fuck is that any different from just going outside and grinding random battles for hours, which you can do in ANY other FF game?
>Right, it's achieved through the totally normal act of immediately choosing Quetzacotl's card refine ability, going straight to one particular NPC in the starting area
You don't even have to do all that. Within 3 minutes you could explain how final fantasy 8 works to a new player and they will be set.

1.Only defeat mandatory enemies and bosses
2. Use junction/gfs to get stronger, not leveling

That's it. Its kinda funny because the only reason why people miss this is because they are conditioned to think fighting is the solution, so most people never realize how badly designed it is. It completely relies on player ignorance to maintain the illusion of a challenge. Once you realize how it really works I don't see how you can enjoy it anymore, because its not glitch or exploit, its what the game is.
>Its true.
It's false. Posts in this very thread have already explained why.

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