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Shinobi is the coolest retro game series
shinobi is a bit gay tbdesu
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They really outdid it with the sequel
Why were ninjas so popular in the 80s? And why were they always fighting shit that had nothing to do with ancient Japan like cyborgs and aliens?
I've never tried this series but every time it gets shilled on here it creeps up the list a bit. Just worried it will disappoint me after how good NG was, but we'll see I guess
Start with 3, it's one of the greatest games of all times
>Why were ninjas so popular in the 80s?
Believe it or not, it started with a James Bond movie from the 70's that had ninjas as villains, and that inspired a bunch of other media.
>why were they always fighting shit that had nothing to do with ancient Japan like cyborgs and aliens?
Speaking of inspiration, every other game from the 80s copied something from the movies Terminator, Aliens or Predator. Thats why every game had aliens or robots as enemies, even when the setting makes no sense.
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I recently played through the arcade original, Revenge and III, and definitely recommend trying them.
The arcade game was super difficult and not really my thing, but I loved Revenge and III a lot. Definitely try them out.
III is great, and probably more polished, but Revenge is also great but a lot more difficult. It was a launch MD title I think, so it has a lot of 8-bit style difficulty spikes but it's worth perservering with. Revenge also has some amazing and funny bosses that were rip-offs of popular movies and characters.

I moved from III onto the PS2 Shinobi and goddamn that game is fantastic too! Difficult but fair (maybe except for the last boss which is a bitch) with gorgeous graphics, great music and a really clever gameplay mechanic of powering up your sword with kills in quick succession.
I'm currently playing Nightshade, which seems to be a bit more combat focused than Shinobi, but retains most of what I liked about Shinobi. I also liked that it went its own direction with art style, being less Urban/Japanese legend and more cyber/hi-tech.

Currently up to the last boss in Nightshade, I think I'll be able to crack it this weekend.

I should then go back to try out Shadow Dancer and Shinobi Legions.
Also, have a review from an Aussie gaming magazine for Shinobi III.
Not retro but don't forget the 3DS game too.
Oh yeah, I need to get one of those flash carts for my 3DS, but it's on the list. I remember when it came out it wasn't really on my radar, but I've heard good things.
>that cheat code explanation
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Legions/X is a very interesting game, probably one of if not the best-playing game with digitized actors.

3DS is genuinely my favorite in the series, it's a great mechanical sequel to III that also takes ideas from entries between III and itself and has new ideas to boot. One of the best 3DS games.
ninja gaiden is better straight up even with all the bullshit at the end of that game.
I played it before playing III this year, it's a solid game. Had only played Revenge of Shinobi previously

You should give game gear shinobi a chance, at least the second one. Pretty cool set up where you stage select, rescue other ninjas for new powers then go back in for secret lives/power ups and lastly the crystals to open the final level.
Number one, Ninjas are mammals; Number two, Ninjas fight all the time; and Number three, the purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.
>Shinobi Legions.
Play X as it has a superior soundtrack.
Is there a hack to bring it's soundtrack to Legions?
>size 8 megabits
Wow they squeezed the most out of every bit, Iwould have assumed the cart was double that. Streets of Rage 2 is 16 megabits for comparison.
I want to beat one of these games but they're so freakin hard.
Both GG games are great. Underrated, or at least underappreciated/known.
Because ninjas are fucking cool no matter who they fight or what they do.
The movement options they gave you in Shinobi 3 were fucking amazing for its time. The iframe run attack was just cherry tapping. The only thing I can think of that comes close is Alien Soldier, and that's a whole other genre (focused on dodge action more than anything).

Also the music. There's a reason OP opened with that image, people hear the song through it, bahaha.

gonna try the gg one from anon's rec. I didn't like later entries but this looks funky.
Persevere, it's worth it. III is considerably easier than Revenge if that helps.
Ok I'll give it a shot. I did hear they're quite cool.
Ninja Gaiden is really cool too. I can't pick a fave.mavt
Not a big fan of Revenge. It relies too much on memorization, all enemies with long range weapons shoot you the moment a pixel of them gets on screen, so you gotta learn where they are and hit them with kunais before they even appear. III is amazing however, one of the best action games of the generation.
With the new game on the horizon it would be a good idea for Sega to put out a collection. I don't think anything past the Genesis has ever been rereleased, other than PS2 Shinobi on PSN maybe.
I remember beating the final boss of this game on the hardest difficulty and dropping to my knees and pumping my fists in triumph.
Nah turns out you're a gay weenie
Good call fellas, III has kept my attention nonstop for the first couple hours. Breaky time now but definitely comparable to how I felt about the first NG trilogy when I was this far into those games
Yeah, I think Shinobi III being easy is actually one of its best strengths. After a few playthroughs you’ll start to focus more on how to get through the game as smoothly and stylishly as possible
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>I should then go back to try out Shadow Dancer and Shinobi Legions.
Shadow Dancer on arcade and Genesis are two completely different games. I love the Genesis game for having the arcade style gameplay with a more reasonable console game style difficulty. Both games are worth a shot, I just prefer the Genesis game.
Also, don't forget the Game Gear Shinobi games. GG Shinobi 2 is a very stellar 8 bit game.
>kid me had a tough time even reaching the surfing stage of Shinobi III and either dropped off from attention span or difficulty eventually
>"man the third game was one of the easiest ones in the series"
>wonder what the fuck people were smoking for years
>emulate it about a decade ago and realize there's a block function
Wait till your learn that you're invincible while doing a running slash. Blocking becomes almost entirely unnecessary at that point, PLUS you do 3x damage with that slash.
Oh I know that part, discovered it by trial and error (plus TAS videos on Youtube). Still can't quite nail it though.
Revenge definitely feels like an 8-bit era game with that memorization requirement and some really difficult parts.
It makes sense since it was one of the earliest MD titles.
That's a good call, I'd love a full collection. I doubt it'll happen unfortunately, or if it does, it'll just be the Mega Drive games and nothing else because that's the lowest effort route.
Even without the block function, I just found the game considerably easier than Revenge in terms of platforming and enemy placement and boss fights.
Both awesome games in their own way though.

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