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To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time. This game will always remain my biggest high. Nothing compares.

I'm not a nostalgiafag either. I first placed this game back in 2019 after having played multiple modern games. I remember how sad I was when I beat it.
Could do without the long drawn out puzzles for the sake of """"""""""""down time"""""""""" and some better combat would help. Game appears to have mechanics it doesn't take much advantage of.
Agree but there isn't that much else to say at this point desu
Based thread
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>and some better combat would help
Better is always better but realistically the combat was as good as it possibly gets and leagues ahead of everything else in the genre
>inb4 two enemies can't attack at once
Combat shines in Master Quest. I wish I could have the original dungeons but with Master Quest enemies
I’ve never found any of the mini games in OoT particularly fun or engaging and I wish there was an alternate way to get all the upgrades.
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And most puzzles are pretty fun and kino
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I wish the fishing gave you more stuff desu.
>perfect escape from crawling through torture chambers and fighting demons
>the sound of water lapping at the shore and the occasional splash of a fish
>meditatively waiting for the fattest one to bite
Shooting targets while galloping was great as well and pretty cutting-edge. And the horse one because it's a nice filter.
Fishing is cool, I guess it’s more the Castle Town market games that I don’t really like. Especially bombchu bowling.
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most underrated dungeon. love how open it is right from the start and it's not just another temple
I know it's just asking too much but it really would have been cool if there was slightly more to fishing, and it was connected to some other system. I wouldn't want the rings from the Oracle games in OoT, but something similar to those
It was my favorite as a kid because it’s gross and Ruto a cute.
Same. The thing that got me a bit hyped for Echoes of Wisdom is because of all the tribute it pays to Ocarina. Always nice to see
>Could do without the long drawn out puzzles
The only very slow ones I remember are two or three block pushing ones, forest and water temple and I suppose the water temple can be slow in general if you get lost
>>inb4 two enemies can't attack at once
Some do, some not so much. Nothing you should rely on if you try a 0 death or 3 heart run
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>the moment you realized you're playing goatware
what's the fishing like in mm anyway? no one ever talks about it. i think the place isn't as comfy
Practically every Zelda game pays excessive tribute to it. Ocarina of Time was essentially a total reboot as it completely redefined what Zelda was all about.
Sheik is a man, manga got it right, Smash got it wrong. She knows magic, titty binding is just a safety measure
I don't see what's wrong with long drawn out puzzles as long as they're clever and you a sense of accomplishment accomplished once they're finished.

As to the combat I always enjoyed it because it actually feels like I'm engaging in a sword fight and not just pressing a button and watching my character pull off some fancy move like in most action centric games. Circling around your opponent and waiting for for their next move is extremely kino.

You should play master quest if you want to see oot mechanics pushed to their limit.


To this day I much prefer the combat to most games because it feels like you're in complete control. You can't just combo your way to victory or button masher. You are link and you are in a life or death sword fight. >>11219907
Water temple and spirit temple are the best 3d Zelda dungeons to this very day.
I wish I could play them again for the first time.

One good thing that came from the shitty Majora's Mask remake was the extra fishing content. Someone should make a mod for N64 OOT and MM that adds more fishing.
Also sorry for using "to this day" so much. My brain is fried due to caffeine withdrawal
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This game is weirdly replayable and addictive especially if you mix it up with MQ or randomizers. Finished it twice in a row recently which is unusual for me
This is why OOT is still considered a classic even to this day. It really nails the feeling of going on an otherworldly adventure.
that took forever for me to figure out
dude no i hate that dungeon. the theme is cool but after a while the music sucks and the environment makes me want to puke
Do they give you unbeatable conditions or are the randomizers designed to never get you soft locked?
The coolest thing about the game is how you think the game is pretty cool as a kid, but then you become adult link and the game really opens up.

It's like real life. as a kid everything's bright and cheery and your actions have no real effect. but when you become an adult the responsibility lies on you to keep things in order
OoT is a complete game with a beginning and an end. The deku tree describes the genesis of Hyrule. The ending depicts a rapture. I'll explain
>evil is destroyed
>zelda and Link meet in heaven
>ending scenes show areas of hyrule abandoned
>extra rocks and foliage depict a ruined world
>all the people are gone
>except actually all the good people are at a party
>while the saints watch from Mt Olympus
OoT is the deepest game with the deepest lore. All sequels and timeline stuff is just marketing.
That's a chicken, Anon.
huh never thought of that. The sages feel like something from Japanese spirituality but I have no knowledge of that
What always gets me is how true OoT is to the actual theme of the game, which is music. Link is a master of time, yes, yet he is a master of time through music. He plays his heart out through that entire game. Truly a talented, multidimensional hero. He has aspects of all kinds. Little bit of knight (sword & shield, hammer), little bit of ninja (hookshot, deku nut), little bit of caster (goddess spells), little bit of engineer (bombs & bombchus), little bit of ranger/arcane archer (fairy bow with magic arrows) and much more. But the musical part of Link is the best part and it is completely unique to action adventure games.
>Game appears to have mechanics it doesn't take much advantage of.
At a quick glance that may seem true, yet a more thorough examination will yield a different conclusion. OoT got Master Quest and Majora's Mask. Both use OoT as their foundation. Wind Waker is next in line and while it probably doesn't use anything taken directly from OoT, it plays more or less like OoT. There is a boatload of combat found in all of these games. Especially OoT, MQ and MM.
>as kid link, you have a responsibility to defeat ganon... but as adult link, you REALLY have a responsibility to defeat ganon.
God story-fags are insufferable.
>To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time.
have you tried playing any other Zelda game you poser faggot?
There's actually a mod that adds exactly what you're asking for.

The combat is surprising in how unique and refined it is, it really nails how 1-on-1 sword fighting 'ought to feel', while most other games that implement it don't in quite the same way. It's one of those things where the game is already the GOAT, and nailed everything it reasonably could first try, but by just not having tough fights it's basically holding its hands behind its back; it's already that good, but could also so easily be better if it wanted to be.

But again, mods have been worked on that do amp things up a bit there, so it's now possible to experience a bit more of the game's potential.
as kid link you can't do shit and ganon wins
adult link walks out and the world is absolute dogshit but this time you murk the fucker
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Oh yeah? Did you know you could freeze Bongo Bongo's hands?
>This game will always remain my biggest high. Nothing compares.
>To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time.
I did. It's called Majora's Mask and it did it far better
It's the only way to fight that prick.
>It really nails the feeling of going on an otherworldly adventure.
I don't think going to the five places someone tells you to go to to get the five parts of a key to unlock the last place you've known about all along is really much like an adventure. It feels like a checklist because it kind of is. And you can say I'm being reductionist, but most games DON'T signpost their checklist nature as hard as OoT, and feel more like an adventure by virtue of that.
It really isn't. Like, if you've really experienced the game in the way OP has, you get that this isn't something that would be a source of disappointment, rather it's simply exhilarating that it's possible to experience something like this game in this way, and having experienced it provides a sense of continuing joy that can extend beyond the game when you understand that you can choose to see things with this sense of natural wonder.

There is a kind of 'sadness' on actually finishing it, but I think it's better described as a kind of grand emptiness at an imagined reality ending, though an incredibly satisfying and meaningful feeling one.
>dude bro this red texture made me throw up fr
You sound like an actual third world retard. No normal person talks like that and no 4chinner used to talk like that here either a while ago
>Like, if you've really experienced the game in the way OP has
I played it as a child, which is pretty much the only time in one's life it should realistically hit this way. If you've read a single book it's obvious the game doesn't have a story, it has a time-tested template for getting you to move through a series of levels the team designed. There's no conflict, nobody changes, I don't think even people who really love OoT talk about its "story". I think it's a checklist that could only really feel like an adventure if you didn't play outside a lot as a kid.

For the record, I don't think there's anything wrong with liking Ocarina of Time. I don't even think there's anything wrong with REALLY liking Ocarina of Time. Things you experience as a child CAN leave a deep impression on you. But
>This game will always remain my biggest high. Nothing compares.

This is just depressing. Regardless of how many little easter eggs the game has, it's an extremely simple game and an extremely simple experience. If nothing you experience in your life ever moves beyond that, it's sad.
The 3d Zeldas after become increasingly easier with each entry. There was an interview that finally got translated recently that revealed the dungeons in Majora's Mask were made to be easier because they wanted more people to finish the game.

The rest of the series follows in Majora's footsteps to an even greater extent. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess in particular although creative with gimmicks are braindead.

You should play master quest if you want better fights.

I beat it for the first time recently. In terms of content I don't think it's as good. The only good dungeon with decent challenge is stone tower temple. The rest of the dungeons are pretty braindead. The time limit doesn't increase the games difficulty much because how much fucking time you're given. Especially after you learn to slow down time.

The one thing MM has over OOT is exploration. The manner in which you get hearts in MM as well as masks is extremely rewarding and immersive.

"The flow of time is always cruel.
Its speeds seems different for each person, but no one can change it.
A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days"

Tell me a game that presents the same sense of adventure, melancholy, loneliness, nostalgia and triumph that OOT does. OOT's story isn't great because of originality in terms of what's happening. It's great because of the themes and music that are carried throughout the story. They're themes that are extremely relatable and emotionally inspiring.

It's what makes Majora's Mask story great too. Subtlety is king.
>Tell me a game that presents the same sense of adventure, melancholy, loneliness, nostalgia and triumph that OOT does.
There's no "sense of triumph" in ocarina of time because the game offers almost no resistance to clearing it. For the sense of adventure, like I said earlier the fact that everything you need to do is so meticulously laid out for you completely undermines any real sense of adventure for probably most people. I got no sense of loneliness playing that game. You're never alone and you befriend plenty of characters throughout the game. Similarly I never got any sense of melancholy because nothing you're doing ever feels like its in vain, it never feels hopeless. You know as long as you're moving along the checklist you'll eventually beat Ganon because the game is too easy to stop you and the narrative is too simple to subvert that.

I'm honestly not trying to be an ass, but I think you need to look harder and see what the game actually has in it and what you're just projecting onto it. It's an extremely proficiently made children's game, but it's not something adults should be getting lost in like this.
Why not? You think you're above a children's game or something? A good game can appeal to people of all ages. There is no need to limit yourself or look down on others for no good reason. If you have a personal issue with something, then you should keep it to yourself. It should be obvious that this person is "getting lost" in the universal ideas of heroism and adventure that the game represents. Isn't that why we all like a good story? It connects us to the real thing.
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>Agree but there isn't that much else to say at this point desu
There is no shortage of fun things to chat about but maybe not in a place with more N haters than N fans. Discussions are rarely interesting but dominated by shitposting and good thing bad
triggered autist
>Discussions are rarely interesting but dominated by shitposting and good thing bad
Aaand I just scrolled up to confirm that this is exactly what this whole thread is
Well Majora has that in spades yeah. but i like that in ocarina of time I don't have to worry about the day/night cycle.
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You're hogging threads about games that piss you off just to piss everyone else off who just wants to have a fun chat. I would bet money they you haven't checked yourself in the mirror for months
all i said was the 3rd dungeon sucks I still like the game
>If you've read a single book it's obvious the game doesn't have a story
What would you say to something like "If you've read a single book it's obvious the piece of music doesn't have a story"? The experience the game offers is one of a kind, the narrative IS an important part of this (if you removing the theming and turned everything into grey blobs that would very significantly degrade the experience), but it's not something with complex turns and dialogue that you play specifically "for the narrative". It gets by fine with the fairy tail story it has, by having a world full of intrigue and mystery along with incredible presentation.

>it has a time-tested template for getting you to move through a series of levels the team designed
It is possible to play through it like that, by relying on Navi or other forms of guidance to show you through things, but it really can offer so much more than that if that's your impression of it and has the structure to do so if you found yourself enticed to explore it freely.

>This is just depressing.
The game really is special though, it's really capable of giving you a kind of peak experience that's so rich and full that it may well be unlikely to be surpassed for a given person except for things like genuine love, particular drugs, higher level jhanas etc. Given how you describe it it's unlikely that you experience it in the way I might say someone who "fully appreciates it" does. Like, there are many other pleasures that someone might experience that may be more intense than what you experience playing OoT. But the very particular "richness and breadth of conscious experience" that you can get from the game is very unique, even among other highly immersive games that kind of richness is honestly not present in the same way aside from OoT.
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>To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time.
No game does it as well with the same flair and masterful pacing. Nintendo tried doing it better with TP and it ended up in development hell and doesn't even let you avoid heart pieces because they scrapped a lot of locations and put them in dungeon chests. Other developers lack the competence really, but I might delve deeper into that later.
The 90's was a golden time. Shiggy's OoT team was just too freaking good. Everyone was fresh and full of inspiration. Not gonna get that kind of thing back any time soon. Greed (and political agenda) has solidified itself as the primary motivator in vidya these days.
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how would they fare in Hyrule?
It's got the same puzzles as the previous zeldas. Tomb raider has better puzzle platforming. Oot has better action platforming with lite puzzle elements.
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>I'm not a nostalgiafag either. I first placed this game back in 2019 after having played multiple modern games.
what exactly is the point of lying?

The game is that good. Why is this surprising? What games is he supposed to have played that destroy it?
If you listened to the making of podcast miyamoto said that the characteristics of each villager has at least one stooge inside of them
Where and how did link store all his possessions on his self?
Did he have a sleeping bag or something to keep warm?
I need to know.
Where did Link shower? And also where did he wash his clothes? He never eats anything either
>Where did Link shower? And also where did he wash his clothes?
In the river, but what he wear while it was drying.
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how did he brush his teeth?
Did he carry toilet paper?
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>environmental puzzles
They're very repetitive since half the game is about lighting a stick on fire, and the only two good dungeons in the game are the Shadow and Spirit Temples. Majora is much improved in this respect.
There's some standout tracks but most of them are very short loops. The dungeon music is forgettable and most of the Ocarina pieces are just arpeggios with slightly different octaves. Better than Majora's soundtrack though.
The combat mechanics of this game are really deep; it's a shame that literally none of the encounters make use of them. Combat is either about circle strafing around enemies until they reveal their weakness, or waiting for a boss to be susceptible to a rube goldberg gimmick. Majora is much improved in this respect as it respects that you probably want to use your sword in a sword duel.
Ganon is a bad dude and you gotta stop him lel. I don't even think Majora's story is what video essayists crack it up to be but it's obviously superior to Ocarina's story by being SOMETHING.

If Ocarina came out on the PS1 then it would've been considered a 7/10 game at best and forgotten, maybe dug up years later as one of those hidden gem sorta games. Majora is so much better than Ocarina it's not even funny, it's time for the Ocarina meme to die already.
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>They're very repetitive since half the game is about lighting a stick on fire
only 3 dungeons have this and second time you do it the game already puts a spin on it and involves many different mechanics (platforming, climbing, swimming, accessing water depth, water extinguishing fire, utilizing items you find in the world, wood burning away, real life cause and effect) in only 20 seconds and with an intuitiveness that wasn't there in other games

2/10 for making me ask my speedrun autist friend, not reading the rest
i love oot
Majora Mask was better in dungeons and open world Termina felt like a real world unlike Ocarina Hyrule
>only 3 dungeons have this
Literally every dungeon has this lol
Wind Waker did towns better than MM.
It's good tier.
they would inexplicably survive and somehow accidently kill ganondorf during one of their fuck ups
Good post. The music is one of the best things about this great game.
Having to light torches one time in the water temple with dins fire isn't enough to call half the puzzles "lighting a stick on fire"
Been chasing that high since '98.
But then the castle's knight captain would recognize them as the vagrants who tried to woo his wife at the start of the short and chase them off into the horizon as the theme music plays to end the short.
>you can say I'm being reductionist
You are. Any game can be made to look bad by endlessly deconstructing it.
>Doom is just clicking on monsters
>Mario is just moving from left to right
>Final Fantasy is just selecting menu options
Every dungeon.
OoT Link is the only Link we see go from a kid to a kid in a man's body and has to man up to save the world.
No other Link, we get to see such a timeskip difference. We never see the boy become a man. Every modern link is just immediate insertion into a gay twink man.
This really gives OoT Link a heroic, and wholesome sort of edge.
WHAT! And the other hand tries to break it free, holy shit, can't believe I'm just learning this. Any other obscure tricks like this?
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it is sort of crazy how because of this game nobody can ever use this concept again for really any media
I don't believe that.
Fable 1 and 2 (atleast) did the timeskip concept, but by truly aging up the protagonist (ie. no time travel)
>dat face in top right
Deus Ex mogs this, and they came out around the same time. I'm surprised people still praise OoT despite so many better games coming out for decades.
>have you tried playing any other Zelda game
the fact it has to be Zelda game you're wondering, it rubs me the wrong way.
>Deus Ex mogs this
not even a slightly comparable game. meds
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learn to compare different things
Windows XP came out around the same time and mogs them both. Checkmate Deusfags
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>To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time.
rhere isn't one. trust me I looked. closest to replicate what ocarina did was botw but it doesn't have real dungeons, somehow it doesn't have half as many enemies (doesn't even have spiders SOMEHOW) and most of the good things are just things oot established, like tone, geography and races
why are loz threads always filled with more autistic haters than fans, is there any other game that attracts this many committed trolls?
>so pressed you have to compare it to fuckign deus ex
What was a good environmental puzzle in it?
I honestly can't think of a single one that was any clever or enjoyable.

Do some people just have super low standards for puzzles?
I've seen people praise the dumb puzzles in Resident Evil too.
This interaction is weird. Usually 2 enemies won't attack at the same time. I think the second Wolfos only attacks because you targeted it, but the first Wolfos' continued attack is probably due to a combination of you untargeting the other Wolfos so it doesn't back off and then also being close enough to it still for it to automatically attack. If you continue to target just one of the Wolfos, the other should eventually back off. Although maybe Wolfos just work differently, I don't remember. I don't think there's many instances in the game, if any, where you are attacked by 2 Wolfos at once other than this specific area.
WHy is it that Dark Link, despite having programmed and animated counters for most of Link's swordplay and even some of his other items, get absolutely obliterated by the hammer?
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>rhere isn't one. trust me I looked.
>tfw give Fable 1 a try because it always looked like Xbox's Zelda
>uno farto: the game
OOT is okay. It's a tell-me-a-story game. Despite ocarina being in the title the ocarina was a very tertiary tool. With the small cutscene after playing any song it interrupts the flow alot.
Adult dungeons sucked compared to kid dungeons. Except for the well and kid spirit temple. Forest was just a slow key hunt>poe hunt>annoying basement room puzzle. Fire had better design but the goron dialogue broke the pace. Water wasn't hard as the whole thing works from bottom to top in one go. It just punishes players with ocarina cutscenes and menu screen if they don't know. Spirit is lackluster. The shield is has virtually no use outside the dungeon and the gauntlets are replaced immediately. Shadow honestly just needed more eye of truth and hover boots gimmicks.
Then there's the useless gerudo training ground for the useless ice arrow...
the game has been discussed to death. The only thing left that gets people riled up is the contrarian takes that go against the grain to claim that the game is actually bad
As someone who was alive back when it was released, I don't get the hype. I been gaming for almost 30 years, been told it's the best game ever. It and other Zelda games bore me to death And I give them chance after chance. I played this on N64, Emulator, 3DS and I can never get into it. I'm convinced I'm being gaslit.
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As someone who was actually alive back then and isn't an overweight Playstation fanboy who samefags all day, it obviously mogged everything else and people struggle even naming games that were similar and offered half of the same things, which is why it became the GOAT and why it's loved to this day
people who don't understand the hype for oot are underage or honorary underage, their underdeveloped brains can't understand the impressive jump from this
to this >>11219990
goddamn that fucker was creepy for kids back when
>Dark Link
Listen. You're supposed to call him afro american link now
exactly, i dont think child consciousness time traveling to adult body can be repeated without seeming cliche to the point of plagiarism.
Because OoT is a game where you're supposed to figure out the correct item to use to solve the challenge.
Now that the dust has settled, do you still consider it's better than BotW?
Wow, the mangaka really copied the earlier Toriyama artstyle so closely.
We don't talk about non-canon Zelda games.
Especially when they're off topic.
But LA is not canon and you talk about it all the time.
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>casually dies on your quest toward the Biggoron Sword
nintendo has weird moral lessons about do-nothings

I watched a video recently that pointed out that 2 of 3 dungeons as kid link make you go inside someone.


i mean, that looks like a jrpg which isn't real time combat, but yeah oot is better
based take


>higher level jhanas

holy shit there's people who know about cool stuff here eh?

honestly, if you find a good shaman and have a plant medicine (psychedelic) experience with them it'll be at least as good as this, imo.
I guess I am well practiced but I can experience cool stuff every few weeks with practice and meditation. I mean, some on demand even but I'm talking about experiences with a good amount of depth beyond normal.

good on ya for having depth of experience.

I never played master quest, I'm interested in better fights.


yeah there's nothing wrong with finding depth beyond the picture we are given. imagining the world as larger or empathizing with the characters
sad cringe. true.

there are indie studios and stuff though. but the AAA ones are largely what you said now.

So, I think there's a chance of stuff but it won't come out of the AAA soon unless it's nintendo, but even that's only a possibly

I knew about the freezing bongo bongo hand but I never knew that shi

man, I wonder what other stuff I know and forgot that's secret, and what else I don't know now.

I played it when I was 12 after I played a link to the past and ffvii. It was one of my favorite gaming memories, though I still prefer ffvii over oot. Not by much
based take? cool that you have different tastes I guess. too bad you can't enjoy this one. what games do you like as much as people like this one? metal gear solid was, as the next post says, quite good. I also liked ff7 a lot around this time.

oh I didn't even know that art referenced a game in particular.
Tell me something you like and I'll tell you why it's for children and you're a baby for liking it.
Dude the 1998 Honda Civic was a better car than Ocarina of Time. I don't know why people keep bringing it up.
The first playthrough of BotW was just unreal. Coming out of that cave and standing over the cliff for the first time was one of the most visceral reactions I ever had to any media, I'm not sure why. But 8 years later, I still love it to death, but it doesn't have the staying power that OoT does for me.
I can't imagine what a pretentious faggot like you considers fun. I couldn't care less, either. Worthless opinion.
>Ganon is a bad dude and you gotta stop him lel. I don't even think Majora's story is what video essayists crack it up to be but it's obviously superior to Ocarina's story by being SOMETHING.
>he can't appreciate the classic hero tale
There's a difference between a classic hero tale and acknowledging a trope. OoT has a story the same way references in the Big Bang Theory are jokes
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How does the timeskip work for Link?
Is he a fully functional adult, physically adult (including brain development) but with zero experience or a literal child in an adult's body after the 7 year sleep?
How does going back in time affect the changes (if there were any)?
>Ganon is a bad dude and you gotta stop him lel
I don't know why so many people insist on overwritten, sappy nonsense nowadays instead of simple, soulful stories. Neither Link nor Zelda nor Ganon or anyone in this game goes through a "character arc" or any of that gay bullshit and yet the story is better than most games.
>establishes an interesting mythos
>good moments coupled with fantastic music
>has a layer of maturity
That's all you need to get SOUL in a game and OOT / MM did this to perfection. Today, any story is considered bad if it isn't a movie game. I swear if OOT came out today the story would be 3 times as long and Ganon would be framed as a "misunderstood villain" or something
Majora's Mask has a simple story and it's better than Ocarina's. None of this rests on believing that character arcs are a prerequisite for good writing
MM has far better intersecting mini-arcs that tie into the game's major events, but OoT's overall arc of events, of developing and understanding of the world and its inhabitants exploring it as a child, seeing it change completely as an adult, gaining the power to revisit your childhood, understanding the guilt Zelda took on and then having you leave this saved but broken world as it is, that was all executed marvelously and the total effect of everything contributing to that is much greater.

Despite being about "the end of the world" MM still absolutely feels like a side story spun off something more major, even if it's good at being that.
>Ganon is le bad and we have to stop him by collecting 5 whatchamacallits from around the map
>Skull Kid is le bad and we have to stop him by collecting 4 whatchamacallits from around the map
Pretty similar chops, ain't it? My point is that if MM's story is superior (which I agree) it's because it has better depth, not better narrative. Depth is what these games did well, but at the same time they didn't take themselves too seriously and forget they are simple video games.
No it wasn't, Zelda feels guilty for one cutscene and then the game ends, without even asking Link if he even wants to be a child again before sending him back in time (bet she felt guilty about that too LOL. That Owl fellow seems to think Link is certifiably an adult). The most profound part of the game is Navi leaving you but otherwise the writing made me feel three things:
>Nothing (85% of the runtime)
>Contempt (10% of the runtime)
>I want to impregnate Malon (5% of the runtime)
>Depth is what these games did well
These? Plural? Ocarina has nothing
should I play master quest?
Not for your first time. Otherwise play it if it interests you, but don't feel compelled to finish it if it stops interesting you.
Honestly, no, period. It's a shitty subpar hack equivalent that feels like some teen opened up a level editor and messed around with the spawn points of things in the dungeons in vaguely trollish but still easy to deal with ways, but didn't or couldn't change anything else. There should be meaningfully better fanmade options for OoT+ at this point if you want *more*.
>I never played master quest, I'm interested in better fights.
If that's what you're interested in, there are hacks that overhaul the combat and significantly alter the game to make it harder.

Here's one of he bigger mods that changes up the gameplay and adds new stuff, called S-Edition.

It's a modified version of SoH, so the instructions to set it up are here:

>holy shit there's people who know about cool stuff here eh?
I haven't actually experienced them myself, but I've noticed that many people describe the lower jhanas in similar way to how people often describe what playing OoT at the level of peak immersion into it is like. Specifically I've heard descriptions like "opening Christmas presents for days on end", "like flying", "kaleidoscope of feelings combining" or simply "magic", as means of describing what it's like, and I understand why it's so difficult to really put into words.

The mod also does add an Oracle style ring system to the game, so there are additional bonuses to discover like that.
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Why were the Well and Shadow Temple so fucking scary compared to everything else in the game. It's almost like Link accidentally walked into Quake.
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If you don't run, ReDeads and Gibdos won't attack you
Iron Boots also limit your speed just enough so they don't attack but you don't need them. Works both as kid and adult
the fuck am i even looking at? two missing bottles? what the fuck are those diamond things above the mask of truth? These graphics look like such shit compared to majoras
Those are three spells. One's a fire nuke, one let's you place a teleport point and warp back to it, and the third one is invulnerability on demand. Also that's a deviantart submission of some kind.
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Playing it basically for the first time because I suppose you have to. Just tackled the first dungeon and can now explore the world. The only frustration I encountered so far is with the targeting system ironically— I had to adapt to waiting for the fairy to focus on the enemy. Overall I can see why this game is so cherished and had such a lasting impact. In a few days I can partake in these autistic convos.

On another note, is 'newpixie' a good shader for N64 games? Idk how authentic the moving scanlines are but I dig the overall look for lowpoly 3D graphics.
The game is a snoozefest until Jabu Jabu (the third dungeon) so if you like it now you'll definitely enjoy the rest of the game
>I watched a video recently that pointed out that 2 of 3 dungeons as kid link make you go inside someone.
Actually 3 out of 3, courage and shit
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>new locations, tribes, villages, npcs, dungeons, mechanics, music every hour
if you mean dungeons yes but imo first half is always the best in zelda games. zelda tp crumbles towards the end
> imo first half is always the best in zelda games
Don't know about the first half and ALL Zelda games but no, fuck no, in 3D Zeldas at least the beginning/ the first ~1/3 is always the most boring part. I think I've never even seen anyone say otherwise before you
>zelda tp crumbles towards the end
With those wolf segments, I have to disagree. The beginning tutorial also sucks, but I think the entire game has great dungeons though
How much content is there in The Missing Link and Ultimate Trial compared to the base game?
OoT is the only 3D Zelda where this kind of statement doesn't apply, and it's part of why it's so damn good. You get access to basically everything right off the bat and have tons to do and see right after the first dungeon. The tutorial bit is brief and fun too.

I wouldn't even fully say Adult Link's portion is the better half of the game even if it's awesome and a huge contrast to the Young section.
link is a hollow character so it's whatever the player comes up with
OoT is absolutely where it does apply. Tons of unskippable cutscenes, slow printing text (easy to accidentally restart the conversation all over again if you're mashing A), the owl is a fucking cunt, running along Hyrule Field sucks, doing your gardening in the Kokiri Forest sucks, having to run back to Kokiri Forest instead of Saria just teaching you her song the first time sucks, all the climbing and block pushing sucks, and the child dungeons aren't too interesting
It does apply to OoT as well it's just that the next Zelda games were far worse in that regard
Brown people can't appreciate things like that
Why are you so obsessed with brown people? Is it an American thing?
OoT and SMB3 are basically the two games where the only criticisms levied against them is complaining they didn't do shit that literally no other game did at the time, that only came after their release.
Best Girl.
>combat, puzzles and 3D movement that weren't shit only happened after OoT
On top of that, OoT is literally the game that started the trend of padding out simple animations and treating the player like an idiot.
My big gripe is that you can repeat sword swings really fast which looks and sounds silly. It's fine for Zelda 1 but looks, feels, and sounds silly in ALttP and both 64 titles. I'd have much preferred sword swings be a bit slower and have a little more consequence for swinging at the wrong time. This element is kinda there already but (if my memory is correct) is in the form of enemies being a hazard e.g. electrified bodies, enemies having invulnerability frames, and instant counterattack punishments. They punish you for attacking at the wrong time and for not being at the right range, but they don't punish you for *missing* because they simply can't — your attacks come out too fast and have very little whiff, and that's the key problem for me.
I always heard that TP was better in the last half because it was a slog in the first half. So it's just crumpled the whole way through?
>padding out simple animations
Man you people just shit on anything related to OoT at this point, don't you? What else did it contribute to 'ruining gaming'? Horse riding?
The way you describe your issues, down to outright admitting you were mashing through dialogue, sounds more like a problem with your ADHD than the game.

>Kokiri Forest "gardening"
The tutorial is set up to reward you with blue rupees for exploring the area because that's the point, you have enough for the shield instantly. You're not meant to try to "get it over with" by spamming grass respawns for green ones.

>having to run back to Kokiri Forest instead of Saria just teaching you her song the first time sucks
You go to a new area to get it and things have opened up more, though? It's not as though they have you run back just to talk to Saria in the same spot as before.

Your complaints make far more sense if you're viewing the act of playing the game itself as a chore on a checklist that you're trying to be over with. You're not going to enjoy most any game outside of the most basic of platformers if you view anything other than snapping between point A and point B with no flavor, dialogue, or anything as a waste of time.
>Your complaints make far more sense if you're viewing the act of playing the game itself as a chore on a checklist
No, my complaints make sense because the things you do in the first half aren't fun. Majora is a lovely game and it's definitely not "the most basic of platformers" just for being superior to Ocarina
>Man you people just shit on anything related to OoT at this point, don't you?
No, it's a really annoying thing.
>What else did it contribute to 'ruining gaming'? Horse riding?
It didn't invent horse riding. It did invent cinematic automated platforming for retards, though.
>ugh why do i have to play the game?!
Is waiting for the owl to shut the fuck up playing the game? There's none of this in Majora.
Instead, Majora's Mask has you wait for time to pass so you can do things like with Kafei's quest being a big example of this where you have to just sit around multiple times.
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This fucking got me I had no god damn idea you could do this
Fable is an embarrassing series
He is a child with adult sized body and penis. truly dangerous
Story is really poor, clearly below the average jrpg. Music and art are kinda mediocre, as usual with Nintendo. Puzzles are clearly inferior to the ones seen in games like Alundra or Myst. Once again, mediocre would be the best way of defining them. Combat is... yeah, very mediocre.
As a matter of facts, all the Zelda games are like this. They do lots of things but they don't excel at anything.
>all the Zelda games are like this
Ocarina is uniquely mediocre. The rest are good
>try the ultimate trial
total keese genocide
>Music and art are kinda mediocre
nigger what?
It really is
>Music and art are kinda mediocre, as usual with Nintendo
I could agree with the rest but this is a fag take
>I'd have much preferred sword swings be a bit slower and have a little more consequence for swinging at the wrong time.
Dark Souls brain rot.
Some people treat every game as if it was pac-man.
>puzzles for the sake of down time
The puzzles are the meat of the game you fucking moron
powerful puzzles
>story is really poor
The story is one of the best-told fairytales that exists in any medium, unironically. Having a simple plot doesn't make a poor story.
>You get access to basically everything right off the bat
I love OoT but this is a lie. The Child section is more or less completely linear. The only way to do the Zora section before the Goron section is if you keep playing the fishing minigame until you get the Gold Scale, which is a total slog and doesn't quite feel intentional.
>you get the Gold Scale
What're you talking about? No room in Water Temple needed Megaton Hammer, did it? You can go to Ice Cavern as early as becoming an adult for the Iron Boots.
I think he means how you can only access Zora's Domain before touching Death Mountain by getting the gold scale through a fishing glitch where the pond owner gives you the gold scale early
you can't access zora's domain before entering dodongo's cavern (without glitches, at least), but you can technically get the bombs from dodongo's, leave and go beat Jabu first and return to beat dodongo's later. the text displayed after getting the zora's sapphire even changes to account for this.
WW was trash and the Dungeons were easy
It seems the boulders blocking the pathway to Zora's domain were added very late into development and that's why technically as soon as you visit Zelda, you could do either first and the game text accounts for it.
This. I'm pretty sure you don't need bombs for anything in Jabu or leading up to it.
You absolutely don't. For fun I used the Navi Dive glitch during my replay of OoT to do Jabu first and there's nothing there that's Bomb or Goron Bracelet-dependant.
It was probably added in the last year or half year of development. We know thanks to the Overdump there were no gauntlets originally, just Silver and Golden Power Bracelts for Adult Link while the Goron Bracelet for Child Link didn't exist. Honestly, they didn't had to add those rocks, but maybe they thought they needed to make the child bit more linear like the Pendant part of A Link to the Past.
IIRC they wanted to use this exact concept in Wind Waker which is the reason for the undewater Hyrule but they had to remove it since they didn't have the technology apparently to make it. They used the concept instead for TP
TP? the game where you play in either hyrule or shitrule where everything has a shit filter, shit music, and you play as a shitwolf? it took until the late gamecube era to realize this concept?
I still cannot believe nobody realizes you can shoot Ganondorf with a light arrow when he charges up like this. I always knew this when I tried to interrupt this attack when I was a kid by forcing him to block with the cape but instead he gets his ass hit.
Yes, the plan was for a sequel to Wind Waker with horseback combat and presumably larger islands WW 2 was listed as being in development through 2004 but at some point Aonuma wanted to change it to Twilight Princess instead, so he made it using the scraps from Wind Waker's sequel and the cut content from Wind Waker and they added a Wolf Link gimmick. However Aonuma hated the SpaceWorld demo and didn't think a proper Ocarina of Time sequel or OOT II was the right vision for the series. So that's why we got Wind Waker in the first place
>they didn't have the technology apparently to make it.
They did, they didn't have the time to incorporate it. Following Hyrule Castle we'd have 2 time skips, each after 2 dungeons, but they didn't had the time to incorporate said dungeons, let alone model and program 2 additional Links.
Should have delayed Wind Waker until the Wii's launch then and had the B team make Twilight Princess for the GameCube instead
That time they had a limited-time policy about games having to be ready at a set date, the way Wind Waker came out was internally blamed as the reason for it's backlash (as NoJ was in full denial about the artstyle being the issue) and thus Miyamoto pushed to no more strict deadlines and go back instead to "when it's ready" just like with Ocarina of Time".
Don't you get a tip from Navi or something that you can hookshot to the corners to dodge the blast? I think that's probably why. If there was no tip, then people would have just experimented with things until they landed on light arrow to the face. Regardless, longshotting all the way across that cathedral-style spire is pretty badass and helps bring out Link's inner ninja origins as a guardian of the royal family and Hyrule at large.
Really unfortunate we didn't get that. WW2 with bigger islands would've been awesome. I strongly prefer WW over TP. I am still filtered by TP. Just can't get into it, but WW is a blast to play. I blame the meme-mote controls and camera mostly.
They were still pretty fun.
>Open World
>literally everything except the Swamp is gated and locked behind item.progress.
Have you been in the wilderness? Oftentimes you wonder there is another living thing besides the birds and the bugs.
There is a lot less wilderness than ocarina of time. The atmosphere feels weird and rushed though. I didn't like it at first. Ocarina is bigger, feels grander in scope. But feels emptier
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The story is shit.

The "Story": Three bitches made the world and made 3 special triangles. Link has one, Ganon has one and Zelda has one. Why? There is no why, they are born with it I guess deal with it. Deus ex machina. Ganon is evil. Why? There is no why, he's real scary looking though. Now go collect the 3 rocks to collect the magic sword. Sorry you weren't tall enough so we had to put you in stasis and let Ganon fuck the world up. Time travel (but really we just needed a pull the sword from the stone clip for marketing.) Now go collect the seven coins and kill the bad guy who is a giant pig now for some reason. Thanks for saving the world Link, now fuckoff lol.

The ending dropped the ball so hard that it drove the entire fanbase insane and they've been apologist headcannoning split timelines since then. N*ntendo went so far as to fuck up the story of all the other games by connecting them to these retarded theories in official media. The time travel doesn't make any sese and is only there so they can go wow small link big link do u member dat. OoT has a lot of good parts, the story has never been one of them.
It wasn’t even in the game until the 3DS version. I never touched it, but I do think fishing with a global time limit is very dissonant.
I knew someone was going to bring that up :P
No, I hadn't played Dark Souls at the time and I still thought that. Plus I don't want it to be as drastic as Dark Souls. I'm not fond of Wind Waker & Twilight Princess' combat since the movement is nerfed but I think they have the sword swings paced better.
>Link has one, Ganon has one and Zelda has one. Why? There is no why, they are born with it I guess deal with it
Already wrong on a fundamental level, not bothering to read the rest
Agreed, bad design.
Anyone has a Missing Link soundtrack rip?
>but I do think fishing with a global time limit is very dissonant
it's romantic
The problem I find with a lot of game is that they try to just keep adding more and more content. They don't feel like a tightly designed package. OoT feels like the perfect size and quality for a game of this kind to be. If it was made today, they're be like seven extra dungeons and a bunch more awful side quests to do. They'd be optional, but you'd always feel like you were not done the game if you didn't do it. Then there'd be fucking trophies to do too.
I miss this inventory screen
something about it being a cube
start menus being presented in this way (like the pause watch from goldeneye or entering a tag barrel and seeing the kongs want to be picked) was so magical as a kid
You can alter the logic as you see fit. There are checks in place to make sure it's beatable, but some turbo autists like to turn it off so they can use glitches and shit to get around otherwise impassible roadblocks, like keys being locked behind their own doors.
Everyone knows that trick, it was even in strategy guides, but using a spin attack or dodging with the Longshot feels cooler.

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