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Slayers games looked like THAT?
like generic weaboo slop? yeah
>lil zoomzoom instantly seething
what a sad miserable life for you
It's pretty fan-servicey for a Slayers game, between the bathing scenes and a monster girl with naked tits.
>It's pretty fan-servicey for a Slayers game
The PC-98 game is based on the novels and pre-dates the anime so I'd expect so.
The original novels are worth a read especially now that uncensored english releases are available. Not exactly child friendly material, especially in comparison to the old censored english releases.
Oh, I see. I'm only familiar with the anime and games.
I just though it was par for the course for a PC-98 release to have some titillation, so I'll give the novels a try.
I've never heard of Slayers. What is this about? Anons above make me think its not just h-games.
>games looked like THAT?
play Rance and more eroges
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> What is this about?
The fantasy, and usually humorous, adventures of the gifted sorceress Lina Inverse (the redhead in OP's pic) and her friends.

Where I'm from, the anime and OVA were popular in the early 2000s.
DnD parody according to nippons.
Not just nippons.
Everyone will recognize D&D shit when watching Slayers.
Like how Lina is obsessed with murdering and looting bandits - that's the average D&D player.
The PC98 game has been translated to English recently btw
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How do into Slayers?
>old censored english releases
Pic related.
>what a sad miserable life for you

he's absolutely right, faggot
FACT: Nobody under the age of 40 cares about the Slayers franchise. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that only people who were into anime and Japanese games before the year 2000 are extensively familiar with it. GO TO BED, GRANDAD!!!
I'm only 37 and I like Slayers.
I was originally going to say 35, but I thought that was slightly lowballing it.
Zoomers might have heard of Slayers in passing since one of the characters in original Defence of the Ancients was called Lina Inverse.
I'm hear to tell people about Zumagustar
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A notable scene comes halfway through the first novel, which has since been adapted many times
Lina is captured and the bad guys wanna do bad things to her. In the censored books and the anime adaptation they order this disgusting looking fish guy to kiss her.
In the uncensored novel however they discuss raping her, but everyone ends up having some excuse for why they can't, until they get to the fish guy. So fish guy is ordered to rape her. Go read it for yourself. It's a lot funnier and less disgusting than you'd think.
Dota is a turbonormalfag game, its fans don't even know that Aghanim is a Zelda reference
Of course nobody wants to rape a flat chested sorry excuse for a """"woman""' like Lina!
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It’s about a psychotic redhead with body image issues that goes on wacky adventures with her human golden retriever.
Wasn’t there something about them rebooting Slayers for a modern audience? That seems like it would be a thing in today’s nu-Ranma/UY/Wolf’s Rain/Trigun/etc. etc. world.
Maybe modern DOTA, but I wouldn't say the original WC3 custom map was.
You already have absolutely terrible modern Slayers with Slayers Revolution from 2008.
Lightnovels aren't as censored as anime, there are other lightnovels making massive whores just for laugh with the joke "is not sex or cheating because he was using a condom" sadly when official translations come out people take them at face value because of translation not knowing how heavily censored they are.
>Some of the light novels have audiobooks narrated by Lisa Ortiz, the original english voice actor

That's pretty neat
Don't (You) me with english voice actors, I have some of the first episodes of Slayers on VHS and I love it
>looked like THAT?
kys zoomer
I think Slayers was some of the first English-dubbed anime with actual competent voice acting and editing.
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based Doom guy
You dumbass, that’s from Rick Lickem.
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36 here. Though I got into it back in grade school in the 90s because my big brother was into anime at the time and rented it. He's 40 now, so you're not too far off. I hope younger people will get curious and check it out though, because Slayers is awesome.
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Amelia was voiced by Veronica Taylor, who later voiced Ash Ketchum. That was her first anime role besides Legend of Lemnear. Which is a better example of a fantasy anime that people won't care about unless they were anime fans in the 90s.

Notable for /vr/ though, because Satoshi Urushihara was the character designer. Satoshi Urushihara later did art for Langrisser, Cybernator, and Growlanser.
>namefagging on /vr/ so you can post reddit opinions with frog images attached

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